
Lunch with Shane Howard

Thirty-five years since Goanna burst onto the Australian music scene, Shane Howard still has the drive to tell people's stories and stand up for what he believes.

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Sitting down to lunch with Shane Howard at Melbourne's typically buzzing Movida is less about eating, more about exploring the various paths he's taken as a singer, songwriter, father and founding member of Goanna.

"I'm not a big lunch person," he says, before spotting anguila, or smoked eel with celeriac remoulade and dried jamon on the menu. "No 1 tucker in south-west Victoria," he adds. So it's anguila for starters along with the pescado ahumado, or smoked kingfish with pinenut gazpacho sorbet for him; and tostada, a pressed pork sandwich with tomato jam and quail's egg for myself.

South-western Victoria is a place the 62-year-old is passionate about and where he lives, between Port Fairy and Warrnambool, not far from where he grew up in Dennington. One of seven children, he was raised in an Irish Catholic household, but says he's long considered himself more "small c" catholic. "At a very early age I looked up the word catholic, small 'c' means universal ... so I went from being a large 'c' Catholic to a small 'c' catholic."

"There is an ethos (in Catholicism) that pervades my thinking and I can't escape it," he says, adding that "being mindful of others, widening the circle and making room for others" were important elements of his upbringing. "Everyone's got a story and my parents gave me a door into other people's lives and other worlds," he says.

Opening doors, widening the circle and tolerance of others are themes Howard returns to as he recalls various periods of his life. From being a teenager in country Victoria, to hitchhiking up the east coast of Australia with nothing more than a guitar, a change of clothes and Rimbaud's poems for company; he's sought the life of an artist, a bohemian and storyteller.

It's a life he's lived and despite the appearance of a man who's worked the land – broad, weathered hands and a cattleman's hat perched on his head – Howard still has the creative drive and passion to write, perform and stand up for what he believes.


It's been 35 years since Goanna burst onto the Australian music scene, first with the chart-topping song Solid Rock and breakthrough album Spirit of Place, followed soon after with Let the Franklin Flow, the latter song protesting the proposed damming of Tasmania's Gordon and Franklin rivers.

The enormous success of Solid Rock, an unlikely hit song according to Howard's record label at the time, also catapulted Spirit of Place up the charts and Goanna, which formed in the late '70s in Geelong, soon went from its folk roots to one of the most in-demand acts in the predominantly beer barn, rock 'n' roll culture that largely characterised Australia's live music scene.

"Solid Rock is an anomaly but it got through," Howard says with a grin. "It really was an unlikely hit, the label didn't want to release it as the first single because they thought it was too political. I remember talking to people at the time about the injustice I saw towards Aboriginal Australia and people would glaze over.

"The first time I heard Solid Rock on the radio I was driving to the Grampians; it was phasing in and out and it was an exhilarating and terrifying moment because it was out there in the world. Then it was added to stations across the country and was going through the roof. Suddenly everything you've dreamed of and worked towards is happening, so you grab the ball and run with it."

In late 1982 Goanna's Spirit of Place was tussling with Midnight Oils' 10, 9,8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 album in the upper reaches of the charts (Goanna peaking at #2, the Oils at #3). The enormous popularity of the Oils' album meant it stayed in the charts for years, but Goanna's rising appeal meant the group was occupying the same giddy heights in the charts as one of Australia's most popular bands, along with the likes of Dire Straits.

When it came time to make their second album, Oceania, Howard and Goanna were in talks with Dire Straits guitarist and singer Mark Knopfler as a likely producer, having met him in Melbourne. "He was a lovely guy, one of the most down-to-earth people I've met in the music industry, very real and very modest," Howards says. Knopfler ended up working on another project, making him unavailable and Goanna made Oceania with Little Feat's keyboardist Billy Payne as producer. The album failed to resonate in the same way as Spirit of Place but Goanna's legacy was assured.

"A lot of life is accidental and I think your later years are about understanding your own story.

Howard, a father of five children, has continued writing and making music, touring and has plans to finish an autobiography ("the stuff of vanity") he began several years ago. The third Goanna album Spirit Returns was released in 1998, but more significantly he's stayed the course with a life he felt destined to live when he first set out from Dennington.

"I knew at about 18 or 19 when I hitchhiked to Cairns that it's pretty much about telling other people's stories. Solid Rock was a very powerful song, it was a big hit and it changed my life, and yet not. There's hundreds of songs, thousands of songs, thousands of people and thousands of moments.

"When you've covered so many feelings and emotions in song you've really got to reach a long way to find something new. When you're young it's all open slather but down the track you've got to find something new, so that becomes a challenge too. What you want at 30 isn't what you want at 40 and what you want at 40 you don't want at 50, it's the trick of life, it keeps shifting the goal posts on you.

"A lot of life is accidental and I think your later years are about understanding your own story."

Howard was born on January 26, which later became recognised as Australia Day. I'm curious how he feels about last year being appointed a Member of the Order of Australia. Recognised for his services to the performing arts, he says he's "ambiguous about it" although it gave him "a moment in the media to say two things" and those two things were "treaty and republic".

"I would love to have been receiving that award knowing there was a treaty with our nation's first people and Australia was a republic with its own head of state," he says. "We're not there yet but I hope I see that in my lifetime.

"We do have to get consensus, whatever vehicle we need to unify ourselves as a nation and heal the damage of Aboriginal Australia."

More than three decades after Solid Rock brought him and Aboriginal dispossession to such widespread public attention, Shane Howard remains a staunch advocate for the people he calls the original "kings and queens" of this land. "We have to address these things, there's an historical reality and a contemporary reality," he says. 

As we finish our lunch with some flor (fried zucchini with scallop mousse) and anchoa (anchovy with smoked tomato sorbet), Howard talks fondly of Archie Roach, who is the same age and originally from the same part of western Victoria. "If Archie had not been taken away, we may well have grown up together in the same town as friends," he says. "This is the history we have to grow up and face up to, in a mature way."

When he's not at home, there's nowhere Howard feels more comfortable than sharing a stage and stories with fellow musicians and music fans. "I've been a young dad, a middle-aged dad and an older dad, so you have to make a living," he says.

"I don't know why, but I was made like this. I'm trying to live a virtuous life ... it all calls for certain responses at certain times."

Shane Howard performs at the Riverboats Music Festival on February 17 to 19, Echuca-Moama. riverboatsmusic.com.au