
Useful Information


OHCHR report 2015 OHCHR Report 2015
OHCHR Management Plan 2014-2017 OHCHR Management Plan 2014-2017
Brochure: Human Rights in action Human Rights in Action (PDF)
Working with the United Nations Human Rights Programme: A Handbook for Civil Society A Handbook for Civil Society (PDF)

OHCHR in Haiti (2006-2007)


In March 2004, OHCHR deployed to Haiti an international Human Rights Advisor (HRA) for a six-months period to advise the UN Resident Coordinator and the UN Country Team (UNCT) on human rights issues and to support the development of national capacities for the protection and promotion of human rights, with particular focus on the Office of the Ombudsman (OPC), the Judicial School, the Police Academy and civil society. In April 2004, having determined that the situation in Haiti continued to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region, the Security Council decided to establish the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). The Human Rights Advisor participated in the Interagency Assessment Mission, contributing to the definition of needs and mandate of the Human Rights Section (HRS) of MINUSTAH. Since the establishment of the Mission , OHCHR has worked through the HRS in the implementation of MINUSTAH's human rights mandate. MINUSTAH has a promotion and protection human rights mandate which includes ( a ) to support the Transitional Government as well as Haitian human rights institutions and groups in their efforts to promote and protect human rights, particularly of women and children, in order to ensure individual accountability for human rights abuses and redress for victims; ( b ) to monitor and report on the human rights situation, in cooperation with the OHCHR, including on the situation of returned refugees and displaced persons. 

2006-2007 Programme

During 2006 and 2007 the HRS of MINUSTAH will implement a project with funding from OHCHR. The project will focus on the area of fighting against impunity through, inter alia, training activities for judges, lawyers and NGOs, and the elaboration of a database on summary executions, violence against women and other human rights violations. The proposal is based on the main recommendations presented to the Commission on Human Rights by the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Haiti . The main beneficiaries will be human rights organizations, the Office of the Ombudsman, representatives of public institutions, civil society organizations and the UN Country Team. To support the Office of the Ombudsman, its staff will be trained on national, regional, and international human rights mechanisms, issues relating to impunity, and economic, social, and cultural rights and advice will be provided on the setting up of specialized units for the processing of human rights cases and the elaboration of a human rights database. In the context of Secretary-General's Action 2 Initiative to strengthen human rights in the UN system and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), OHCHR is also to provide advisory services and relevant training to the UNCT-Haiti to ensure a human rights-based approach to all UN development activities in the country.

Expected Accomplishments

Enhanced capacity of civil society to use effectively the national mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights. Enhanced capacity of the Ombudsman's office to play an effective role within the national human rights protection system. Enhanced capacity of the UNCT, in cooperation with MINUSTAH, to attend to the Government's request for advisory services and technical assistance to strengthen national human rights protection systems.

Contact Information


Field Operations and Technical Cooperation Division (FOTCD)
Contact is in Geneva, Switzerland.

Americas Section
Tel. + 41 22 928 9167


United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)
Tel. +509 37 02 65 or +509 22 44 20 50, Port-au-Prince, Haiti


External Links

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OHCHR in the field

Regional Offices

Country Offices

Human Rights Components of Peace Missions

Human Rights Advisors

Action 2

Technical Cooperation Programme

National Human Rights Institutions