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 207 items in 21 pages
Respuestas de Costa RicaReply to List of IssuesCEDAWCosta RicaCEDAW/C/CRI/Q/7/Add.113 Mar 2017 View document    S           CEDAW_C_CRI_Q_7_Add-1_26835_S.pdf   CEDAW/C/CRI/Q/7/Add.1 True22
Annexes (as received) (S only)Annex to Reply to List of IssuesCEDAWCosta Rica 13 Mar 2017 View document    S           INT_CEDAW_ARL_CRI_27138_S.pdf   INT/CEDAW/ARL/CRI/27138 True154
Communications procedure No. 5/20161: J.A.B.S. v. Costa RicaJurisprudenceCRCCosta RicaCRC/C/74/D/5/201601 Mar 2017 View document        E SACR  CRC_C_74_D_5_2016_25663_S.pdf   CRC/C/74/D/5/2016 True17
List of issues in relation to the seventh periodic report of Costa RicaList of issuesCEDAWCosta RicaCEDAW/C/CRI/Q/725 Nov 2016 View document  E           CEDAW_C_CRI_Q_7_25114_E.doc     CEDAW/C/CRI/Q/7 True18
Concluding observations on the fifth periodic report of Costa RicaConcluding observationsCESCRCosta RicaE/C.12/CRI/CO/520 Oct 2016 View document        E S  R  E_C-12_CRI_CO_5_25473_S.docx   E/C.12/CRI/CO/5 True5
Summary record of the 52nd meeting, Tuesday, 20 September 2016, at 10 a.m.Summary recordsCESCRCosta RicaE/C.12/2016/SR.5220 Sep 2016 View document        E           E/C.12/2016/SR.52 True31
Summary record of the 51st meeting, Monday, 19 September 2016, at 3 p.m.Summary recordsCESCRCosta RicaE/C.12/2016/SR.5119 Sep 2016 View document        E           E/C.12/2016/SR.51 True31
Concluding observations on the sixth periodic report of Costa RicaConcluding observationsCCPRCosta RicaCCPR/C/CRI/CO/620 Apr 2016 View document        E SACR  CCPR_C_CRI_CO_6_23446_S.docx   CCPR/C/CRI/CO/6 True5
List of issues in relation to the fifth periodic report of Costa RicaList of issuesCESCRCosta RicaE/C.12/CRI/Q/521 Mar 2016 View document        E S     E_C-12_CRI_Q_5_23267_S.pdf   E/C.12/CRI/Q/5 True18
Additional information as receivedAdditional Info from State partyCCPRCosta Rica 21 Mar 2016 View document    S           INT_CCPR_AIS_CRI_23364_S.docx   INT/CCPR/AIS/CRI/23364 True1


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