
How to Survive a Plague review: David France on the fight against HIV/ Aids

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How to Survive a Plague: The story of How Activists and Scientists tamed AIDS
David France
Picador, $34.99

In the midst of a sexual and social revolution following years of fear, repression and lies, a strange cluster of diseases started appearing in gay men. In July 1981, The New York Times reported "Rare Cancer Seen in 41 Homosexuals". It was Kaposi's Sarcoma, a little known cancer that had previously been seen in older Italian and Jewish men. Other diseases were to follow including cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis of the brain, and a virulent form of pneumonia.

There was much conjecture as to the cause of these clusters of infection, ranging from the wrath of God, to the use of recreational drugs, to some kind of viral or bacterial cause. It was not until 1983 that the answer emerged. A retrovirus, originating in primates in West Africa, had somehow made its way into human populations. First referred to as HTLV-III/LAV, its name was later changed to HIV. Its manifestation caused the breakdown of the immune system and came to be known as AIDS.

As well as the physical suffering brought about by the virus, HIV/AIDS soon became known as the most political of diseases, focusing broad social attention on the group of people most visibly affected in countries such as Australia and the US – gay men.

At home, the activist Adam Carr sounded a warning about the potentially catastrophic political consequences of the disease when he stated: "Unscrupulous politicians, extreme right wing fringe groups, powerful religious bigots and a sensation-hungry media will combine to exploit public fear and channel ignorance into bigotry and the search for a scapegoat."

Australia, however, was exceptional in that there was some unity across the political spectrum, led by Neil Blewett who realised that HIV could not be addressed without the direct input of those most affected by it – gay men, intravenous drug users, and sex workers. The actions that resulted from these consultations - an explicit safe-sex campaign, needle exchange, and the legalisation of sex work in brothels, saved many lives.


In other countries, however, affected communities were left to fend for themselves and fight active stigma as well the horrors of AIDS' physical manifestations. This was the case in Reagan's America, a country conservative and fractured, and lacking a unified health-care system.

In their struggle for respect, as well as for therapies and care through activism, gay men in the US redefined the meaning of both gallantry and solidarity. It is this story that is outlined in David France's How to Survive a Plague, his written work that accompanies the film of the same name. Part history, part personal memory, France's story combines the history of love and friendship with the social and political. As a journalist for The New York Native, arriving in the city as the epidemic was about to strike, he tells the story from the inside.

HIV/AIDS surfaced at a time when gay men were already organised into a social movement to legalise a way of being that had previously carried severe penalties. Open sexual celebration became a core part of Gay Liberation, but also "self-identification, identity exploration and community forging".

Nonetheless, the politics of the so-called "gay community" were complex and combined overlapping practices of identification with the political, the social and the sexual. As the activist Craig Johnston suggested in 1981, "gay community" was being used refer to both the gay subculture, and collectively to gay political organisations, although these links were sometimes tenuous.

In Australia – a country with a coherent health system, a small population and, above all, some warning about the coming epidemic – gay community organisations were quick to mobilise around HIV and in particular promote the phenomenon of "safe sex", one of the few means available to arresting the spread of the virus.

In the US, according to France's account, there was internal dissent about the best way to stem the epidemic, with debate about safe sex with multiple partners contrasting with Larry Kramer's message of sexual restraint. Nonetheless, in both countries, and many others, networks sprang up to visit the sick, set up financial workshops and demystify the welfare system. Above all, as the mysterious illness took its course it also generated – sometimes painfully – a new kind of relationship between healthcare professionals and the sick.

Australia, however, was exceptional in that there was some unity across the political spectrum.

Medicine during the late-20th century, at least around this disease, was characterised by a changed therapeutic agenda, led by the most affected, and those who supported them. In particular How to Survive a Plague sets into history the story of extraordinary advocates. Joseph Sonnabend, a physician in New York who noticed that his gay patients presenting with a combination of strange illnesses, and who went on to advocate safe sex, and to set up alternative mechanisms for clinical trials while the NIH failed to make HIV/AIDS a priority. Peter Staley, a Wall Street bonds trader who was instrumental in starting ACT UP, and TAG, the treatment action group; and Larry Kramer, who started the Gay Men's Health Crises, co-funded ACT UP and himself recorded the plague he was living through in his play The Normal Heart.

These men were the crest of the wave. France also records many others and, more significantly, what they were up against, both physically and politically in the US, as the epidemic took hold with no acknowledgment from the political establishment, the mainstream press or the political machinery for a considerable amount of time.

He describes vigils where those infected appear looking like cadavers, and most poignantly, the laying down of the AIDS memorial quilt, which he describes as "combining the community's loses for the first time into a massive map of sorrow, an exponential tragedy". A tragedy that exacerbated the horrors of the end stages of the disease, where the names cytomegalovirus, pneumonia, and toxoplasmosis translated into blindness, wasting and madness.

France's work is imbued with grief for those who have been lost and what he has lived through. But his work is also a majestic celebration of the transformative powers of a fight for justice, integrity and love.

It echoes the core motif in Tony Kushner's exquisite play Angels in America where he states: "This disease will be the end of many of us, but not nearly all, and the dead will be commemorated and will struggle on with the living, and we are not going away. We won't die secret deaths any more. The world only spins forward. We will be citizens. The time has come."

France too ends on an elegiac note, recalling the emotional toll taken by fighting both the plague and the stigma and hatred that accompanied it. Although the advent of combination therapy literally brought the dying back to life, many of the staunchest advocates memorialised in his work suffered from addiction, depression and suicide.

Many others, however, went on to fight the disease in other parts of the world, restoring to some of the planet's most disenfranchised dignity and hope. In so doing they enacted an idea suggested by the writer Raymond Barglow that "…in associating with others to form a freer, more liveable world, we may discover that health can be restored to the injured parts within ourselves".

Associate Professor Deborah Zion works at Victoria University, and has published widely on HIV/AIDS and the ethics of clinical research.