
One Nation MP Steve Dickson says politicians should go after policy rather than people

One Nation MP Steve Dickson has called for a dash of civility to enter Queensland's Parliament when the house resumes sitting on Valentine's Day.

The member for Buderim admitted he had "yelled a few things across the floor" since entering state politics in 2009, but said fighting and squabbling was not called for.

"It's not about individual people, you go after the policy, you go after those things that aren't correct, you talk about those issues," Mr Dickson said.

"I'm sure we'll see the best of all politicians next Tuesday, it'll be interesting to see what Queensland Parliament is like.

"I think we need a shake-up, politicians need to look at themselves."

Mr Dickson pointed out Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's lashing of Bill Shorten in Parliament earlier this week, when he called his opponent a "sycophant of billionaires" and "parasite".


"I saw that and I was disgusted," Mr Dickson said.

"I'm not a supporter of Bill Shorten by any means."

Mr Dickson questioned whether it was sending the message that bullying was OK. 

Mr Dickson said he had "copped a fair bit of a hit from people within the LNP, and I understand that", following his defection in January.

"But I was born a conservative, I probably always will be a conservative," he said.

The Member for Buderim said the winds of change were sweeping across international politics.

"All politicians should grow big ears and listen to what people are saying," he said.

Mr Dickson said the issues important to him were medicinal cannabis, a hybrid of the Bradfield Scheme, law and order and the Bruce Highway.

But he declined to reveal which private member's bills he planned to introduce.

The Sunshine Coast MP said he supported vaccination because of the need to protect the "herd".

In 2015, he spoke passionately about the issue in Parliament, saying "Dr Google has a lot to answer for".

"Immunisation is a social responsibility because it is something that affects everyone in our communities, especially the vulnerable: those who cannot be vaccinated because they are too young or too sick," he said in Parliament.

"As a community, we must have zero tolerance for misinformation about vaccination. Scientific consensus, backed by extensive research, shows that vaccines are safe and effective."

In 2016, One Nation Senator Pauline Hanson was quoted in the media as saying more research needed to be done about the link between vaccination and autism and cancer.

When brought to his attention, Mr Dickson said he could not comment on it.

"I'd have to read it myself and I'd have to ask Pauline personally, I know that there's been many things said that get misquoted. I'd have to hear what she said," he said.

One Nation plans to make an announcement on Friday outside Queensland Parliament related to sitting MPs and there has been speculation of a Katter's Australian Party and One Nation deal.