
Column 8

With the Williams sisters about to play each other again in a grand slam final, Sam Marr of Wahroonga looked back on a newspaper item she kept in her photo album related to the 2002 Wimbledon final she watched on a visit to London. It reported that they were the first sisters to play each other for 118 years. Maud beat sister Lilian, seven years her senior, in three sets. What was intriguing was the concluding sentence: 'The pair each wore straw hats and a bustled, all-white, two-piece suit of thick cotton designed to hide any unladylike stains.' Heaven forbid.

More tennis. Brian Barnes of Manly asks: "At the Australian Open tennis event, ballboys and girls understandably wear headgear protection from damaging sun, featuring Legionnaire-style backflap protection. Why then, with sundown evening play, the same protection is worn? Curious."

What's happened to winning graciously? wonders Doug Cadioli, Victoria Point, Qld. "One would think that Australian Open match winners, some with a hat full of grand slam titles, would act with a bit of humility. Instead we see boorish theatrics, jumping around in an ecstatic dance as if they have escaped a lynching. They get too much money."

Adrian Connelly of Springwood says Donald Trump is obviously inspired by China. "They built a huge wall more than 2000 years ago and they still don't have any Mexicans."

Mrs Evelyn Park of Warrawee posted a letter at St Ives on December 29 to her grandson in Canberra. It still has not arrived ."On making a formal complaint I was told that because it was not registered I should just accept it was lost and get over it. Maybe Ahmed Fahour's OA will take more than a few days to get to him."

Help needed. Tim Donovan, Bahrs Scrub read in SMH that scientists have grown the first human-pig hybrid embryos and taken them a third of the way through pregnancy inside a sow. "While being amazed and shocked I wonder what this creation would need to be called. Pigman or Manpig sounds too obvious and a little denigrating. Maybe 'Puman'? I am sure my fellow C8ers can suggest something better."

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