
Letters to the Editor

Treasurer Scott Morrison with a lump of coal during question time at Federal Parliament.

PM's perverse energy argument

Malcolm Turnbull's loud tirade against Labor's "clean energy 'ideology'" is an attempt to show leadership to his right wing, and to claw back voter popularity ("Turnbull fires up over clean energy 'ideology'", February 10).

POST SCRIPT: You'll always find us here

Are the Trumps the new Clampetts?

We received the most charmingly addressed letter this week from a 91-year-old reader in Deniliquin,  addressed: To- The Editor, Sydney Morning Herald,Perhaps Pitt St, Sydney GPO NSW 2000. Clearly the postie who delivered it is working hard for his money - but many letter readers think this is not so for his boss Australia Post CEO Ahmed Fahour. HIs $5.6 million pay packet was the subject of many angry letters this week. Last week we were inundated with letters from America to Australians -apologising on behalf of their president for his phone manners and behaviour in general. This is unprecedented for us here at the letters page to have so many American readers seek us out to write enraged by their leader. This outpouring on our letters page even made it in the US press. Next stop Hollywood letter writers!  As Carolyn Richard of Enmore joked this week: "It  looks as though the Beverley Hillbillies have taken over the White House - no-one seems to know how to behave." Nonetheless - as our regular correspondent from Georges Hall, Rosemary O'Brien points out there still remain many Trump fans. "Jeff Swanson (Letters February 10) writes from Washington to tell us not to fret, and that he has no time for Trump. I have friends in Arizona who think Trump's the ants-pants. Doesn't prove much, eh?" Thanks to all who wrote in response to our request for examples of letters that changed lives. They were funny, inspiring and one - Peter Skrzynecki's bought this tough cold-hearted editor to tears. Which brings us to the question raised by our 91-year-old Deniliquin writer's correspondence. Has anyone every tried to write to the managers at Facebook, Google or Twitter (either old school snail mail or email) and got a real life response? 

PM's outburst not even original

Illustration: Alan Moir

Nice try, Mr Turnbull, and rather nicely choreographed too, but as football coaches tell their slower learners: "play the ball, not the man" – it was pretty poor technique ("PM unleashes his inner attack dog", February 9). Yes, we did want to see that you could speak passionately, forcefully, and even aggressively about policy issues (perhaps climate change or asylum seekers?), but we also agreed with you when you said that the Parliament needed to restore civility in debates. The likely place for heated personal invective is in your cabinet room, not in our Parliament's chambers. Oh, and the "sycophantic social climber" tactic (better known as "duchessing) was an old and overused British Tory's insult to Labour politicians thought to be "rising above their station". If you still really want to be like Keating, at least come up with some original forms of abuse. Peter Russell Coogee

Abuse: No more funds for Catholic schools


The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has brought to light thousands of incidents of sexual abuse of children by people in authority in the Catholic Church.

Bernardi defection an abuse of the system

SMH Letters

Another politician voted in as the candidate for one party leaves to join another or set up their own party or become an independent. This is not right. It is an abuse of the electoral system and the voters.

Boorishness aside, refugee deal was dumb

Donald Trump is correct to describe the deal done between a politically expedient Australian prime minister and an outgoing American president who did not have to concern himself with political consequences as a "dumb deal".

To Australia from America: we are sorry

Americans apologising at the Australian embassy in Washington DC

In light of Donald Trump's fiery phone call with Malcolm Turnbull, we have received an unprecedented number of letters from Americans apologising for their president.

Turnbull's silence may yet prove golden

SMH Letters

Our Prime Minister's failure to condemn Donald Trump's new immigration laws is indeed pathetic but if it allows just one family to escape the gulags we have created on Manus Island and Nauru it will have been worth it.

Smiling Berejiklian still beholden others

SMH letters dinkus DO NOT REMOVE TEXT

Regardless of which issues Gladys Berejiklian chooses to champion now that she is Premier, ("Early tests for Premier as byelections loom", January 28-29) it is important to remember that she is still a member of the same political party as the former Premier, was a minister in that Premier's government, and will still be subject to the same party faction, lobbyists and developer pressures.

post script

SMH Letters

Mark Porter: Thank you for the publication of my sesquicentenary letter.

Honest service is all Baird should be asked for

SMH Letters

As a recently retired public school teacher and Deputy Principal, I'm surprised that my first letter to the editor in forty years of readership should be in defence of a Liberal politician, Mike Baird. The majority of comments (Letters, January 20) contained the generosity of spirit of a Donald Trump tweet.

Take care calling the tune to who's Trump-et

President Donald Trump at a reception for House and Senate leaders in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington.

The stark contrasting of Donald Trump's juvenile twittering and the measured intelligence of Xi Jinping has serious implications for our own foreign and trade relationships.

Selfish Trump is blind to power of love

SMH Letters

Trump's inauguration is set to redefine America's role from that of a global player in the promotion of democratic values to a nation ideologically obsessed with its own self-preservation.

No cigar, hopefully, for Cormann

SMH Letters

After spending so much taxpayers' money on weekend trips with his wife to Broome, I hope Mr Cormann at least had the decency to pay for his own cigars.

Baird's legacy nothing to shout about

SMH Letters

It's a shame Premier Mike Baird won't be around for an election to find out what the people of his electorate, Manly, and throughout NSW think of his achievements.

Abuse of euthanasia laws poses a terrible risk

SMH Letters

When you've all finished arguing about euthanasia ... could you all volunteer some time to help out those who, despite similarly "undignified" lives "not worth living", most certainly do not want to die?