February is Black History Month. Here are 12 recent books by black writers worth reading.
Listen to his 2001 conversation with Shelagh Rogers about Clara Callan.

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The acclaimed author of Monkey Beach on the complicated genesis of Son of a Trickster.

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reading list

Shakespeare Selfie Student Writing Challenge

10 Canadian Books to Cheer You Up

Book Shows on Radio One

The Next Chapter

with Shelagh Rogers

Shelagh Rogers talks to Hal Niedzviecki about serializing his latest novel and Sheila Watt-Cloutier about her book The Right to Be Cold, which is shortlisted for Canada Reads.

Listen to the latest episode

Writers & Company

with Eleanor Wachtel

Eleanor Wachtel speaks with Russian-American author Lara Vapnyar, whose novel Still Here explores how we live - and die - in the modern world.

Listen to the latest episode