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This page provides country specific information on :
  • The ratification of international Human Rights treaties
  • The reporting cycles
  • All the documents related to a reporting cycle

Note: Click on the collapse/expand icon to view reporting cycles and related documentations 

Reporting status for Chile
 TreatySignature DateRatification Date, Accession(a), Succession(d) Date
Command item
Command item

CAT - Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

CATConvention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment23 Sep 198730 Sep 198830 Oct 1988  30 Sep 1988
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
List of issues prior to reporting (LoIPR)CAT/C/CHL/Q/6  11 Jul 2012 View document       E S         CHLCAT/C/CHL/Q/6  25True
State party report under LoIPRCAT/C/CHL/631 Dec 2013/Initially due in 201316 Feb 2017  View document   S           INT_CAT_RUL_CHL_5701_S.pdf   CHLCAT/C/CHL/6 201345True
Annex to State party report  16 Feb 2017  View document   S           INT_CAT_ADR_CHL_26680_S.docx   CHLINT/CAT/ADR/CHL/26680  151True
ExpandV42 (2009)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCAT/C/CHL/529 Oct 200519 Jan 200721 Aug 2007 View document       E S  R      CHLCAT/C/CHL/5  29True
List of issuesCAT/C/CHL/Q/5  12 Feb 2009 View document       E S  R      CHLCAT/C/CHL/Q/5  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCAT/C/CHL/Q/5/Add.1  29 Mar 2009 View document       E S  R      CHLCAT/C/CHL/Q/5/Add.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsChilean Civil Society    View document E S         INT_CAT_NGO_CHL_42_8334_E.pdf INT_CAT_NGO_CHL_42_8334_S.pdf   CHLINT/CAT/NGO/CHL/42/8334  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsFIDH    View document E           INT_CAT_NGO_CHL_42_8333_E.pdf     CHLINT/CAT/NGO/CHL/42/8333  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsREDRESS    View document E           INT_CAT_NGO_CHL_42_8335_E.pdf     CHLINT/CAT/NGO/CHL/42/8335  14True
Statement     View document E           INT_CAT_STA_CHL_42_11009_E.pdf     CHLINT/CAT/STA/CHL/42/11009  109True
List of delegation/participants     View document E           INT_CAT_LOP_CHL_42_10396_E.doc     CHLINT/CAT/LOP/CHL/42/10396  107True
List of delegation/participants     View document E           INT_CAT_LOP_CHL_42_10397_E.doc     CHLINT/CAT/LOP/CHL/42/10397  107True
Concluding observationsCAT/C/CHL/CO/5  23 Jun 2009 View document       E SACR      CHLCAT/C/CHL/CO/5  5True
Follow-up issuesConcluding observations CAT/C/CHL/CO/5, paras. 12-14, 18 & 25 15 May 2009  View document E           INT_CAT_FUI_CHL_12056_E.pdf     CHLINT/CAT/FUI/CHL/12056  117True
Follow-up State party's reportCAT/C/CHL/CO/5/Add.115 May 201022 Jul 2011  View document   S           CAT_C_CHL_CO_5_Add-1_11612_S.pdf   CHLCAT/C/CHL/CO/5/Add.1  46True
Follow-up letter sent to the State partyReminder 28 Mar 2010  View document E           INT_CAT_FUR_CHL_12057_E.pdf     CHLINT/CAT/FUR/CHL/12057  114True
Follow-up Information from other sources CINTRAS, CODEPU & Corporación Humanas de Observatorio Ciudadano 18 Feb 2011  View document E           INT_CAT_NGS_CHL_12058_E.pdf     CHLINT/CAT/NGS/CHL/12058  115True
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.877  17 Jun 2009 View document         S  R      CHLCAT/C/SR.877  31True
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.879  19 Jun 2009 View document       E S  R      CHLCAT/C/SR.879  31True
ExpandIII-IV32 (2004)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCAT/C/39/Add.529 Oct 199718 Feb 200204 Mar 2004 View document       E S  R      CHLCAT/C/39/Add.5  29True
AddendumCAT/C/39/Add.14  28 Oct 2002 View document       E S  R      CHLCAT/C/39/Add.14  40True
CorrigendumCAT/C/39/Add.5/Corr.1  10 Apr 2003 View document       E S  R      CHLCAT/C/39/Add.5/Corr.1  39True
List of issuesCAT/C/32/L/CHL                      CHLCAT/C/32/L/CHL  18False
Concluding observationsCAT/C/CR/32/5 14 Jun 200414 Jun 2004 View document       E S  R      CHLCAT/C/CR/32/5  5True
Follow-up issuesConcluding Observations CAT/C/CR/32/5, para. 7, subparagraphs (k), (m) and (q)  21 May 2004  View document                   CHLINT/CAT/FUI/CHL/14177http://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=CAT%2fC%2fCR%2f32%2f5⟪=en 117True
Follow-up State party's reportCAT/C/38/CRP.421 May 200522 Jan 2007                    CHLCAT/C/38/CRP.4  46False
Follow-up letter sent to the State partyReminder 17 Feb 2006  View document E           INT_CAT_FUR_CHL_11771_E.pdf     CHLINT/CAT/FUR/CHL/11771  114True
Follow-up letter sent to the State partyRequest for additional information 15 May 2008  View document E           INT_CAT_FUF_CHL_11772_E.pdf     CHLINT/CAT/FUF/CHL/11772  114True
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.602  20 Jul 2004 View document            R      CHLCAT/C/SR.602  31True
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.602 20 Jul 200420 Jul 2004 View document            R      CHLCAT/C/SR.602  31True
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.605 21 May 200421 May 2004 View document       E    R      CHLCAT/C/SR.605  31True
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.605  21 May 2004 View document       E    R      CHLCAT/C/SR.605  31True
ExpandII13 (1994)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCAT/C/20/Add.329 Oct 199316 Feb 199401 Mar 1994 View document       E S  R      CHLCAT/C/20/Add.3  29True
Concluding observationsA/50/44(SUPP) paras. 52-61  01 Jan 1995 View document       E SACR      CHLA/50/44(SUPP)  5True
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.192  17 Nov 1994 View document            R      CHLCAT/C/SR.192  31True
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.192 17 Nov 199417 Nov 1994 View document            R      CHLCAT/C/SR.192  31True
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.192/Add.2 17 Nov 199417 Nov 1994 View document            R      CHLCAT/C/SR.192/Add.2  31True
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.191  14 Nov 1994 View document       E    R      CHLCAT/C/SR.191  31True
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.191 07 May 199714 Nov 1994 View document       E    R      CHLCAT/C/SR.191  31True
ExpandI6 (1991)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.78                      CHLCAT/C/SR.78  31False
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.77    View document       E S  R      CHLCAT/C/SR.77  31True
ExpandI3 (1989)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCAT/C/7/Add.229 Oct 198921 Sep 1989                    CHLCAT/C/7/Add.2  29False
Concluding observationsA/45/44 paras. 341-375                      CHLA/45/44  5False
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.40                      CHLCAT/C/SR.40  31False
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.41                      CHLCAT/C/SR.41  31False
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.40    View document       E           CHLCAT/C/SR.40  31True
Summary recordsCAT/C/SR.41    View document       E           CHLCAT/C/SR.41  31True

CAT-OP - Optional Protocol of the Convention against Torture

CAT-OPOptional Protocol of the Convention against Torture06 Jun 200512 Dec 200812 Jan 2009  12 Dec 2008
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
Country visit report (SPT)CAT/OP/CHL/1 27 Jun 201627 Dec 2016 View document   S           CAT_OP_CHL_1_7897_S.docx   CHLCAT/OP/CHL/1  23True
Additional Info from State partyCAT/OP/CHL/1/Add.1 27 Dec 201627 Dec 2016 View document   S           CAT_OP_CHL_1_Add-1_26396_S.pdf   CHLCAT/OP/CHL/1/Add.1  1True

CCPR - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

CCPRInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights16 Sep 196910 Feb 197223 Mar 1976  10 Feb 1972
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 31 Jul 2019                     CHLINT/CCPR/INR/CHL/7467  29False
ExpandVI111 (2014)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCCPR/C/CHL/601 Apr 201225 May 201212 Sep 2012 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/6  29True
List of issuesCCPR/C/CHL/Q/6  12 Aug 2013 View document       E S   CCPR_C_TCD_Q_2_14767_E.doc     CHLCCPR/C/CHL/Q/6  18True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex I    View document E           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_16974_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/16974  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex II 04 Dec 2013  View document E           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_16975_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/16975  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex III    View document   S           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_17251_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/17251  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex IV    View document   S           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_17252_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/17252  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex V    View document   S           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_17253_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/17253  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex VI    View document   S           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_17254_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/17254  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex VII    View document   S           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_17255_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/17255  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex VIII    View document   S           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_17256_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/17256  22True
Reply to List of IssuesCCPR/C/CHL/Q/6/ADD.1 04 Dec 201307 May 2014 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/Q/6/ADD.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCentro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género (Corporación Humanas) - for adopting LOIs    View document E S         INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14589_E.pdf INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14589_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/14589  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsConscience and Peace Tax International and International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR) - for adoption of LOIs    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14586_E.doc     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/14586  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsFranciscans International - for adopting LOIs    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14587_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/14587  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsGlobal Initiative to End Corporal Punishment of Children - for adopting LOIs    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14588_E.docx     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/14588  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsOrganización de Transexuales por la Dignidad de la Diversidad (OTD) and International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) - for adopting LOIs    View document E S         INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14590_E.docx INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14590_S.docx   CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/14590  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsUnrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) -for adopting LOIs    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14585_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/14585  14True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Amnesty International     View document E           INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17490_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/CSS/CHL/17490  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Centro Regional de DerechosHumanos y Justicia de Género     View document E S         INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17510_E.pdf INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17510_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/CSS/CHL/17510  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) International Fellowship Of Reconciliation (IFOR)    View document EFS         INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17424_E.docINT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17424_F.docINT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17424_S.doc   CHLINT/CCPR/CSS/CHL/17424  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission    View document E           INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17426_E.docx     CHLINT/CCPR/CSS/CHL/17426  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Observatorio Ciuadadano    View document   S           INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17425_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/CSS/CHL/17425  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization    View document E           INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17506_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/CSS/CHL/17506  158True
Info from NHRIs (for the session) Informe Complementario INDH 30 May 2014  View document   S           INT_CCPR_NHS_CHL_17319_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/NHS/CHL/17319  159True
List of delegation/participants  02 Jul 2014  View document E           INT_CCPR_LOP_CHL_17569_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/LOP/CHL/17569  107True
Concluding observationsCCPR/C/CHL/CO/6  12 Aug 2014 View document       E SACR  CCPR_C_CHL_CO_6_17703_S.doc   CHLCCPR/C/CHL/CO/6  5True
Follow-up State party's reportAnne IV    View document   S           INT_CCPR_FCO_CHL_23006_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FCO/CHL/23006  46True
Follow-up State party's reportAnnex I 04 Feb 201604 Feb 2016 View document   S           INT_CCPR_FCO_CHL_23003_S.docx   CHLINT/CCPR/FCO/CHL/23003  46True
Follow-up State party's reportAnnex II    View document   S           INT_CCPR_FCO_CHL_23004_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FCO/CHL/23004  46True
Follow-up State party's reportAnnex III    View document   S           INT_CCPR_FCO_CHL_23005_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FCO/CHL/23005  46True
Follow-up State party's reportCCPR/C/CHL/CO/6/Add.1 04 Jan 201604 Feb 2016 View document       E S     CCPR_C_CHL_CO_6_Add-1_23007_S.doc   CHLCCPR/C/CHL/CO/6/Add.1  46True
Follow-up letter sent to the State partyFollow up letter dated 1 October 2015 01 Oct 2015  View document   S           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_21846_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/21846  114True
Follow-up Information from other sources Joint NGO Submission 04 Sep 2015  View document   S           INT_CCPR_NGS_CHL_21612_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/NGS/CHL/21612  115True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.3068    View document       E           CHLCCPR/C/SR.3068  31True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.3069    View document       E           CHLCCPR/C/SR.3069  31True
ExpandVI108 (2013)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCCPR/C/CHL/601 Apr 201225 May 201212 Sep 2012 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/6  29True
List of issuesCCPR/C/CHL/Q/6  12 Aug 2013 View document       E S   CCPR_C_TCD_Q_2_14767_E.doc     CHLCCPR/C/CHL/Q/6  18True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex I    View document E           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_16974_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/16974  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex II 04 Dec 2013  View document E           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_16975_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/16975  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex III    View document   S           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_17251_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/17251  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex IV    View document   S           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_17252_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/17252  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex V    View document   S           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_17253_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/17253  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex VI    View document   S           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_17254_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/17254  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex VII    View document   S           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_17255_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/17255  22True
Reply to List of IssuesAnnex VIII    View document   S           INT_CCPR_RLI_CHL_17256_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/RLI/CHL/17256  22True
Reply to List of IssuesCCPR/C/CHL/Q/6/ADD.1 04 Dec 201307 May 2014 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/Q/6/ADD.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCentro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género (Corporación Humanas) - for adopting LOIs    View document E S         INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14589_E.pdf INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14589_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/14589  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsConscience and Peace Tax International and International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR) - for adoption of LOIs    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14586_E.doc     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/14586  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsFranciscans International - for adopting LOIs    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14587_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/14587  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsGlobal Initiative to End Corporal Punishment of Children - for adopting LOIs    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14588_E.docx     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/14588  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsOrganización de Transexuales por la Dignidad de la Diversidad (OTD) and International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) - for adopting LOIs    View document E S         INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14590_E.docx INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14590_S.docx   CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/14590  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsUnrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) -for adopting LOIs    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_14585_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/14585  14True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Amnesty International     View document E           INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17490_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/CSS/CHL/17490  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Centro Regional de DerechosHumanos y Justicia de Género     View document E S         INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17510_E.pdf INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17510_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/CSS/CHL/17510  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) International Fellowship Of Reconciliation (IFOR)    View document EFS         INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17424_E.docINT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17424_F.docINT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17424_S.doc   CHLINT/CCPR/CSS/CHL/17424  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission    View document E           INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17426_E.docx     CHLINT/CCPR/CSS/CHL/17426  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Observatorio Ciuadadano    View document   S           INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17425_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/CSS/CHL/17425  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization    View document E           INT_CCPR_CSS_CHL_17506_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/CSS/CHL/17506  158True
Info from NHRIs (for the session) Informe Complementario INDH 30 May 2014  View document   S           INT_CCPR_NHS_CHL_17319_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/NHS/CHL/17319  159True
List of delegation/participants  02 Jul 2014  View document E           INT_CCPR_LOP_CHL_17569_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/LOP/CHL/17569  107True
Concluding observationsCCPR/C/CHL/CO/6  12 Aug 2014 View document       E SACR  CCPR_C_CHL_CO_6_17703_S.doc   CHLCCPR/C/CHL/CO/6  5True
Follow-up State party's reportAnne IV    View document   S           INT_CCPR_FCO_CHL_23006_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FCO/CHL/23006  46True
Follow-up State party's reportAnnex I 04 Feb 201604 Feb 2016 View document   S           INT_CCPR_FCO_CHL_23003_S.docx   CHLINT/CCPR/FCO/CHL/23003  46True
Follow-up State party's reportAnnex II    View document   S           INT_CCPR_FCO_CHL_23004_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FCO/CHL/23004  46True
Follow-up State party's reportAnnex III    View document   S           INT_CCPR_FCO_CHL_23005_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FCO/CHL/23005  46True
Follow-up State party's reportCCPR/C/CHL/CO/6/Add.1 04 Jan 201604 Feb 2016 View document       E S     CCPR_C_CHL_CO_6_Add-1_23007_S.doc   CHLCCPR/C/CHL/CO/6/Add.1  46True
Follow-up letter sent to the State partyFollow up letter dated 1 October 2015 01 Oct 2015  View document   S           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_21846_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/21846  114True
Follow-up Information from other sources Joint NGO Submission 04 Sep 2015  View document   S           INT_CCPR_NGS_CHL_21612_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/NGS/CHL/21612  115True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.3068    View document       E           CHLCCPR/C/SR.3068  31True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.3069    View document       E           CHLCCPR/C/SR.3069  31True
ExpandV89 (2007)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCCPR/C/CHL/528 Apr 200208 Feb 200605 Jul 2006 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/5  29True
Follow-up Report of the Special Rapporteur on follow-up on Concluding ObservationsCCPR/C/104/2  30 Apr 2012 View document       E SACR      CHLCCPR/C/104/2  134True
Follow-up Report of the Special Rapporteur on follow-up on Concluding ObservationsCCPR/C/95/2  20 Feb 2009 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/95/2  134True
Follow-up Report of the Special Rapporteur on follow-up on Concluding ObservationsCCPR/C/96/2  26 Aug 2009 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/96/2  134True
List of issuesCCPR/C/CHL/Q/5 13 Dec 200613 Dec 2006 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/Q/5  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCCPR/C/CHL/Q/5/Add.1 27 Feb 200727 Feb 2007 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/Q/5/Add.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCLADEM     View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8343_E.doc     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8343  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCLADEM    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8349_E.doc     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8349  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsConscience and Peace Tax International    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8348_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8348  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsConscience and Peace Tax International    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8342_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8342  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsInternational Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8347_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8347  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsInternational Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8345_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8345  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsInternational Federation of Human Rights (FIDH)    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8344_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8344  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsJoint Submission supportes by Centre for Civil and Political Rights    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8341_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8341  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsProgram in International Human Rights Law of Indiana University School of Law and the International Human Rights Law Society of Indiana University School of Law     View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8346_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8346  14True
Concluding observationsCCPR/C/CHL/CO/5  18 May 2007 View document       E SACR      CHLCCPR/C/CHL/CO/5  5True
Follow-up State party's reportCCPR/C/CHL/CO/5/ADD.2  25 Aug 2010 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/CO/5/ADD.2  46True
Follow-up State party's reportAs received    View document   S           _11703_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FCO/CHL/11703  46True
Follow-up State party's reportCCPR/C/CHL/CO/5/ADD.1  22 Jan 2009 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/CO/5/ADD.1  46True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  02 Aug 2011  View document   S           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_11845_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/11845  114True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  09 May 2011  View document   S           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_11846_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/11846  114True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  23 Apr 2010  View document   S           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_11848_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/11848  114True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  11 Dec 2009  View document   S           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_11849_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/11849  114True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  01 Apr 2012  View document   S           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_11850_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/11850  114True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  16 Dec 2010  View document  F           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_11847_F.pdf    CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/11847  114True
Follow-up Information from other sources      View document   S           INT_CCPR_NGS_CHL_11844_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/NGS/CHL/11844  115True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.2429 05 Apr 200104 Apr 2007 View document       E SA R      CHLCCPR/C/SR.2429  31True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.2430 29 Mar 200103 Apr 2007 View document       E SA R      CHLCCPR/C/SR.2430  31True
ExpandV88 (2006)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCCPR/C/CHL/528 Apr 200208 Feb 200605 Jul 2006 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/5  29True
Follow-up Report of the Special Rapporteur on follow-up on Concluding ObservationsCCPR/C/104/2  30 Apr 2012 View document       E SACR      CHLCCPR/C/104/2  134True
Follow-up Report of the Special Rapporteur on follow-up on Concluding ObservationsCCPR/C/95/2  20 Feb 2009 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/95/2  134True
Follow-up Report of the Special Rapporteur on follow-up on Concluding ObservationsCCPR/C/96/2  26 Aug 2009 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/96/2  134True
List of issuesCCPR/C/CHL/Q/5 13 Dec 200613 Dec 2006 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/Q/5  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCCPR/C/CHL/Q/5/Add.1 27 Feb 200727 Feb 2007 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/Q/5/Add.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCLADEM     View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8343_E.doc     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8343  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCLADEM    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8349_E.doc     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8349  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsConscience and Peace Tax International    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8348_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8348  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsConscience and Peace Tax International    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8342_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8342  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsInternational Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8347_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8347  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsInternational Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8345_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8345  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsInternational Federation of Human Rights (FIDH)    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8344_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8344  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsJoint Submission supportes by Centre for Civil and Political Rights    View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8341_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8341  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsProgram in International Human Rights Law of Indiana University School of Law and the International Human Rights Law Society of Indiana University School of Law     View document E           INT_CCPR_NGO_CHL_89_8346_E.pdf     CHLINT/CCPR/NGO/CHL/89/8346  14True
Concluding observationsCCPR/C/CHL/CO/5  18 May 2007 View document       E SACR      CHLCCPR/C/CHL/CO/5  5True
Follow-up State party's reportCCPR/C/CHL/CO/5/ADD.2  25 Aug 2010 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/CO/5/ADD.2  46True
Follow-up State party's reportAs received    View document   S           _11703_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FCO/CHL/11703  46True
Follow-up State party's reportCCPR/C/CHL/CO/5/ADD.1  22 Jan 2009 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/CHL/CO/5/ADD.1  46True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  02 Aug 2011  View document   S           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_11845_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/11845  114True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  09 May 2011  View document   S           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_11846_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/11846  114True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  23 Apr 2010  View document   S           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_11848_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/11848  114True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  11 Dec 2009  View document   S           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_11849_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/11849  114True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  01 Apr 2012  View document   S           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_11850_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/11850  114True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  16 Dec 2010  View document  F           INT_CCPR_FUL_CHL_11847_F.pdf    CHLINT/CCPR/FUL/CHL/11847  114True
Follow-up Information from other sources      View document   S           INT_CCPR_NGS_CHL_11844_S.pdf   CHLINT/CCPR/NGS/CHL/11844  115True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.2429 05 Apr 200104 Apr 2007 View document       E SA R      CHLCCPR/C/SR.2429  31True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.2430 29 Mar 200103 Apr 2007 View document       E SA R      CHLCCPR/C/SR.2430  31True
ExpandIV65 (1999)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCCPR/C/95/Add.1128 Apr 199406 Oct 199703 Dec 1998 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/95/Add.11  29True
Concluding observationsCCPR/C/79/Add.104 30 Mar 1999  View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/79/Add.104  5True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.1733 05 Apr 200103 Mar 2000 View document       E SA R      CHLCCPR/C/SR.1733  31True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.1734 29 Mar 200117 Feb 2000 View document       E S  R      CHLCCPR/C/SR.1734  31True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.1730    View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/SR.1730  31True
ExpandIII37 (1989)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCCPR/C/58/Add.228 Apr 198903 May 1989                    CHLCCPR/C/58/Add.2  29False
AddendumCCPR/C/58/Add.4                      CHLCCPR/C/58/Add.4  40False
Concluding observationsA/45/40 paras. 170-211                      CHLA/45/40  5False
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.942                      CHLCCPR/C/SR.942  31False
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.943                      CHLCCPR/C/SR.943  31False
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.944                      CHLCCPR/C/SR.944  31False
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.945                      CHLCCPR/C/SR.945  31False
ExpandII22 (1984)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCCPR/C/32/Add.128 Apr 198405 Apr 1984                    CHLCCPR/C/32/Add.1  29False
AddendumCCPR/C/32/Add.2                      CHLCCPR/C/32/Add.2  40False
Concluding observationsA/39/40 paras. 435-478                      CHLA/39/40  5False
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.527                      CHLCCPR/C/SR.527  31False
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.528                      CHLCCPR/C/SR.528  31False
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.529                      CHLCCPR/C/SR.529  31False
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.530                      CHLCCPR/C/SR.530  31False
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.531                      CHLCCPR/C/SR.531  31False
ExpandI6 (1979)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCCPR/C/1/Add.2522 Mar 197726 Apr 197827 Apr 1978 View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/1/Add.25  29True
AddendumCCPR/C/1/Add.40                      CHLCCPR/C/1/Add.40  40False
Concluding observationsA/34/40 paras. 70-109                      CHLA/34/40  5False
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.127  23 Apr 1979 View document       E           CHLCCPR/C/SR.127  31True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.128  24 Apr 1979 View document       E           CHLCCPR/C/SR.128  31True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.129  23 Apr 1979 View document       E           CHLCCPR/C/SR.129  31True
Summary recordsCCPR/C/SR.130  18 Apr 1979 View document       E           CHLCCPR/C/SR.130  31True

CCPR-OP2-DP - Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights aiming to the abolition of the death penalty

CCPR-OP2-DPSecond Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights aiming to the abolition of the death penalty15 Nov 200126 Sep 200826 Dec 2008  26 Sep 2008
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)

CED - Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance

CEDConvention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance06 Feb 200708 Dec 200923 Dec 2010  08 Dec 2009
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 23 Jan 2013                     CHLINT/CED/INR/CHL/7045  29False

CEDAW - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

CEDAWConvention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women17 Jul 198007 Dec 198906 Jan 1990  07 Dec 1989
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCEDAW/C/CHL/701 Oct 201604 Nov 2016  View document   S           CEDAW_C_CHL_7_5924_S.pdf   CHLCEDAW/C/CHL/7  29True
Annex to State party reportAnnexes (as received) (S only) 04 Nov 201609 Dec 2016 View document   S           INT_CEDAW_ADR_CHL_26013_S.pdf   CHLINT/CEDAW/ADR/CHL/26013  151True
ExpandV-VI53 (2012)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCEDAW/C/CHL/5-606 Jan 201106 Jan 201116 Mar 2011 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/CHL/5-6  29True
List of issuesCEDAW/C/CHL/Q/5-6  26 Mar 2012 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/CHL/Q/5-6  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCEDAW/C/CHL/Q/5-6/ADD.1  02 Jul 2012 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/CHL/Q/5-6/ADD.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsArticulación Feminista por la Libertad de Decidir   01 Oct 2012 View document E S         INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_13161_E.pdf INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_13161_S.pdf   CHLINT/CEDAW/NGO/CHL/13161  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCentro de Derechos Reproductivos (for the Session)  01 Oct 2012 View document E           INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_13162_E.pdf     CHLINT/CEDAW/NGO/CHL/13162  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCongre of our Lady of Charity of the Shepherd (Spanish version)  01 Oct 2012 View document E S         INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_13163_E.pdf INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_13163_S.pdf   CHLINT/CEDAW/NGO/CHL/13163  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsGlobal Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children    View document E           INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_53_8336_E.pdf     CHLINT/CEDAW/NGO/CHL/53/8336  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsInternational Disability Alliance (IDA)  01 Oct 2012 View document E           INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_13164_E.doc     CHLINT/CEDAW/NGO/CHL/13164  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsJoint NGO Submission (for the session)   01 Oct 2012 View document   S           INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_13165_S.pdf   CHLINT/CEDAW/NGO/CHL/13165  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsJoint Submission - Corporaciones Humanas, CEDEM, Red Ciudadana contra la violencia doméstica y sexual; DOMOS, Observatorio de género y equidad, CEM y Observatorio ciudadano    View document E S         INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_53_8337_E.pdf INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_53_8337_S.pdf   CHLINT/CEDAW/NGO/CHL/53/8337  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsOrganización de Transexuales por la Dignidad de la Diversidad (OTD) and International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) - (Spanish version)  01 Oct 2012 View document   S           INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_13168_S.pdf   CHLINT/CEDAW/NGO/CHL/13168  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsOrganizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (for PSWG)  01 Oct 2012 View document E S         INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_13167_E.pdf INT_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_13167_S.pdf   CHLINT/CEDAW/NGO/CHL/13167  14True
Info from NHRIsInstituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos (INDH)  01 Oct 2012 View document   S           INT_CEDAW_IFN_CHL_13166_S.pdf   CHLINT/CEDAW/IFN/CHL/13166  12True
StatementStatementChile_CEDAW53_E  01 Oct 2012 View document E S         INT_CEDAW_STA_CHL_13172_E.pdf INT_CEDAW_STA_CHL_13172_S.pdf   CHLINT/CEDAW/STA/CHL/13172  109True
List of delegation/participantsList of delegation CEDAW CHILE 53   01 Oct 2012 View document   S           INT_CEDAW_LOP_CHL_13169_S.pdf   CHLINT/CEDAW/LOP/CHL/13169  107True
List of delegation/participantsList of delegation CEDAW CHILE 53 Add.1  01 Oct 2012 View document   S           INT_CEDAW_LOP_CHL_13170_S.pdf   CHLINT/CEDAW/LOP/CHL/13170  107True
List of delegation/participantsList of delegation CEDAW CHILE 53 Add.2  01 Oct 2012 View document   S           INT_CEDAW_LOP_CHL_13171_S.pdf   CHLINT/CEDAW/LOP/CHL/13171  107True
Concluding observationsCEDAW/C/CHL/CO/5-6/CORR.1   18 Feb 2013 View document         S         CHLCEDAW/C/CHL/CO/5-6/CORR.1   5True
Concluding observationsCEDAW/C/CHL/CO/5-6  12 Nov 2012 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/CHL/CO/5-6  5True
Follow-up State party's reportCEDAW/C/CHL/CO/5-6/Add.119 Oct 201426 Feb 201523 Apr 2015 View document       E S     CEDAW_C_CHL_CO_5-6_Add-1_15033_S.pdf   CHLCEDAW/C/CHL/CO/5-6/Add.1  46True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  22 Sep 2015  View document E           INT_CEDAW_FUL_CHL_21736_E.pdf     CHLINT/CEDAW/FUL/CHL/21736  114True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.1071  10 Oct 2012 View document       E           CHLCEDAW/C/SR.1071  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.1072  10 Oct 2012 View document       E           CHLCEDAW/C/SR.1072  31True
ExpandIV36 (2006)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCEDAW/C/CHI/406 Jan 200317 May 200417 May 2004 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/CHI/4  29True
List of issuesCEDAW/C/CHI/Q/4 14 Feb 200622 Feb 2006 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/CHI/Q/4  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCEDAW/C/CHI/Q/4/Add.1 08 Jun 200608 Jun 2006 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/CHI/Q/4/Add.1  22True
List of delegation/participants     View document E           INT_CEDAW_LOP_CHL_36_10470_E.pdf     CHLINT/CEDAW/LOP/CHL/36/10470  107True
Concluding observationsCEDAW/C/CHI/CO/4 25 Aug 200625 Aug 2006 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/CHI/CO/4  5True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.749    View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/SR.749  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.749 (A)  16 Aug 2006 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/SR.749 (A)  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.750    View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/SR.750  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.750 (A)  23 Aug 2006 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/SR.750 (A)  31True
ExpandIII21 (1999)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCEDAW/C/CHI/306 Jan 199901 Jan 199927 Jan 1999 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/CHI/3  29True
Concluding observationsA/54/38/REV. 1(SUPP) paras. 202-235  01 Jan 1999 View document       E SACR      CHLA/54/38/REV. 1(SUPP)  5True
Concluding observationsA/54/38 paras. 202-235 25 Jun 1999                    CHLA/54/38  5False
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.443 22 Jun 199922 Jun 1999 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/SR.443  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.442 22 Jun 199922 Jun 1999 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/SR.442  31True
ExpandII21 (1999)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCEDAW/C/CHI/206 Jan 199509 Mar 199519 Oct 1995 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/CHI/2  29True
Concluding observationsA/54/38/REV. 1(SUPP) paras. 202-235  01 Jan 1999 View document       E SACR      CHLA/54/38/REV. 1(SUPP)  5True
Concluding observationsA/54/38 paras. 202-235 25 Jun 1999                    CHLA/54/38  5False
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.443 22 Jun 199922 Jun 1999 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/SR.443  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.442 22 Jun 199922 Jun 1999 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/SR.442  31True
ExpandI14 (1995)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCEDAW/C/CHI/106 Jan 199103 Sep 199103 Sep 1991 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/CHI/1  29True
Info from UN AgenciesCEDAW/C/1995/3/Add.3 07 Oct 199407 Oct 1994 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/1995/3/Add.3  24True
Info from UN AgenciesCEDAW/C/1995/3/Add.4 07 Oct 199407 Oct 1994 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/1995/3/Add.4  24True
Info from UN AgenciesCEDAW/C/1995/3/Add.2  01 Dec 1994 View document       E S         CHLCEDAW/C/1995/3/Add.2  24True
Concluding observationsA/50/38 paras. 105-159 03 Feb 199531 May 1995 View document       E SACR      CHLA/50/38  5True
Concluding observationsA/50/38(SUPP) paras. 105-159  11 Nov 1998 View document       E SACR      CHLA/50/38(SUPP)  5True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.264 18 Jan 199502 Feb 1995 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/SR.264  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.271 24 Jan 199514 Feb 1995 View document       E SACR      CHLCEDAW/C/SR.271  31True

CERD - International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

CERDInternational Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination03 Oct 196620 Oct 197119 Nov 1971  20 Oct 1971
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 31 Aug 2016                     CHLINT/CERD/INR/CHL/7088  29False
ExpandXIX-XXI83 (2013)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/CHL/19-2131 Aug 201228 Sep 201219 Apr 2013 View document       E S  R      CHLCERD/C/CHL/19-21  29True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsComisión Jurídica para el Autodesarrollo de los Pueblos Originarios Andinos: Informe Alternativo 24 Jul 2013  View document   S           CAPAJ-Informe_14813_S.doc   CHLINT/CERD/NGO/CHL/14813  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCommision Mapuche Derechos Humanos - Auspice Stella, IRICAS, los Lof Juan Paillalef y Willilafkenche: Informe Alternativo 05 Aug 2013  View document   S           INT_CERD_NGO_CHL_14781_S.doc   CHLINT/CERD/NGO/CHL/14781  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCoordinating Entity - Corporación Humanas: Alternative report     View document E S         Corporacion Humanas et al_14815_E.pdf Corporacion Humanas et al_14815_S.pdf   CHLINT/CERD/NGO/CHL/14815  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsJoint Submission - Status of indigenous community broadcasting in Chile: The case of Radio Kimche Mapu of Puquiñe Valley 07 Aug 2013  View document E S         Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC)_14814_E.doc Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC)_14814_S.doc   CHLINT/CERD/NGO/CHL/14814  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsObservatorio Ciudadano y otros: Informe de la Sociedad Civil y Pueblos Originarios de Chile 03 Aug 2013  View document E S         Observatorio Ciudadano et al _14779_E.pdf INT_CERD_NGO_CHL_14779_S.pdf   CHLINT/CERD/NGO/CHL/14779  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsSociedad Civil Afrodescendiente en Chile - Informe Alternativo 08 Aug 2013  View document   S           Sociedad Civil Afrodescendiente en Chile_14839_S.pdf   CHLINT/CERD/NGO/CHL/14839  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsUniversidad de la Frontera y Otros: Informe Alternativo al Estado de Chile-Vertedero Boyeco 29 Jul 2013  View document   S           INT_CERD_NGO_CHL_14780_S.pdf   CHLINT/CERD/NGO/CHL/14780  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsUnrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO): Alternative Report 09 Aug 2013  View document E           Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO)_14821_E.pdf     CHLINT/CERD/NGO/CHL/14821  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsVíctimas, de comunidades y organizaciones Mapuche 09 Aug 2013  View document   S           Pacto Mapuche por Autodeterminación et al_14864_S.doc   CHLINT/CERD/NGO/CHL/14864  14True
Info from NHRIsInstituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos 19 Jul 2013  View document   S           NHRI Chile_14812_S.pdf   CHLINT/CERD/IFN/CHL/14812  12True
List of themesCERD/C/CHL/Q/19-21  04 Jul 2013 View document       E S  RCERD_C_CHL_Q_19-21_14630_E.docCERD_C_CHL_Q_19-21_14630_F.doc   CERD_C_CHL_Q_19-21_14630_R.docCHLCERD/C/CHL/Q/19-21  146True
List of delegation/participantsList of Delegation 06 Aug 2013  View document E           List of Delegation_14896_E.pdf     CHLINT/CERD/LOP/CHL/14896  107True
Concluding observationsCERD/C/CHL/CO/19-21 23 Sep 201323 Sep 2013 View document       E S     CERD_C_CHL_CO_19-21_14967_S.doc   CHLCERD/C/CHL/CO/19-21  5True
Comments to concluding observations Comments to concluding observations 26 Nov 2013  View document   S           INT_CERD_COB_CHL_15848_S.doc   CHLINT/CERD/COB/CHL/15848  34True
Follow-up issuesFollow-up to concluding observations paras. 10, 12 and 14  30 Aug 2013 View document                   CHLINT/CERD/FUI/CHL/16220http://uhri.ohchr.org/search/results?symbol=CERD/C/CHL/CO/19-21&rights;=5d486a2b-dc2d-409a-b882-49eb256e38c5&BodyFilter;=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&AnnotationTypeFilter;=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&CountryFilter;=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&resultsOrder;=State 117True
ExpandXV-XVIII75 (2009)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/CHL/15-1819 Nov 200623 Jun 200812 Mar 2009 View document       E S         CHLCERD/C/CHL/15-18  29True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsJoint Submission    View document E           INT_CERD_NGO_CHL_75_8338_E.doc     CHLINT/CERD/NGO/CHL/75/8338  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsJoint Submission    View document E           INT_CERD_NGO_CHL_75_8340_E.pdf     CHLINT/CERD/NGO/CHL/75/8340  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsRed de Acción por los Derechos Ambientales (RADA)    View document E           INT_CERD_NGO_CHL_75_8339_E.pdf     CHLINT/CERD/NGO/CHL/75/8339  14True
Concluding observationsCERD/C/CHL/CO/15-18  07 Sep 2009 View document       E SACR      CHLCERD/C/CHL/CO/15-18  5True
Follow-up State party's reportCERD/C/CHL/CO/15-18/Add.128 Aug 201011 Mar 201016 Aug 2010 View document       E S         CHLCERD/C/CHL/CO/15-18/Add.1  46True
Follow-up letter sent to the State party  27 Aug 2010  View document   S           INT_CERD_FUL_CHL_12157_S.pdf   CHLINT/CERD/FUL/CHL/12157  114True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.1950  20 Aug 2009 View document       E S  R      CHLCERD/C/SR.1950  31True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.1951  02 Sep 2009 View document       E S  R      CHLCERD/C/SR.1951  31True
ExpandXI-XIV55 (1999)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/337/Add.219 Nov 199219 Jun 199829 Oct 1998 View document       E S  R      CHLCERD/C/337/Add.2  29True
Concluding observationsCERD/C/304/Add.81 12 Apr 200112 Apr 2001 View document       E S         CHLCERD/C/304/Add.81  5True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.1346 15 Nov 199915 Nov 1999 View document       E S  R      CHLCERD/C/SR.1346  31True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.1347 17 Aug 199917 Aug 1999 View document       E S  R      CHLCERD/C/SR.1347  31True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.1361 31 Aug 199931 Aug 1999 View document       E S  R      CHLCERD/C/SR.1361  31True
ExpandIX-X41 (1992)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/196/Add.119 Nov 198815 Jan 1992                    CHLCERD/C/196/Add.1  29False
Concluding observationsA/47/18 paras. 200-223 11 Aug 1992                    CHLA/47/18  5False
Concluding observationsA/47/18(SUPP) paras. 200-223  05 May 1993 View document       E SACR      CHLA/47/18(SUPP)  5True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.945                      CHLCERD/C/SR.945  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.947                      CHLCERD/C/SR.947  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.948                      CHLCERD/C/SR.948  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.951                      CHLCERD/C/SR.951  31False
ExpandVIII37 (1989)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/148/Add.419 Nov 198629 Jun 1987                    CHLCERD/C/148/Add.4  29False
Concluding observationsA/44/18 paras. 344-361  15 Feb 1990 View document       E SACR      CHLA/44/18  5True
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.846                      CHLCERD/C/SR.846  31False
ExpandVII32 (1985)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/117/Add.319 Nov 198423 Nov 1984                    CHLCERD/C/117/Add.3  29False
Concluding observationsA/40/18 paras. 501-517                      CHLA/40/18  5False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.735                      CHLCERD/C/SR.735  31False
ExpandVI27 (1983)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/90/Add.419 Nov 198228 Sep 1982                    CHLCERD/C/90/Add.4  29False
CorrigendumCERD/C/90/Corr.1                      CHLCERD/C/90/Corr.1  39False
Concluding observationsA/38/18 paras. 265-277                      CHLA/38/18  5False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.614                      CHLCERD/C/SR.614  31False
ExpandV23 (1981)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/65/Add.319 Nov 198027 Nov 1980                    CHLCERD/C/65/Add.3  29False
Concluding observationsA/36/18 paras. 260-270                      CHLA/36/18  5False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.515                      CHLCERD/C/SR.515  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.516                      CHLCERD/C/SR.516  31False
ExpandIV19 (1979)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/18/Add.219 Nov 197822 Nov 1978                    CHLCERD/C/18/Add.2  29False
AddendumCERD/C/18/Add.5                      CHLCERD/C/18/Add.5  40False
Concluding observationsA/34/18 paras. 243-258                      CHLA/34/18  5False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.424                      CHLCERD/C/SR.424  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.425                      CHLCERD/C/SR.425  31False
ExpandIII15 (1977)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/R.88/Add.519 Nov 197621 Jun 1976                    CHLCERD/C/R.88/Add.5  29False
AddendumCERD/C/R.88/Add.7                      CHLCERD/C/R.88/Add.7  40False
Concluding observationsA/32/18 paras. 68-79                      CHLA/32/18  5False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.317                      CHLCERD/C/SR.317  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.318                      CHLCERD/C/SR.318  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.319                      CHLCERD/C/SR.319  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.320                      CHLCERD/C/SR.320  31False
ExpandII12 (1975)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/R.65/Add.419 Nov 197416 Jul 1975                    CHLCERD/C/R.65/Add.4  29False
AddendumCERD/C/R.65/Add.5                      CHLCERD/C/R.65/Add.5  40False
Concluding observationsA/10018 paras. 159-165                      CHLA/10018  5False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.253                      CHLCERD/C/SR.253  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.255                      CHLCERD/C/SR.255  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.256                      CHLCERD/C/SR.256  31False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.257                      CHLCERD/C/SR.257  31False
ExpandI8 (1973)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCERD/C/R.33/Add.519 Nov 197202 Jan 1973                    CHLCERD/C/R.33/Add.5  29False
Concluding observationsA/9018 paras. 269-273                      CHLA/9018  5False
Summary recordsCERD/C/SR.153                      CHLCERD/C/SR.153  31False

CESCR - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

CESCRInternational Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights16 Sep 196910 Feb 197203 Jan 1976  10 Feb 1972
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 30 Jun 2020                     CHLINT/CESCR/INR/CHL/7734  29False
ExpandIV55 (2015)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportE/C.12/CHL/430 Jun 200929 Mar 201212 Aug 2013 View document       E S  R      CHLE/C.12/CHL/4  29True
List of issuesE/C.12/CHL/Q/4  21 Dec 2014 View document       E S  R  E_C-12_CHL_Q_1_19020_S.doc   CHLE/C.12/CHL/Q/4  18True
Annex to Reply to List of IssuesAnexos (Spanish only)    View document   S           INT_CESCR_ARL_CHL_20051_S.docx   CHLINT/CESCR/ARL/CHL/20051  169True
Reply to List of IssuesE/C,12/CHL/Q/4/Add.1  15 Apr 2015 View document       E S     E_C,12_CHL_Q_4_Add-1_20049_S.docx   CHLE/C,12/CHL/Q/4/Add.1  22True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Amnesty International    View document E           INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20448_E.pdf     CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20448  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) ASOREFEN A.G. - ASOCIACIÓN GREMIAL REGIONAL DE EX FUNCIONARIOS DE ENAMI    View document   S           INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20165_S.docx   CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20165  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Auspice Stella and others    View document E           INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20252_E.pdf     CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20252  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Commission of Human Rights Observers Casa Memoria José Domingo Cañas    View document EFS         INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20074_E.docINT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20074_F.docxINT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20074_S.doc   CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20074  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Comunidad y Justicia    View document   S           INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20160_S.pdf   CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20160  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Corporación Humanas and others    View document E S         INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20163_E.pdf INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20163_S.pdf   CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20163  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Cultural Survival    View document E           INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20600_E.docx     CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20600  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Fundación Relaves Chile, Fundación Terram    View document   S           INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20605_S.pdf   CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20605  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Global Initiative to end all Corporal Punishment of Children    View document E           INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20117_E.docx     CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20117  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Observatorio Ciudadano and others    View document E S         INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20391_E.pdf INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20391_S.doc   CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20391  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Observatorio de Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y organizaciones de Pueblos Indígenas    View document E S         INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20390_E.pdf INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20390_S.pdf   CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20390  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) The Center for Reproductive Rights     View document E           INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20393_E.docx     CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20393  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) The Human Rights and Tobacco Control Network     View document E           INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20178_E.doc     CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20178  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) The Movement for Sexual Diversity MUMS from Center for the Study of Sexuality NGOs CSS    View document E S         INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20162_E.docx INT_CESCR_CSS_CHL_20162_S.docx   CHLINT/CESCR/CSS/CHL/20162  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) Civil Society Organisations-Comments (ENG)    View document E S         INT_CESCR_ICO_CHL_18430_E.pdf INT_CESCR_ICO_CHL_18430_S.pdf   CHLINT/CESCR/ICO/CHL/18430  154True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) GI- Privatisation in Education-Final    View document E           INT_CESCR_ICO_CHL_18838_E.pdf     CHLINT/CESCR/ICO/CHL/18838  154True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) Global Initiative Briefings on Chile     View document E           INT_CESCR_ICO_CHL_18431_E.docx     CHLINT/CESCR/ICO/CHL/18431  154True
List of delegation/participantsDelegation list    View document E           INT_CESCR_LOP_CHL_55_23535_E.pdf     CHLINT/CESCR/LOP/CHL/55/23535  87True
Info from NHRIs (for the session) The Chilean National Human Rights Institute    View document EFS         INT_CESCR_IFL_CHL_18457_E.pdfINT_CESCR_IFL_CHL_18457_F.pdfINT_CESCR_IFL_CHL_18457_S.pdf   CHLINT/CESCR/IFL/CHL/18457  159True
Concluding observationsE/C.12/CHL/CO/4  06 Jul 2015 View document       E SACR  INT_CESCR_COC_CHL_20928_S.docx   CHLE/C.12/CHL/CO/4  5True
StatementStatement (Spanish only)    View document   S           INT_CESCR_STA_CHL_55_23536_S.pdf   CHLINT/CESCR/STA/CHL/55/23536  30True
Summary recordsE/C.12/2015/SR.35    View document       E           CHLE/C.12/2015/SR.35  31True
Summary recordsE/C.12/2015/SR.34    View document E           E_C-12_2015_SR-34_23546_E.docx     CHLE/C.12/2015/SR.34  31True
ExpandIII33 (2004)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
Country Analysis/BriefE/C.12/CA/CHL/1                      CHLE/C.12/CA/CHL/1  7False
State party's reportE/1994/104/Add.2730 Jun 199420 Jul 2003                    CHLE/1994/104/Add.27  29False
AddendumE/1994/104/Add.26  14 Jul 2003 View document       E SACR      CHLE/1994/104/Add.26  40True
List of issuesE/C.12/Q/CHL/1 18 Dec 200318 Dec 2003 View document       E S  R      CHLE/C.12/Q/CHL/1  18True
Reply to List of IssuesHR/CESCR/NONE/2004/5                      CHLHR/CESCR/NONE/2004/5  22False
Info from UN AgenciesE/C.12/2004/SA/2 05 Nov 200405 Nov 2004 View document       E           CHLE/C.12/2004/SA/2  24True
Concluding observationsE/C.12/1/Add.105/Corr.1  06 Dec 2004 View document       E     E_C-12_1_Add-105_Corr-1_18599_E.doc     CHLE/C.12/1/Add.105/Corr.1  5True
Concluding observationsE/C.12/1/Add.105 26 Nov 200401 Dec 2004 View document       E SACR      CHLE/C.12/1/Add.105  5True
Summary recordsE/C.12/2004/SR.44 24 Jan 200524 Jan 2005 View document                   CHLE/C.12/2004/SR.44  31True
Summary recordsE/C.12/2004/SR.46 24 Jan 200524 Jan 2005 View document                   CHLE/C.12/2004/SR.46  31True
Summary recordsE/C.12/2004/SR.45 25 Nov 200425 Nov 2004 View document       E           CHLE/C.12/2004/SR.45  31True
ExpandIIWG (1984) (1984)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
ExpandII2 (1988)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportE/1986/4/Add.1801 Sep 198529 Oct 198628 Jul 1987 View document       E SA R      CHLE/1986/4/Add.18  29True
Concluding observationsE/C.12/1988/4 paras. 184-218  01 Jan 1988 View document       E           CHLE/C.12/1988/4  5True
Summary recordsE/C.12/1988/SR.12                      CHLE/C.12/1988/SR.12  31False
Summary recordsE/C.12/1988/SR.13                      CHLE/C.12/1988/SR.13  31False
Summary recordsE/C.12/1988/SR.16                      CHLE/C.12/1988/SR.16  31False
ExpandI2 (1988)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
ExpandIWG (1981) (1981)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
ExpandIWG (1980) (1980)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportE/1978/8/Add.1001 Sep 197720 Dec 197713 Feb 1978 View document       E S  R      CHLE/1978/8/Add.10  29True
Concluding observationsE/1980/WG.1/SR.8  22 Apr 1980 View document       E           CHLE/1980/WG.1/SR.8  5True
Concluding observationsE/1980/WG.1/SR.9  21 Apr 1980 View document       E           CHLE/1980/WG.1/SR.9  5True
Summary recordsE/1980/WG.1/SR.8  22 Apr 1980 View document       E           CHLE/1980/WG.1/SR.8  31True
Summary recordsE/1980/WG.1/SR.9  21 Apr 1980 View document       E           CHLE/1980/WG.1/SR.9  31True

CMW - International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families

CMWInternational Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families24 Sep 199321 Mar 200501 Jul 2005  21 Mar 2005
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 01 Sep 2016                     CHLINT/CMW/INR/CHL/6893  29False
ExpandI15 (2011)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCMW/C/CHL/101 Jul 200612 Jan 201027 May 2010 View document       E S         CHLCMW/C/CHL/1  29True
List of issuesCMW/C/CHL/Q/1  28 Apr 2011 View document       E S         CHLCMW/C/CHL/Q/1  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCMW/C/CHL/Q/1/ADD.1  23 Aug 2011 View document         S         CHLCMW/C/CHL/Q/1/ADD.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsACHE Internacional y el Centro de Formación Técnica (CANON)    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8328_E.doc     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8328  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCorporación Humanas, Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género - Cover letter     View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8327_E.doc     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8327  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCorporación Humanas, Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género - Report    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8330_E.pdf     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8330  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsEl Centro de Atención Psicosocial a Inmigrantes Ignacio Martín-Baró S.J.    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8325_E.doc     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8325  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsLas tres asociaciones chilenas en España    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8332_E.pdf     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8332  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsRed Chilena de Migración e Interculturalidad    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8326_E.doc     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8326  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsScalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN)    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8329_E.pdf     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8329  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsSistematización proyecto - Ciudadanía y protección de los derechos humanos de la población inmigrante en Chile    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8331_E.pdf     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8331  14True
List of delegation/participants     View document E           INT_CMW_LOP_CHL_15_10717_E.pdf     CHLINT/CMW/LOP/CHL/15/10717  107True
Concluding observationsCMW/C/CHL/CO/1  19 Oct 2011 View document       E SACR      CHLCMW/C/CHL/CO/1  5True
Summary recordsCMW/C/SR.169  23 Sep 2011 View document       E S  R      CHLCMW/C/SR.169  31True
Summary recordsCMW/C/SR.170  20 Sep 2011 View document       E S  R      CHLCMW/C/SR.170  31True
ExpandI14 (2011)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCMW/C/CHL/101 Jul 200612 Jan 201027 May 2010 View document       E S         CHLCMW/C/CHL/1  29True
List of issuesCMW/C/CHL/Q/1  28 Apr 2011 View document       E S         CHLCMW/C/CHL/Q/1  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCMW/C/CHL/Q/1/ADD.1  23 Aug 2011 View document         S         CHLCMW/C/CHL/Q/1/ADD.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsACHE Internacional y el Centro de Formación Técnica (CANON)    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8328_E.doc     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8328  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCorporación Humanas, Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género - Cover letter     View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8327_E.doc     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8327  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCorporación Humanas, Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género - Report    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8330_E.pdf     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8330  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsEl Centro de Atención Psicosocial a Inmigrantes Ignacio Martín-Baró S.J.    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8325_E.doc     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8325  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsLas tres asociaciones chilenas en España    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8332_E.pdf     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8332  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsRed Chilena de Migración e Interculturalidad    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8326_E.doc     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8326  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsScalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN)    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8329_E.pdf     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8329  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsSistematización proyecto - Ciudadanía y protección de los derechos humanos de la población inmigrante en Chile    View document E           INT_CMW_NGO_CHL_15_8331_E.pdf     CHLINT/CMW/NGO/CHL/15/8331  14True
List of delegation/participants     View document E           INT_CMW_LOP_CHL_15_10717_E.pdf     CHLINT/CMW/LOP/CHL/15/10717  107True
Concluding observationsCMW/C/CHL/CO/1  19 Oct 2011 View document       E SACR      CHLCMW/C/CHL/CO/1  5True
Summary recordsCMW/C/SR.169  23 Sep 2011 View document       E S  R      CHLCMW/C/SR.169  31True
Summary recordsCMW/C/SR.170  20 Sep 2011 View document       E S  R      CHLCMW/C/SR.170  31True

CRC - Convention on the Rights of the Child

CRCConvention on the Rights of the Child26 Jan 199013 Aug 199012 Sep 1990  13 Aug 1990
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
ExpandIV-V70 (2015)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRC/C/CHL/4-512 Sep 201227 Oct 201209 Nov 2014 View document       E S     CRC_C_CHL_4-5_6117_S.doc   CHLCRC/C/CHL/4-5  29True
List of issuesCRC/C/CHL/Q/4-5  04 Mar 2015 View document       E S   CRC_C_CHL_Q_4-5_19789_E.doc     CHLCRC/C/CHL/Q/4-5  18True
Annex to Reply to List of IssuesAnnex I 04 Sep 2015  View document   S           INT_CRC_ARL_CHL_21600_S.docx   CHLINT/CRC/ARL/CHL/21600  169True
Annex to Reply to List of IssuesAnnex to replies 04 Sep 2015  View document E S         INT_CRC_ARL_CHL_21599_E.docx INT_CRC_ARL_CHL_21599_S.docx   CHLINT/CRC/ARL/CHL/21599  169True
Reply to List of IssuesCRC/C/CHL/Q/4-5/Add.1 23 Jun 2015  View document   S           INT_CRC_RLI_CHL_21214_S.pdf   CHLCRC/C/CHL/Q/4-5/Add.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCenter for Reproductive Rights Chile 31 Aug 2015  View document E           INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_21628_E.pdf     CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/21628  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsChile_coalition ROIJ_CRC Report    View document E S         INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_19437_E.pdf INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_19437_S.pdf   CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/19437  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsChile_coalition ROIJ_CRC Report_Annex VII    View document   S           INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_19439_S.pdf   CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/19439  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsChile_coalition ROIJ_CRC Report_Annexes I to VI    View document   S           INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_19438_S.pdf   CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/19438  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsChile_GI-ESCR_CRC Report    View document E           INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_19447_E.pdf     CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/19447  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsChile_IGLHRC_CRC Report    View document E           INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_19445_E.pdf     CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/19445  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsChile_Intersex_CRC report    View document E           INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_19433_E.pdf     CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/19433  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsChile_ISS_CRC report    View document E           INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_19431_E.pdf     CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/19431  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsChile_Opcion_CRC Report    View document E S         INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_19443_E.pdf INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_19443_S.pdf   CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/19443  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsChile_Red Children_CRC report pre-session    View document   S           INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_19435_S.pdf   CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/19435  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsInfancia Cuenta en Chile.2014 (Annex to Joint Alternative Report to the CRC on Chile_SPA) 26 Aug 2015  View document   S           INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_21487_S.pdf   CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/21487  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsJoint Alternative Report to the CRC on Chile_ENG 26 Aug 2015  View document E S         INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_21486_E.pdf INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_21486_S.pdf   CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/21486  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsNGO-Complementary-Report-about-the-Rights-of-Children_ONG-Comunidad-y-Justicia 30 Jul 2015  View document E           INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_21234_E.pdf     CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/21234  14True
Info from NHRIsInstituto Nacional De Derechos Humanos - Informe al Comité de los Derechos del Niño-english 17 Aug 2015  View document EFS         INT_CRC_NGO_CHL_21401_E.pdfINT_CRC_NGO_CHL_21401_F.pdfINT_CRC_NGO_CHL_21401_S.pdf   CHLINT/CRC/NGO/CHL/21401  12True
Concluding observationsCRC/C/CHL/CO/4-5 02 Oct 201529 Oct 2015 View document       E SACRCRC_C_CHL_CO_4-5_21926_E.doc     CHLCRC/C/CHL/CO/4-5  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR. 2039                      CHLCRC/C/SR. 2039  31False
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR. 2040                      CHLCRC/C/SR. 2040  31False
ExpandIII44 (2007)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRC/C/CHL/311 Sep 200211 Oct 200520 Dec 2005 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/CHL/3  29True
List of issuesCRC/C/CHL/Q/3 16 Oct 200606 Oct 2006 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/CHL/Q/3  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCRC/C/CHL/Q/3/Add.1 03 Jan 200703 Jan 2007 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/CHL/Q/3/Add.1  22True
List of delegation/participants     View document E           INT_CRC_LOP_CHL_44_10758_E.pdf     CHLINT/CRC/LOP/CHL/44/10758  107True
Concluding observationsCRC/C/CHL/CO/3 23 Apr 200723 Apr 2007 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/CHL/CO/3  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.1218 01 Feb 200701 Feb 2007 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/SR.1218  31True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.1219 01 Feb 200720 Feb 2007 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/SR.1219  31True
ExpandII29 (2002)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRC/C/65/Add.1311 Sep 199710 Feb 199925 Jun 2001 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/65/Add.13  29True
List of issuesCRC/C/Q/CHI/2    View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/Q/CHI/2  18True
Concluding observationsCRC/C/15/Add.173 03 Apr 200203 Apr 2002 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/15/Add.173  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.763 10 Jun 200429 Jan 2002 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/SR.763  31True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.764 10 Jun 200424 Jun 2002 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/SR.764  31True
ExpandI6 (1994)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
Country Analysis/BriefM/CRC/94/2                      CHLM/CRC/94/2  7False
State party's reportCRC/C/3/Add.1811 Sep 199222 Jun 199322 Jun 1993 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/3/Add.18  29True
List of issuesCRC/C.6/WP.3    View document       E SACR      CHLCRC/C.6/WP.3  18True
List of issuesCRC/C.9/WP.1 17 Feb 1995  View document       E SACR      CHLCRC/C.9/WP.1  18True
Concluding observationsCRC/C/15/Add.22 25 Apr 199425 Apr 1994 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/15/Add.22  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.147 20 Apr 199420 Apr 1994 View document                   CHLCRC/C/SR.147  31True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.148 21 Apr 199421 Apr 1994 View document       E           CHLCRC/C/SR.148  31True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.146 19 Apr 199419 Apr 1994 View document       E           CHLCRC/C/SR.146  31True

CRC-OP-AC - Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict

CRC-OP-ACOptional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict15 Nov 200131 Jul 200331 Aug 2003  31 Jul 2003
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
ExpandI47 (2008)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRC/C/OPAC/CHL/131 Aug 200519 Jan 200706 Jul 2007 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/OPAC/CHL/1  29True
List of issuesCRC/C/OPAC/CHL/Q/1  15 Oct 2007 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/OPAC/CHL/Q/1  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCRC/C/OPAC/CHL/Q/1/Add.1  21 Dec 2007 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/OPAC/CHL/Q/1/Add.1  22True
Statement     View document E           INT_CRC-OP-AC_STA_CHL_47_11281_E.pdf     CHLINT/CRC-OP-AC/STA/CHL/47/11281  109True
List of delegation/participants     View document E           INT_CRC-OP-AC_LOP_CHL_47_10882_E.pdf     CHLINT/CRC-OP-AC/LOP/CHL/47/10882  107True
Concluding observationsCRC/C/OPAC/CHL/CO/1  13 Feb 2008 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/OPAC/CHL/CO/1  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.1305  15 Feb 2010 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/SR.1305  31True

CRC-OP-SC - Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children child prostitution and child pornography

CRC-OP-SCOptional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children child prostitution and child pornography28 Jun 200006 Feb 200306 Mar 2003  06 Feb 2003
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
ExpandI47 (2008)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRC/C/OPSC/CHL/106 Mar 200519 Jan 200706 Jul 2007 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/OPSC/CHL/1  29True
List of issuesCRC/C/OPSC/CHL/Q/1  15 Oct 2007 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/OPSC/CHL/Q/1  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCRC/C/OPSC/CHL/Q/1/Add.1  21 Dec 2007 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/OPSC/CHL/Q/1/Add.1  22True
Statement     View document E           INT_CRC-OP-SC_STA_CHL_47_11317_E.pdf     CHLINT/CRC-OP-SC/STA/CHL/47/11317  109True
Concluding observationsCRC/C/OPSC/CHL/CO/1  18 Feb 2008 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/OPSC/CHL/CO/1  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.1306  01 Feb 2008 View document       E S         CHLCRC/C/SR.1306  31True

CRPD - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

CRPDConvention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities30 Mar 200729 Jul 200828 Aug 2008  29 Jul 2008
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 29 Aug 2022                     CHLINT/CRPD/INR/CHL/8048  29False
ExpandI4 (2015)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRPD/C/CHL/129 Aug 201014 Aug 201210 Sep 2014 View document       E SAC   CRPD_C_CHL_1_6943_S.docx   CHLCRPD/C/CHL/1  29True
List of issuesCRPD/C/CHL/Q/1 11 Sep 2015  View document       E S     INT_CRPD_LIT_CHL_21768_S.doc   CHLCRPD/C/CHL/Q/1  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCRPD/C/CHL/Q/1/Add.1 15 Dec 201504 Jan 2016 View document       E S         CHLCRPD/C/CHL/Q/1/Add.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCorporación de Usuarios, Familiares y Amigos de Personas con Discapacidad Psíquica de Chile (CORFADICH) 29 Jan 2016  View document E           INT_CRPD_NGO_CHL_22892_E.doc     CHLINT/CRPD/NGO/CHL/22892  14True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Corporación Circulo Emancipador de Mujeres y Niñas con Discapacidad de Chile-Ingles (CIMUNIDIS) 03 Feb 2016  View document E S         INT_CRPD_CSS_CHL_23091_E.pdf INT_CRPD_CSS_CHL_23091_S.pdf   CHLINT/CRPD/CSS/CHL/23091  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Informe Alternativo para el examen del Estado de Chile 07 Mar 2016  View document   S           INT_CRPD_CSS_CHL_23222_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/CSS/CHL/23222  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) Asociación de Sordos de Chile 26 Aug 2015  View document E           INT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21484_E.doc     CHLINT/CRPD/ICO/CHL/21484  154True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) Círculo Emancipador de Mujeres y Niñas con Discapacidad (CIMUNIDIS)-Chile 01 Jul 2015  View document EFS         INT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21362_E.docINT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21362_F.docINT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21362_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/ICO/CHL/21362  154True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) Círculo Emancipador de Mujeres y Niñas con Discapacidad (CIMUNIDIS)-Chile 01 Jul 2015  View document   S           INT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21364_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/ICO/CHL/21364  154True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) Círculo Emancipador de Mujeres y Niñas con Discapacidad (CIMUNIDIS)-Chile-Resumen Ejecutivo 01 Jul 2015  View document   S           INT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21363_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/ICO/CHL/21363  154True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) Unión Nacional de Instituciones de Personas Ciegas de Chile (UNCICH)  09 Apr 2015  View document   S           INT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21603_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/ICO/CHL/21603  154True
List of delegation/participantsCRPD 15th Session-Delegation List-Chile 31 Mar 2016  View document   S           INT_CRPD_LOP_CHL_15_24604_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/LOP/CHL/15/24604  87True
Info from NHRIs (for the session) Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos (INDH)-Chile-ENG 03 Feb 2016  View document EFS         INT_CRPD_NHS_CHL_23092_E.docINT_CRPD_NHS_CHL_23092_F.docINT_CRPD_NHS_CHL_23092_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/NHS/CHL/23092  159True
Open/Closing RemarksCRPD 15th Session-Opening Statement-Chile    View document   S           INT_CRPD_OCR_CHL_15_24605_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/OCR/CHL/15/24605  90True
Concluding observationsCRPD/C/CHL/CO/1 21 Apr 201612 May 2016 View document       E SACR  CRPD_C_CHL_CO_1_23679_S.doc   CHLCRPD/C/CHL/CO/1  5True
Comments to concluding observations CRPD/C/CHL/CO/1/Add.1 21 Apr 201630 Jun 2016 View document       E S     CRPD_C_CHL_CO_1_Add-1_23717_S.doc   CHLCRPD/C/CHL/CO/1/Add.1  34True
Summary recordsCRPD/C/SR. 238    View document       E S         CHLCRPD/C/SR. 238  31True
Summary recordsCRPD/C/SR. 239    View document       E S         CHLCRPD/C/SR. 239  31True
ExpandI15 (2016)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRPD/C/CHL/129 Aug 201014 Aug 201210 Sep 2014 View document       E SAC   CRPD_C_CHL_1_6943_S.docx   CHLCRPD/C/CHL/1  29True
List of issuesCRPD/C/CHL/Q/1 11 Sep 2015  View document       E S     INT_CRPD_LIT_CHL_21768_S.doc   CHLCRPD/C/CHL/Q/1  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCRPD/C/CHL/Q/1/Add.1 15 Dec 201504 Jan 2016 View document       E S         CHLCRPD/C/CHL/Q/1/Add.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsCorporación de Usuarios, Familiares y Amigos de Personas con Discapacidad Psíquica de Chile (CORFADICH) 29 Jan 2016  View document E           INT_CRPD_NGO_CHL_22892_E.doc     CHLINT/CRPD/NGO/CHL/22892  14True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Corporación Circulo Emancipador de Mujeres y Niñas con Discapacidad de Chile-Ingles (CIMUNIDIS) 03 Feb 2016  View document E S         INT_CRPD_CSS_CHL_23091_E.pdf INT_CRPD_CSS_CHL_23091_S.pdf   CHLINT/CRPD/CSS/CHL/23091  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) Informe Alternativo para el examen del Estado de Chile 07 Mar 2016  View document   S           INT_CRPD_CSS_CHL_23222_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/CSS/CHL/23222  158True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) Asociación de Sordos de Chile 26 Aug 2015  View document E           INT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21484_E.doc     CHLINT/CRPD/ICO/CHL/21484  154True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) Círculo Emancipador de Mujeres y Niñas con Discapacidad (CIMUNIDIS)-Chile 01 Jul 2015  View document EFS         INT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21362_E.docINT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21362_F.docINT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21362_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/ICO/CHL/21362  154True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) Círculo Emancipador de Mujeres y Niñas con Discapacidad (CIMUNIDIS)-Chile 01 Jul 2015  View document   S           INT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21364_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/ICO/CHL/21364  154True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) Círculo Emancipador de Mujeres y Niñas con Discapacidad (CIMUNIDIS)-Chile-Resumen Ejecutivo 01 Jul 2015  View document   S           INT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21363_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/ICO/CHL/21363  154True
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) Unión Nacional de Instituciones de Personas Ciegas de Chile (UNCICH)  09 Apr 2015  View document   S           INT_CRPD_ICO_CHL_21603_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/ICO/CHL/21603  154True
List of delegation/participantsCRPD 15th Session-Delegation List-Chile 31 Mar 2016  View document   S           INT_CRPD_LOP_CHL_15_24604_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/LOP/CHL/15/24604  87True
Info from NHRIs (for the session) Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos (INDH)-Chile-ENG 03 Feb 2016  View document EFS         INT_CRPD_NHS_CHL_23092_E.docINT_CRPD_NHS_CHL_23092_F.docINT_CRPD_NHS_CHL_23092_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/NHS/CHL/23092  159True
Open/Closing RemarksCRPD 15th Session-Opening Statement-Chile    View document   S           INT_CRPD_OCR_CHL_15_24605_S.doc   CHLINT/CRPD/OCR/CHL/15/24605  90True
Concluding observationsCRPD/C/CHL/CO/1 21 Apr 201612 May 2016 View document       E SACR  CRPD_C_CHL_CO_1_23679_S.doc   CHLCRPD/C/CHL/CO/1  5True
Comments to concluding observations CRPD/C/CHL/CO/1/Add.1 21 Apr 201630 Jun 2016 View document       E S     CRPD_C_CHL_CO_1_Add-1_23717_S.doc   CHLCRPD/C/CHL/CO/1/Add.1  34True
Summary recordsCRPD/C/SR. 238    View document       E S         CHLCRPD/C/SR. 238  31True
Summary recordsCRPD/C/SR. 239    View document       E S         CHLCRPD/C/SR. 239  31True

Acceptance of individual complaints procedures for Chile
 TreatySignature DateRatification Date, Accession(a), Succession(d) DateDate of acceptance/non acceptance
Command item
Command item

CAT, Art.22 - Individual complaints procedure under the Convention against Torture

CAT, Art.22Individual complaints procedure under the Convention against Torture     15 Mar 2004
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload

CCPR-OP1 - Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

CCPR-OP1Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 27 May 1992 (a)28 Aug 199227 May 1992  
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
JurisprudenceCCPR/C/85/D/1078/2002 12 Dec 2005  View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/85/D/1078/2002 True
JurisprudenceCCPR/C/66/D/718/1996/Rev.1 24 Sep 1999  View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/66/D/718/1996/Rev.1 True
JurisprudenceCCPR/C/66/D/717/1996 16 Sep 1999  View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/66/D/717/1996 True
JurisprudenceCCPR/C/66/D/740/1997 04 Aug 1999  View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/66/D/740/1997 True
JurisprudenceCCPR/C/66/D/746/1997 04 Aug 1999  View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/66/D/746/1997 True
JurisprudenceCCPR/C/94/D/1504/2006    View document       E S         CHLCCPR/C/94/D/1504/2006 True

CED, Art.31 - Individual complaints procedure under the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance

CED, Art.31Individual complaints procedure under the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance     08 Dec 2009
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CEDAW-OP - Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

CEDAW-OPOptional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women10 Dec 1999    
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CERD, Art.14 - Individual complaints procedure under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

CERD, Art.14Individual complaints procedure under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination     18 May 1994
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CESCR-OP - Optional protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

CESCR-OPOptional protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights24 Sep 2009    
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CRC-OP-IC - Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child

CRC-OP-ICOptional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child28 Feb 201201 Sep 2015   01 Sep 2015
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CRPD-OP - Optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

CRPD-OPOptional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities30 Mar 200729 Jul 200828 Aug 2008  29 Jul 2008
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Acceptance of the inquiry procedure for Chile
 TreatyAcceptance of inquiry procedureDate of acceptance/non acceptance
Command item
Command item

CAT, Art.20 - Inquiry procedure under the Convention against Torture

CAT, Art.20Inquiry procedure under the Convention against TortureYES30 Sep 1988
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CED, Art.33 - Inquiry procedure under the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance

CED, Art.33Inquiry procedure under the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced DisappearanceYES08 Dec 2009
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CRPD-OP, Art.6-7 - Inquiry procedure under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

CRPD-OP, Art.6-7Inquiry procedure under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesYES29 Jul 2008
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