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This page provides country specific information on :
  • The ratification of international Human Rights treaties
  • The reporting cycles
  • All the documents related to a reporting cycle

Note: Click on the collapse/expand icon to view reporting cycles and related documentations 

Reporting status for Saint Kitts and Nevis
 TreatySignature DateRatification Date, Accession(a), Succession(d) Date
Command item
Command item

CEDAW - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

CEDAWConvention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 25 Apr 1985 (a)25 May 198525 Apr 1985  
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 25 May 2002                     KNAINT/CEDAW/INR/KNA/6001  29False
ExpandI-IV27 (2002)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCEDAW/C/KNA/1-425 May 199818 Jan 200224 Jan 2002 View document       E SACR      KNACEDAW/C/KNA/1-4  29True
Info from UN AgenciesCEDAW/C/2002/II/3/Add.3 23 May 200223 May 2002 View document       E SACR      KNACEDAW/C/2002/II/3/Add.3  24True
Info from UN AgenciesCEDAW/C/2002/II/3/Add.2 23 May 200223 May 2002 View document       E SACR      KNACEDAW/C/2002/II/3/Add.2  24True
Concluding observationsA/57/38(SUPP) paras. 73-118  01 Jan 2002 View document       E SACR      KNAA/57/38(SUPP)  5True
Concluding observationsA/57/38(PartII) paras. 83-118  09 Oct 2002 View document       E SACR      KNAA/57/38(PartII)  5True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.563  13 Jun 2002 View document       E SACR      KNACEDAW/C/SR.563  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.553 05 Jun 200205 Jun 2002 View document       E SACR      KNACEDAW/C/SR.553  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.554 05 Jun 200220 Dec 2002 View document       E SACR      KNACEDAW/C/SR.554  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.556 06 Jun 200206 Jun 2002 View document       E SACR      KNACEDAW/C/SR.556  31True

CERD - International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

CERDInternational Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 13 Oct 2006 (a)12 Nov 200613 Oct 2006  
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 14 Nov 2007                     KNAINT/CERD/INR/KNA/6559  29False

CRC - Convention on the Rights of the Child

CRCConvention on the Rights of the Child26 Jan 199024 Jul 199002 Sep 1990  24 Jul 1990
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 01 Sep 1997                     KNAINT/CRC/INR/KNA/6717  29False
ExpandI21 (1999)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRC/C/3/Add.5101 Sep 199222 Jan 199705 May 1997 View document       E           KNACRC/C/3/Add.51  29True
Concluding observationsCRC/C/15/Add.104 24 Aug 199924 Aug 1999 View document       E S         KNACRC/C/15/Add.104  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.537 26 May 199926 May 1999 View document       E S         KNACRC/C/SR.537  31True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.538 14 Jan 200004 Jan 2000 View document       E S         KNACRC/C/SR.538  31True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.557 09 Jun 199909 Jun 1999 View document       E S         KNACRC/C/SR.557  31True

Acceptance of individual complaints procedures for Saint Kitts and Nevis
 TreatySignature DateRatification Date, Accession(a), Succession(d) DateDate of acceptance/non acceptance
Command item
Command item

CEDAW-OP - Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

CEDAW-OPOptional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 20 Jan 2006 (a)20 Apr 200620 Jan 2006  
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload

Acceptance of the inquiry procedure for Saint Kitts and Nevis
 TreatyAcceptance of inquiry procedureDate of acceptance/non acceptance
Command item
Command item

CEDAW-OP, Art. 8-9 - Inquiry procedure under the Optional protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

CEDAW-OP, Art. 8-9Inquiry procedure under the Optional protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against WomenYES20 Jan 2006
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload


The Treaty Body Database contains all public documents adopted or received by the human rights treaty bodies. Although the Database is updated regularly and attempts to ensure accuracy and reliability of the data displayed on these web pages, it may still contain some inaccuracies, which will have to be corrected over the next months. Clarifications or further information can be sought directly from the relevant Secretariat.

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