
Red-breasted Nuthatches are irrupting this winter across North America. Heather Elaine Ritchie/Flickr

When birds go roaming: The mystery of avian irruptions

During bird irruptions, hundreds or thousands of a single species show up outside their normal territory. Most of what we know about irruptions comes from data collected by citizen scientists.


Analysis and Comment

Empty field north of downtown Detroit, photographed nine months before the city declared bankruptcy in 2013. AP Photo/Carlos Osorio, File

Detroit’s recovery: The glass is half-full at most

Less than four years after Detroit filed for bankruptcy, boosters say a revival is underway in the Motor City. But two scholars say new growth has not spread yet to neighborhoods that need it.

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Trump transition


North Dakota Access Pipeline


Food security


Malheur Occupation

Supporters of Ammon and Ryan Bundy and other militants who took over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge celebrate after they were found not guilty of conspiracy charges. Alex Milan Tracy/Sipa via AP Images

History points to more dangerous Malheur-style standoffs

Acquitted in the Malheur takeover trial, Ryan Bundy urges protests against efforts to conserve public lands. Who will protect federal employees?


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Editors’ Picks

Most Read past week

  1. For endangered species, the road to recovery can be winding and bumpy
  2. For indigenous communities, fish mean much more than food
  3. What Trump misses about regulations: They produce benefits as well as costs
  4. Detroit’s recovery: The glass is half-full at most
  5. How the 19th-century rebuilding of Britain’s Houses of Parliament made air pollution visible

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