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Solomon Islands_List of issuesList of issuesCRCSolomon IslandsCRC/C/SLB/Q/2-309 Jun 2017 View document  E           CRC_C_SLB_Q_2-3_28118_E.pdf     CRC/C/SLB/Q/2-3 True18
Women’s Rights Action Movement (WRAM) joint submissionFollow-up Information from other sources CEDAWSolomon Islands 07 Jun 2017 View document  E           INT_CEDAW_NGS_SLB_27619_E.pdf     INT/CEDAW/NGS/SLB/27619 True96
Information provided by Solomon Islands on the follow-up to the concluding observations of the CommitteeFollow-up State party's reportCEDAWSolomon IslandsCEDAW/C/SLB/CO/1-3/Add.125 Apr 2017 View document  E           CEDAW_C_SLB_CO_1-3_Add-1_18906_E.pdf     CEDAW/C/SLB/CO/1-3/Add.1 True46
Solomon Islands_NGO_Child Helpline International_PSWGInfo from Civil Society OrganizationsCRCSolomon Islands 11 Apr 2017 View document  E           INT_CRC_NGO_SLB_27174_E.pdf     INT/CRC/NGO/SLB/27174 True14
Solomon Islands_NGO_Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children_PSWGInfo from Civil Society OrganizationsCRCSolomon Islands 10 Apr 2017 View document  E           INT_CRC_NGO_SLB_27116_E.docx     INT/CRC/NGO/SLB/27116 True14
Solomon Islands_State Party ReportState party's reportCRCSolomon IslandsCRC/C/SLB/2-308 Mar 2017 View document        E     CRC_C_SLB_2-3_6728_E.docx     CRC/C/SLB/2-3 True29
Concluding observations on the combined initial, second and third periodic reports of Solomon IslandsConcluding observationsCEDAWSolomon IslandsCEDAW/C/SLB/CO/1-314 Nov 2014 View document        E SACRCEDAW_C_SLB_CO_1-3_18769_E.doc     CEDAW/C/SLB/CO/1-3 True5
List of issues and questions in relation to the combined initial to third periodic reports of Solomon IslandsList of issuesCEDAWSolomon IslandsCEDAW/C/SLB/Q/1-307 Mar 2014 View document  E           CEDAW_C_SLB_Q_1-3_16022_E.doc     CEDAW/C/SLB/Q/1-3 True18
Initial to third periodic reports due in 2011State party's reportCEDAWSolomon IslandsCEDAW/C/SLB/1-331 Oct 2013 View document        E SACRCEDAW_C_SLB_1-3_5890_E.pdf     CEDAW/C/SLB/1-3 True29
 Summary recordsCRCSolomon IslandsCRC/C/SR.87319 Aug 2003 View document                    CRC/C/SR.873 True31


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