

Bernardi the opportunist exploits worst of populism

The renegade senator would face high hurdles in trying to reconcile Firebrands and other conservatives.

The outsider populist movements that spawned Donald Trump, Brexit, Pauline Hanson and potentially Marine Le Pen in France share elements but still conceal inherent philosophical differences.

Now that Cory Bernardi reckons he can capitalise on populism by quitting the Liberals and leading the Australian Conservatives, he will have to bridge those divides or be left with just another minor party.

The South Australian renegade Senator will be pitching to right-leaning voters. Some are traditionalists who want things to stay as they are/were. Others are anti-establishment types who distrust the very social institutions that conservatives once valued.

Senator Bernardi has another problem, too. He must convince enough Australians that he's different. The current system, of which he is a well-paid part, has left 75 per cent of people disgruntled, according to Fairfax Media's Political Persona Project collaboration.

The risk is that Senator Bernardi will be seen, like Clive Palmer was, as a self-serving, power-hungry opportunist with financial backing. He might not have $1.75 million to donate to his party like Malcolm Turnbull did before the July election, but Senator Bernardi reportedly has the support of Gina Rinehart, whose self-interest in tax and mining is well known.

Certainly the senator's mooted move defies the sentiments of his maiden speech in 2006, when he thanked the Liberal Party. It had handed him a "casual vacancy" which meant he did not have to face the voters.


Certainly any defection would embarrass the Prime Minister as he struggles with poor opinion polls.

A Bernardi move might even force Mr Turnbull into more kowtowing to Abbott-Dutton-Christensen forces who'd rather stay in the tent to fight gay marriage and Muslim immigration than break away.

The former prime minister says he does not want to return. But if that were the price of Coalition unity and stopping the bleeding of right-wing voters to Senator Bernardi, there might be a rethink.

Then again, Mr Turnbull might say good riddance to someone like Senator Bernardi, who has many views that sit well outside the Australian mainstream.

Unless Senator Bernardi tempers his approach to appeal to the centre ground, his Australian Conservatives will be fighting a resurgent One Nation for a relative minority of people who share a majority of both parties' views.

And the internal contradictions hardly engender confidence that he could find a workable policy platform.

Remember, populists want trade but only on their terms. They seek more local manufacturing but no higher taxes for the required subsidies and no higher prices. They want more focus on traditional values but have lost trust in institutions that reinforce them. And they believe in personal freedom and responsibility for individual safety, but tougher policing and national security.

To examine how Senator Bernardi might appeal to populists while not offending other conservatives, it's timely to examine the Political Personas Project produced in collaboration with digital information analysts Kieskompas and the Australian National University.

One of the tribes identified in the study, the Anti-Establishment Firebrands, fits quite well with the Bernardi world view. Like them, he despises "the myriad examples of how the dead hand of government intervention often creates more problems than it solves". But Firebrands represent only 6 per cent of voters.

The biggest tribe, the Prudent Traditionalists, also resides on the right. Representing 29.9 per cent of Australians, the Traditionalist tribe shares more with Howard conservatism.

The Persona Project shows 63 per cent of all people believe there is too little focus on traditional values in Australia. Both Firebrands and Traditionalists strongly agree on that and support for local manufacturing. But that stance conflicts with strong support for free markets and globalisation in the Coalition.

On multiculturalism, 79 per cent of Australians are supportive. Most Traditionalists agree. Indeed, Senator Bernardi professed support in his maiden speech yet has berated Muslims since. On the whole Firebrands oppose multiculturalism.

On one of Senator Bernardi's pet hates, the Nanny State, he and Firebrands agree but are isolated. Traditionalists overall do not think Australia has become one.

Indeed, one interpretation of the Persona study suggests the Prudent Traditionalists are least likely to get on with the same Anti-Establishment Firebrands, who will have to share the spoils of any Bernardi success.

We do not believe the Senator will emerge as an electoral force by bridging divides on the right. Rather, we sense opportunism aimed at exploiting the least savoury aspects of Australian thinking.