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 258 items in 26 pages
European Roma Rights Centre: “Terminating criminal proceedings”Info from other stakeholdersCATSlovakia 30 Jun 2017 View document  E           INT_CAT_IFS_SVK_27931_E.doc     INT/CAT/IFS/SVK/27931 True86
Center for Civil and Human Rights (Poradna) submission to the CATInfo from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIPR) CATSlovakia 30 Jun 2017 View document  E           INT_CAT_ICS_SVK_27936_E.pdf     INT/CAT/ICS/SVK/27936 True141
Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children: briefing on SlovakiaInfo from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIPR) CATSlovakia 30 Jun 2017 View document  E           INT_CAT_ICS_SVK_27937_E.docx     INT/CAT/ICS/SVK/27937 True141
Slovakia_Submission of the Government to the Committee on the Rights of the Child - Draft General Comment on Children in street situationsInfo from other stakeholdersCRCSlovakia 28 Nov 2016 View document  E           INT_CRC_IFS_SVK_8144_E.doc     INT/CRC/IFS/SVK/8144 True86
SLOVAKIA : CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONSConcluding observationsCCPRSlovakiaCCPR/C/SVK/CO/422 Nov 2016 View document        E   CRCCPR_C_SVK_CO_4_25814_E.docx     CCPR/C/SVK/CO/4 True5
Replies of Slovakia to the list of issuesReply to List of IssuesCCPRSlovakiaCCPR/C/SVK/Q/4/Add.115 Sep 2016 View document        E S   CCPR_C_SVK_Q_4_Add-1_25042_E.docx     CCPR/C/SVK/Q/4/Add.1 True22
Concluding observations on the third periodic report of Slovakia Addendum Information received from Slovakia on follow-up to the concluding observationsFollow-up State party's reportCATSlovakiaCAT/C/SVK/CO/3/Add.118 Aug 2016 View document        E     INT_CAT_FCO_SVK_22380_E.docx     CAT/C/SVK/CO/3/Add.1 True46
Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 9 of the Convention Combined eleventh and twelfth periodic reports of States parties due in 2016 SlovakiaState party's reportCERDSlovakiaCERD/C/SVK/11-1210 Aug 2016 View document        E S   CERD_C_SVK_11-12_6568_E.doc     CERD/C/SVK/11-12 True29
Concluding observations on the combined third to fifth periodic reports of Slovakia Concluding observationsCRCSlovakiaCRC/C/SVK/CO/3-519 Jul 2016 View document        E SACRCRC_C_SVK_CO_3-5_24197_E.docx     CRC/C/SVK/CO/3-5 True5
Concluding observations on the initial report of SlovakiaConcluding observationsCRPDSlovakiaCRPD/C/SVK/CO/113 May 2016 View document        E SA RCRPD_C_SVK_CO_1_23683_E.doc     CRPD/C/SVK/CO/1 True5


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