
Column 8

Unluckily Gerry Wagemans of North Epping had to contact the PSS, the federal superannuation agency. He was told by an automated voice, that they were a little busier than usual – and that the expected waiting time was "ONE HOUR". Alternative contact by email advises that they will respond in five days. "I just wondered if this is the norm and if there are any longer waiting times. Makes you wonder what the public servants are doing being so busy." 

"Re the 'let's not call the Trump The Don' – he certainly isn't an Oxford don but resemblances to a Don of possible Sicilian connections comes to mind," writes Bob Coote of Wentworth Falls. He adds: "Please withhold my name this time for fear of retribution from the 'family' and I may wish to apply for a visa to the US some day."

Also. "In North America, Trump has always been 'The Donald', never 'The Don' (C8)." Mike Millard, West Vancouver, Canada.

I have just received a reminder from Coles about my car insurance, explains Laurie Powell of Woy Woy. "Apparently it is due on 2017-02-12. Can somebody please tell me when I have to pay by?" 

"There are some excellent Australian cheeses including several 'imported from Tasmania' (C8)," says Graeme Stewart of Double Bay. "My sister-in-law, a prize-winning amateur cheese-maker, wears a T shirt with 'what a friend we have in cheeses'. Amen." 

"Whence (C8) means 'from where', so the 'from' is redundant, although this incorrect usage has been frequent even in the best literary circles since the King James bible (who says I didn't learn anything at Sunday School?)." Bruce Balsdon, Abbotsford.


"Why is it that whoever is in front of you on the photocopier always says they don't have much to do?" asks Peter Miniutti, Ashbury.

Alexandra Szalay, Berowra Creek asks: "Are there any bird-watching readers in the Blue Mountains who can shed light on this puzzle? Over Sydney's hottest days my untidy garden has been visited by an Eastern yellow robin, normally a winter visitor here. Are you missing any there?" We'll check.

"In the booklet Activities and Exercise following heart surgery provided by the hospital, covering weeks three and four after discharge, under the heading Leisure Activities, among several other suggestions, my husband was advised to "discuss resuming sexual activities with your doctor". Should I be concerned?" Alleyne Gray of Pyrmont.

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