
Life insurers feel the heat with AMP losses, Suncorp retreat

The turmoil engulfing the $44 billion life insurance sector is deepening with losses in that division driving financial giant AMP to a headline $344 million full-year loss on the same day as Suncorp signalled it may exit the sector altogether. 

The bad news from both companies on Thursday, came as the government is pushing through reforms that will see upfront commissions capped and financial planners forced to hold higher qualifications. 

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AMP reported the loss on Thursday – driven by a $415 million loss in the wealth protection division – at the same time as it booked previously flagged massive writedowns in the value of its life insurance division. The result marks a more than $1.2 billion reversal of fortunes for Australia's biggest wealth manager in the space of 12 months.

Underlying profit fell 57 per cent to $486 million in the year to December 31, down from $1.2 billion.

Meanwhile Suncorp said it was considering selling its life insurance division as part of a review of the business, which would also explore partnership opportunities. 

Life insurance is suffering from the perfect storm of rising claims, expensive premiums and negative perceptions of the industry after the scandal that engulfed the Commonwealth Bank's insurance arm, CommInsure, last year over the use of outdated medical definitions to deny claims.


It is also suffering from a rise in claims for mental illness and job loss, symptoms, analysts say, of a sluggish economy. 

Shaw and Partners analyst David Spotswood said the problems were making the industry unprofitable.

"More people are aware they can claim and the lawyers are making sure they do," he said. 

"It's a big squeeze on the sector."

AMP chief executive Craig Meller said the life insurance losses had overshadowed an otherwise strong result.

"This is clearly disappointing, but this business is now on a much more stable footing," he said. 

"We're confident the changes we've made have reset the business."

He said the company would continue to reduce shareholder exposure to life insurance, but ruled out a sale of the business in the short term.

"We think we've got the best strategy for the time-being," Mr Meller said. 

The company has announced a $500 million share buyback, to open in the first quarter of 2017.

Adviser exodus

AMP has also revealed it had lost 570 financial advisers in the year – more than 15 per cent – as classification and education standards were tightened. 

Bell Potter analyst Lafitani Sotiriou said the exodus of advisers alone suggested there were bigger problems at the company. 

"There is something wrong with the underlying business and strategy being pursued by management, particularly given AMP is losing so many advisers, while failing to attract any new ones," he said.

AMP wrote down the value of its life insurance business by $668 million in October and warned conditions in the industry had worsened further. This led to a shake-up of its executive team which saw three senior executives, including the head of its insurance division, leave the company. 

The company said the challenges facing wealth protection over the past three years, including higher than expected payouts and policies lapsing, had been "accentuated" in 2016.

The company has maintained a final dividend of 14¢ a share, franked to 90 per cent, taking the total payout to 28¢ a share. The dividend is payable on March 31.

It is also continuing to expand in China, Europe and North America despite its problems locally, with assets under management in its China Life business rising 55 per cent year on year. 

AMP shares closed up 3.9 per cent to $5.23, suggesting the result was slightly above expectations.

AMP's wealth protection division includes life, disability and income protection insurance products, which can be bundled with a superannuation product or held independently to super. 

Its wealth management division includes financial advice, superannuation and managed investment products.