Federal Politics

'It was a very pro-gay speech': Ross Cameron defends calling Liberal Party 'a gay club', blasts Herald

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Former Liberal MP Ross Cameron has resisted making an apology for derogatory remarks about gay people he made at a conservative fundraiser, as colleagues and the NSW Liberal Party distance themselves from him.

The Liberal Party member and Sky News presenter told the Sydney gathering the NSW division of the Liberal Party was "basically a gay club" and labelled Fairfax Media's Sydney Morning Herald "The Sydney Morning Homosexual".

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Ross Cameron defends gay comments

Former Liberal MP Ross Cameron has appeared on SKY NEWS to defend the comments he made about homosexuality and The Sydney Morning Herald at the Q Society fundraising dinner in Sydney. Vision: SKY NEWS.

He appeared at the Q Society fundraiser on Thursday night alongside cartoonist Larry Pickering, who told the crowd: "I can't stand Muslims [but] they are not all bad, they do chuck pillow-biters off buildings."

The comments, exclusively reported by Fairfax Media on Friday, sparked outrage on social media and the broader commentariat, with calls for Cameron to be fired from Sky News and suspended from the Liberal Party.

Appearing on his own network on Friday, Cameron distanced himself from Pickering but defended his own remarks, saying he had no problem with gay people as long as they built infrastructure.

A screenshot of Ross Cameron on Sky News

A screenshot of Ross Cameron on Sky News.


"I don't see a single sentence of my remarks which is critical of gays," he said. "I gave a very pro-gay speech in which I said gays have been associated with the creative class since the beginning of history."

In a speech peppered with references to homosexuality, Cameron spoke of the young Roman emperor Hadrian and his young male lover whom he said was probably "snorting coke" at the time of his death.

"I said I love the fact that Hadrian built the roads, that he built the wall, that he was an infrastructure guy," Cameron later explained on Sky News. "I said I don't mind if our modern leaders are gay, I just wish that they would build the infrastructure."

Sky News refused to comment on the conduct of its employee, instead referring the Herald to his appearance on the network. But Cameron's colleagues did not hold back, with Sky News political editor David Speers calling the Q Society event "appalling" and commentator Peter van Onselen saying he was "scared where this kind of hate is going".

In a statement, the NSW Liberal Party said it had no knowledge of the event or Cameron's appearance, and that he did not speak on behalf of the Liberal Party. But it is expected Cameron will be suspended from the party over a different matter, when the Liberal Party state council meets later this month.

The Q Society, an anti-Islam organisation that opposes Halal certification, was scheduled to hold another fundraiser in Melbourne on Friday night to be attended by outspoken Nationals MP George Christensen and Liberal party defector Cory Bernardi.

Fairfax Media has contacted Mr Christensen, National party leader Barnaby Joyce and the office of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull for comment.

The venue of the Sydney event, the North Ryde RSL, released a statement distancing itself from the Q Society and the remarks of Pickering, Cameron and others.

"North Ryde RSL was unaware of the nature of a recent private function that was held at our establishment," the RSL said on Facebook. "We would like it to be known that we are completely non-political and do not support this organisation in any way."

After initially defending his remarks, Cameron later told Sky News he would apologise to any gay people who were hurt by the reporting of his remarks at the dinner. But he again took aim at the Herald, which he accused of running a politically correct campaign against free speech.

"I don't regard [the remarks] as anti-gay, I regard it as anti-Sydney Morning Herald," he said. "I accept it was a gag. What I object to is the Sydney Morning Herald taking the view that vast sweep of Australians are homophobic racists, are rednecks.

"I'm totally liberal in relation to people's sexual orientation and preferences.

"A person's sexual preference is obviously a deeply intimate, important, personal question. I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to add one ounce of discomfort to any human for their sexual preferences.

"If the reporting of these comments has caused someone to feel a greater sense of isolation over their attraction then I very sincerely apologise."

Sky News host Janine Perrett replied: "That was the worst apology I have ever heard".

Cameron then conceded he had "quite possibly" made an error and offered an "absolutely sincere" apology to anyone offended.

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