Sunday 5 March we kick off our 50th anniversary celebrations with music, film, food, drinks and author conversations.

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Did you know this about La Trobe?Find out more

Considering taking the next step in your career? Here are seven compelling reasons why you should choose La Trobe.

Top Oz Day honours for law studentRead her story

Find out why this La Trobe law student is the Bendigo 2017 Young Citizen of the Year.

La Trobe trials shark-inspired drugDiscover more

Scientists are preparing to run a clinical trial of a new drug inspired by shark antibodies.

Cutting edge data in elite sportRegister now

Join us this Thursday to celebrate the launch of our new Master of Sports Analytics.

Autism: Advances in early detectionBook now

Can early diagnosis promote better outcomes, and what role can parents and people working with children play?

The idea of a 'fair go'Learn more

La Trobe's Dr Nicholas Barry explores the idea of a 'fair go' – and how it can vary.

Time to review our US relationshipRead more

The political cliché 'change the government, change the country' may have bigger implications than anticipated.

US Australia relationship