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 150 items in 15 pages
List of issues in relation to the initial report of Latvia-Addendum-Replies of Latvia to the list of issues-Advance Unedited Version Reply to List of IssuesCRPDLatviaCRPD/C/LVA/Q/1/Add.114 Jun 2017 View document        E S  RCRPD_C_LVA_Q_1_Add-1_27616_E.doc     CRPD/C/LVA/Q/1/Add.1 True22
List of issues in relation to the initial report of LatviaList of issuesCRPDLatviaCRPD/C/LVA/Q/126 Apr 2017 View document        E S  RCRPD_C_LVA_Q_1_27055_E.doc     CRPD/C/LVA/Q/1 True18
Information received from Latvia on follow-up to the concluding observationsSecond round: Follow-up additional State party's follow-up reportCCPRLatviaCCPR/C/LVA/CO/3/Add.206 Apr 2017 View document        E     CCPR_C_LVA_CO_3_Add-2_27053_E.docx     CCPR/C/LVA/CO/3/Add.2 True102
Latvia Delegation to Committee on the Rights of the ChildList of delegation/participantsCRCLatvia 18 Dec 2015 View document  E           INT_CRC_LOP_LVA_22559_E.pdf     INT/CRC/LOP/LVA/22559 True87
Latvia_ISI-CRC-71st-Session-Additional-Information-on-Latvia_SessionInfo from Civil Society OrganizationsCRCLatvia 17 Dec 2015 View document  E           INT_CRC_NGO_LVA_22579_E.docx     INT/CRC/NGO/LVA/22579 True14
Latvia_Ombudsman Report_SessionInfo from NHRIsCRCLatvia 15 Dec 2015 View document  E           INT_CRC_NGO_LVA_22578_E.pdf     INT/CRC/NGO/LVA/22578 True12
List of issues prior to submission of the sixth periodic report of LatviaList of issues prior to reporting (LoIPR)CATLatviaCAT/C/LVA/QPR/609 Dec 2015 View document        E S   CAT_C_LVA_QPR_6_17919_E.docx     CAT/C/LVA/QPR/6 True25
Initial reports of State parties due in 2012 - LatviaState party's reportCRPDLatviaCRPD/C/LVA/129 Oct 2015 View document        E S   CRPD_C_LVA_1_6972_E.doc     CRPD/C/LVA/1 True29
Written Replies to the List of Issues of OPAC LatviaReply to List of IssuesCRC-OP-ACLatviaCRC/C/OPAC/LVA/1/ADD.116 Oct 2015 View document  E S         CRC_C_OPAC_LVA_1_ADD-1_21988_E.docx CRC_C_OPAC_LVA_1_ADD-1_21988_S.DOCX   CRC/C/OPAC/LVA/1/ADD.1 True22
Replies of Latvia to the list of issuesReply to List of IssuesCRC-OP-SCLatviaCRC/C/OPSC/LVA/Q/1/Add.118 Sep 2015 View document        E S   CRC_C_OPSC_LVA_Q_1_Add-1_22006_E.DOCX     CRC/C/OPSC/LVA/Q/1/Add.1 True22


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