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South Sudan now 'world's third largest refugee crisis'UNHCR appeals to government and rebels to find political solution to crisis as more than 1.5 million flee country.

            Middle East

Kremlin: Turkey provided location for deadly Syria raid        France

Paris police say rape of black man an 'accident'            Special series

The Boy who started the Syrian War       Murder

In Pakistan, a shrine to murder for 'blasphemy'   by Asad Hashim

           US & Canada

 The Big Picture : The People vs. America    by Al Jazeera staff


Romania, Bulgarians are jealous   by Maria Spirova


In Kenya, doctors' strike leaves a nation ailing by  Jacob Kushner 

     United States

What do Trump voters think of his performance so far? by  Chris Kenning

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   Trump's desperate search for a 'Reichstag Fire'


   Paris police say rape of black man an 'accident'


   The Boy who started the Syrian War


   Kremlin: Turkey provided location for deadly Syria raid


   In Pakistan, a shrine to murder for 'blasphemy'


   Voices from the border: Opposing Trump's wall


   Muhammadu Buhari's 'inconclusive' medical vacation


   The People vs. America


   Romania, Bulgarians are jealous


   What do Trump voters think of his performance so far?

          VIDEO     FEATURED  NEWS  DOCUMENTARIES  SHOWS  SHORTS                          101 East Kashmir: Born To Fight 10 hours ago        People & Power The War the World Forgot6 months ago        Talk to Al Jazeera ISIL slept in our home6 days ago        Al Jazeera World Family Album 3 days ago        rebel education Teaching Empowerment: Prison Education in Kenya2 days ago        REWIND Revisiting Yahya Jammeh3 days ago        Witness Swimming with dragons2 years ago        Special series Canada's Dark Secretlast week        UpFront  Is Trump's Muslim ban a gift to ISIL?last week        101 East China's Rich Girls8 months ago           UpFront Brexit, Grexit and the future of the EU1 hour ago        Inside Story Will international community help avert Yemen famine?20 hours ago        UpFront Yanis Varoufakis on Jeremy Corbyn and Brexityesterday        Inside Story Why does Somalia matter?yesterday        Inside Story Will Israel annex Palestinian territories?2 days ago        Inside Story Can Marine Le Pen win the French presidential election?3 days ago        Inside Story Is Russia testing Donald Trump in eastern Ukraine?4 days ago        The Listening Post France: Bollore and the media5 days ago        Inside Story What is Donald Trump's foreign policy?5 days ago        The Listening Post Trump's travel ban: Covering the chaos6 days ago           Special series The Boy who started the Syrian War5 hours ago        101 East Kashmir: Born To Fight 10 hours ago        Witness The Auction House: A tale of two brothersyesterday        Al Jazeera World Family Album 3 days ago        REWIND Revisiting Yahya Jammeh3 days ago        Special series Canada's Dark Secretlast week        People & Power Uganda's Health Pyramidlast week        REWIND This is Taliban Countrylast week        Special series Iraq: A Deadly Deception2 weeks ago        101 East Afghanistan: Taliban At The Gates2 weeks ago       02:57      Kenya's slum DJ shows us around Kibera2 weeks ago    03:32      Morocco's Mute Stowawaylast month    08:19      Finding my family after 44 years in prisonlast month    03:16      Tasneem's New Hand4 months ago    04:29      The Rescued Film Project4 months ago    04:10      The Kushti Fighters of Dubai8 months ago    03:28      Teaching Pakistan's poor how to read and write8 months ago    05:39       India's Menstruation Man8 months ago    05:49      My disability won't stop me from being a mom8 months ago    04:14      The Syrian Refugee Giving Back to Germany8 months ago       01:28      Bid to save hundreds of beached whales in New Zealand3 hours ago    02:56      Rouhani to Trump: Iran will not be intimidated4 hours ago    01:25      French farmer fined for helping refugees cross border4 hours ago    01:45       Philippines: Shanty town fire leaves thousands homeless5 hours ago    02:10      ‘America will face dark days’, Iran warns in wake of sanctions6 hours ago    02:46      Germans worry about long-term impact of refugee influx6 hours ago    01:42      Paris police say alleged rape of black man an ‘accident’5 hours ago    02:44      Peru: Arrest warrant issued for ex-president 7 hours ago    02:06      Cambodia’s PM threatens to dissolve opposition party 7 hours ago    02:44      Trump setback as US court refuses to restore travel ban8 hours ago        Opinion    Trump's desperate search for a 'Reichstag Fire'   by Hamid Dabashi

      Iran after Khamenei   by Massoumeh Torfeh

      Romania, Bulgarians are jealous   by Maria Spirova

      Women in Uttar Pradesh are still waiting for justice   by Mariya Salim

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     Cataracts in Zanzibar, one boy's journey towards sightLow-cost, easily treatable and preventable conditions cause blindness for millions of people worldwide. 

     Fighting the flames of ISIL in IraqFirefighters are still working to extinguish the oil wells torched by ISIL as the group retreated from Qayyara.

     Romania Protests: A family's fightA day in the life of a Romanian family who are taking to the streets each night for the future of their children.

    PreviousNext        follow us on instagram @aljazeera

         Israeli–Palestinian conflict     Palestinians ask Israeli court to reject land grab law  Palestinian taxi driver still healing from hate crime  Amona settlement: The untold story  Air strike on Gaza Strip tunnel kills two Palestinians     Middle East     Israeli–Palestinian conflict

Palestinians ask Israeli court to reject land grab lawIsrael's move to retroactively legalise settler homes in the occupied West Bank has triggered a storm of criticism.

    by Jonathan Cook

           Syria's Civil War

Displaced Syrians stuck in limbo at Idlib's Taiba campThousands of Syrians evacuated from east Aleppo last year face an uncertain future in Idlib province.

    by Adam Lucente and Zouhir Al Shimale


CIA chief in Ankara: A security partnership?Discussions on Syria, ISIL, Kurds and Gulen are expected to be the focus of CIA chief Mike Pompeo's visit to Ankara.

    by Birce Bora


Amona settlement: The untold storyA Palestinian landowner shares her story of loss and hope, as Israel legalises theft of private land by settlers. 

    by Shatha Hammad- Zena Tahhan

       Syria's Civil War

Safe zones: Is this what Syria needs now?Safe zones represent a solution to the symptom and not the larger problem.

    by Samer Abboud

           Africa   South Sudan now 'world's third largest refugee crisis' Punches fly as South Africa's Zuma delivers key speechWeek in Pictures : From Yemen air raids to Manila fireWorld's biggest refugee camp escapes closure    Latin America   Peru ex-leader faces arrest over $20m bribe allegations Week in Pictures : From Yemen air raids to Manila fireBrazil to deploy military in violence-hit stateBrazil state faces deadly chaos amid police strike    Europe   Paris police say rape of black man an 'accident' Israel diplomat courted SNP deputy leader ahead of tripHungary to detain refugees in container camps on borderWeek in Pictures : From Yemen air raids to Manila fire                 News  Programmes  Opinion  About  Investigations  Contact Us  Video    Facebook  Twitter  Google+  RSS  Podcast  YouTube  SnapChat             About   About Us  Press Office  Awards  Code of Ethics  Terms and Conditions  Community Guidelines  Work for us     Connect   Contact Us  Apps  Social  Channel Finder  TV Schedule  Podcasts  Newsletter     Our Channels   AJ+  Al Jazeera Arabic  Al Jazeera Balkans  Al Jazeera Turk  Al Jazeera Mubasher  Al Jazeera Documentary     Our Network   Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights  Al Jazeera Center for Studies  Al Jazeera Forum  Al Jazeera Media Training & Development Centre  Al Jazeera Film Festival  Al Jazeera Learning  Al Jazeera Hotel Partners      © 2017 Al Jazeera Media Network

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