Evaluation in OHCHR
OHCHR takes a systematic and methodological approach to evaluation as part of results-based management. It works towards an evaluation culture built around the needs of users and the impact on rights-holders.
The long-term goal of OHCHR’s evaluation function is to make OHCHR’s interventions more relevant, efficient and effective, to have a greater impact and be more sustainable. Evaluations contribute to this goal by:
- Increasing learning about what works and what does not in OHCHR’s interventions;
- Increasing availability of credible evidence for decision-making;
- Increasing accountability vis-à-vis rights-holders and funders on the use of resources and the achievement of results;
- Improving risks mitigation and the ability to respond to change.
More: OHCHR Evaluation Vision and Policy (PDF)
Priorities 2014 - 2017
In 2014-2017, OHCHR is working to achieve its overall goal by focusing on three mid-term results:
- The evaluation function is a well-developed and utilized component of the RBM approach in OHCHR;
- OHCHR’s senior management systematically takes decisions on existing and/or planned interventions, as well as on OHCHR structures and processes, on the basis of evidence provided by evaluations;
- OHCHR strategically uses UN system evaluation resources to improve its relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability
More: OHCHR Evaluation Plan 2014-2017 (PDF)