
On sexual abuse, the Catholic Church can hide no more

Who knew? The Catholic Church knew, that's who. Now we know too, that sexual atrocities against children of a horrendous nature and on a horrendous scale have been committed within the Catholic Church in Australia over many decades.

In the past 35 years there were 1880 alleged perpetrators from more than 1000 Catholic entities. Thanks to research undertaken by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, we know that about 7 per cent of priests sexually abused children. That is staggering enough, but in some religious orders, the proportion of these child rapists and paedophiles was much higher: from the St John of God, 40.4 per cent. From the Christian Brothers, 22 per cent. The Salesians of Don Bosco, 21.9 per cent, Marist Brothers, 20.4 per cent, De La Salle Brothers, 13.4 per cent.

So who knew of this widespread criminality against children? Not Australia's highest-ranking Catholic Cardinal George Pell, apparently. When the royal commission was announced in 2012, he accused the press of exaggerating the extent of wrongdoing within the church and said the commission was an opportunity to "separate fact from fiction".

Not the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, apparently, which said that "talk of a systemic problem of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is ill-founded and inconsistent with the facts".

It could be argued that back then, no one had the full picture. The church after all, has many parts, and they don't all talk to each other. George Pell is in Rome running the Holy See's finances. The Victorian Director of Public Prosecutions is considering a brief of evidence against him concerning multiple child sexual abuse allegations that he strongly rejects.

In his evidence from Rome before the commission last March he was asked about sexual offences by a number of Christian Brothers in the diocese of Ballarat, where he was episcopal vicar for education between 1974 and 1983, which meant being an "essential link between bishops, priests, parents, teachers and students". Cardinal Pell agreed that some students, one or more teachers, the principals of two Catholic colleges, some parents and the then Bishop Mulkearns all knew of the offences.


If you assume, as is reasonable, that a similar degree of knowledge was replicated in even a fraction of the 1000 Catholic institutions across the country where abuse has been alleged, you start to get a handle on the extent of the cover-up.  

And what of Cardinal Pell's 2012 indignation that the church was not the "principal culprit", and his objection to its "being described as the only cab off the rank"?

The current public hearing is the commission's 50th and the 15th relating to the Catholic Church. That is not disproportionate, when you consider that among the 6443 people who have reported their abuse in confidence to the commission, some 37 per cent said they were abused in a Catholic institution. 

​In fairness, the Catholic Church has probably done more than many of those to come under the commission's spotlight to chart a better course. We do not doubt that Francis Sullivan, head of the Truth, Justice and Healing Council set up to co-ordinate the church's response, wept genuine tears in the witness box while describing the numbers as "indefensible".

But his council clearly does not have the power needed to bring about the wholesale change to church culture and practice that would mitigate against future abuse and deliver justice to the survivors. Joanne McCarthy, whose ground-breaking work over many years for Fairfax Media's Newcastle Herald led directly to the royal commission being established, rightly notes that it wasn't a senior Catholic cleric who was weeping in the witness box. 

In April 2014 the royal commission asked the Holy See for documents that would show what action it took when sexual abuse allegations against Australian priests were referred to it. The Holy See responded it was "neither possible nor appropriate" to provide the documents. 

As counsel assisting the commission Gail Furness SC noted, many of the commission's findings so far are consistent with those from the investigation into the Irish Archdiocese of Dublin in 2009: that the church put secrecy, avoiding scandal, protecting its reputation and preserving its assets above the welfare of children and justice for the victims. On the evidence, the church is putting on a better public face in its response to child sexual abuse, but little has changed on the inside. We expect the next three weeks of hearings to shine more light on that discrepancy.