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This page provides country specific information on :
  • The ratification of international Human Rights treaties
  • The reporting cycles
  • All the documents related to a reporting cycle

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Reporting status for Brunei Darussalam
 TreatySignature DateRatification Date, Accession(a), Succession(d) Date
Command item
Command item

CAT - Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

CATConvention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment22 Sep 2015    
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)

CEDAW - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

CEDAWConvention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 24 May 2006 (a)23 Jun 200624 May 2006  
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
ExpandI-II59 (2014)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCEDAW/C/BRN/1-224 Jun 200701 May 201331 Oct 2013 View document       E SACRCEDAW_C_BRN_1-2_5883_E.pdf     BRNCEDAW/C/BRN/1-2  29True
List of issuesCEDAW/C/BRN/Q/1-2  09 Mar 2014 View document       E SACR      BRNCEDAW/C/BRN/Q/1-2  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCEDAW/C/BRN/Q/1-2/Add.1  12 Jun 2014 View document       E SACRCEDAW_C_BRN_Q_1-2_Add-1_17390_E.pdf     BRNCEDAW/C/BRN/Q/1-2/Add.1  22True
Info from Civil Society Organizations​Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children (for PSWG)    View document E           INT_CEDAW_NGO_BRN_16171_E.pdf     BRNINT/CEDAW/NGO/BRN/16171  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsIGLHRC (submission for the session)    View document E           INT_CEDAW_NGO_BRN_18370_E.pdf     BRNINT/CEDAW/NGO/BRN/18370  14True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsInternational Commission of Jurists (submission for the session)    View document E           INT_CEDAW_NGO_BRN_18687_E.pdf     BRNINT/CEDAW/NGO/BRN/18687  14True
StatementStatement    View document E           INT_CEDAW_STA_BRN_18695_E.pdf     BRNINT/CEDAW/STA/BRN/18695  109True
List of delegation/participantsList    View document E           INT_CEDAW_LOP_BRN_18508_E.pdf     BRNINT/CEDAW/LOP/BRN/18508  107True
List of delegation/participantsList.Add.1 (addendum)    View document E           INT_CEDAW_LOP_BRN_18601_E.pdf     BRNINT/CEDAW/LOP/BRN/18601  107True
Concluding observationsCEDAW/C/BRN/CO/1-2  14 Nov 2014 View document       E S CRCEDAW_C_BRN_CO_1-2_18763_E.doc     BRNCEDAW/C/BRN/CO/1-2  5True
Follow-up State party's reportCEDAW/C/BRN/CO/1-2/Add.107 Nov 2016                     BRNCEDAW/C/BRN/CO/1-2/Add.1  46False
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.1259    View document       E           BRNCEDAW/C/SR.1259  31True
Summary recordsCEDAW/C/SR.1260    View document       E           BRNCEDAW/C/SR.1260  31True

CRC - Convention on the Rights of the Child

CRCConvention on the Rights of the Child 27 Dec 1995 (a)26 Jan 199627 Dec 1995  
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 25 Jun 2021                     BRNINT/CRC/INR/BRN/7912  29False
ExpandII-III71 (2016)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRC/C/BRN/2-325 Jan 200812 Nov 2013  View document       E S   CRC_C_BRN_2-3_6427_E.pdf     BRNCRC/C/BRN/2-3  29True
List of issuesCRC/C/BRN/Q/2-323 Jun 201523 Jun 201522 Jul 2015 View document       E S   CRC_C_BRN_Q_2-3_20948_E.pdf     BRNCRC/C/BRN/Q/2-3  18True
Reply to List of IssuesCRC/C/BRN/Q/2-3/Add.1 21 Dec 2015  View document E           CRC_C_BRN_Q_2-3_Add-1_22556_E.docx     BRNCRC/C/BRN/Q/2-3/Add.1  22True
Info from Civil Society OrganizationsBrunei_NGO_GlobalInitiativeCorpPunishment_PSWG 30 Jun 2015  View document E           INT_CRC_NGO_BRN_19716_E.docx     BRNINT/CRC/NGO/BRN/19716  14True
List of delegation/participantsDelegation of Brunei Darussalam to the Committee on the Rights of the Child 13 Jan 2016  View document E           INT_CRC_LOP_BRN_22729_E.pdf     BRNINT/CRC/LOP/BRN/22729  107True
Concluding observationsCRC/C/BRN/CO/2-3 29 Jan 2016  View document       E SACRCRC_C_BRN_CO_2-3_22992_E.doc     BRNCRC/C/BRN/CO/2-3  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR. 2084                      BRNCRC/C/SR. 2084  31False
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR. 2086                      BRNCRC/C/SR. 2086  31False
ExpandI34 (2003)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's reportCRC/C/61/Add.525 Jan 199820 Dec 200113 Mar 2003 View document       E S         BRNCRC/C/61/Add.5  29True
List of issuesCRC/C/Q/BRN/1 03 Jul 2003  View document       E S         BRNCRC/C/Q/BRN/1  18True
Concluding observationsCRC/C/15/Add.219 27 Oct 200327 Oct 2003 View document       E S         BRNCRC/C/15/Add.219  5True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.906 30 Sep 200330 Sep 2003 View document                   BRNCRC/C/SR.906  31True
Summary recordsCRC/C/SR.907 03 Oct 200303 Oct 2003 View document       E           BRNCRC/C/SR.907  31True

CRC-OP-AC - Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict

CRC-OP-ACOptional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict 17 May 2016 (a) 17 May 2016  
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)

CRC-OP-SC - Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children child prostitution and child pornography

CRC-OP-SCOptional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children child prostitution and child pornography 21 Nov 2006 (a)21 Dec 200621 Nov 2006  
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)
Document typeSymbol/TitleDue dateSubmitted datePublication DateDownload
State party's report 21 Dec 2008                     BRNINT/CRC-OP-SC/INR/BRN/6814  29False

CRPD - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

CRPDConvention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities18 Dec 200711 Apr 2016   11 Apr 2016
 Reporting CycleSession (Year)


The Treaty Body Database contains all public documents adopted or received by the human rights treaty bodies. Although the Database is updated regularly and attempts to ensure accuracy and reliability of the data displayed on these web pages, it may still contain some inaccuracies, which will have to be corrected over the next months. Clarifications or further information can be sought directly from the relevant Secretariat.

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