ACT News

Canberra heat: What you need to know

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Canberra is set to swelter this weekend with extreme temperatures higher than 40C forecast for Friday and Saturday.

Residents have been urged to limit power usage to prevent blackouts and there have been reports of stores selling out of portable fans.

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Here's what else you need to know:

  • On Friday temperatures are forecast to peak as high as 41C between 2 – 3pm.
  • There is a total fire ban throughout the ACT on Friday and Saturday and a severe fire danger rating in place. 
  • Schools are preparing to implement their extreme temperature management plans if needed.
  • Record high electricity demand could lead to minor outages. 
  • Junior cricket matches could be cancelled although senior matches are likely to go ahead.

Get in quick or be prepared to fork out for air conditioning units

Electric fans and portable air-conditioning units are flying off the shelves as Canberrans prepare to beat the heat. 

There is some stock left but sweaty punters should get in quick or be prepared to fork out. 


A spokesman for The Good Guys in Fyshwick said the store was doing all it could to keep up with demand. 

"We have pretty much sold out of that sort of stuff," he said. 

"We got in a new shipment of fans today but our shelves are pretty much empty."

A spokesman for JB HI-FI said fans and air-conditioning units had been "absolutely flying off the shelves".

Cheaper air-conditioners were all gone, with most leftover stock  costing upwards of $700, he said.

"Those units are really the only ones we have left."

The spokesman said the shortfall was due to stores underestimating how much stock was needed after air-conditioner sales dipped last year.

Will Canberra have electricity blackouts?

Canberrans have been encouraged to take the strain off the ACT's electricity supply on Friday and Saturday as temperatures are tipped to reach 41 degrees.

ACT emergency services joined climate change and sustainability minister Shane Rattenbury's calls for lowering power usage in homes and businesses, but reminded people to still take appropriate precautions for their safety and comfort.

The Australian Energy Market Operator warned of the potential high demand across the NSW network because of the heat.

The ACT government has told Canberrans this could lead to minor blackouts across the capital.

What does a fire ban mean for me?

A total fire ban has been put in place in the ACT for Friday and Saturday.

Firefighters declare a total fire ban when they've decided on that particular day it is not possible for them to immediately control and extinguish a fire.

Activities such as welding, grinding, cutting metal or gas use are not allowed under a total fire ban.

Gas barbecues are okay to use as long as there is a hose nearby to extinguish a fire if its sparks.

A barbecue or wood fire pizza oven that uses solid fuel, such as wood, charcoal or heat beads, cannot be used.

Will sport and events be on over the weekend?

A number of public events and sport fixtures have already been cancelled in the ACT and it is likely there are more cancellations to come.

The Canberra Capitals will move their bout with the Bendigo Spirit from Saturday to Sunday, while an ACT Cricket spokeswoman said junior matches will be cancelled if temperatures reach 34C.

The Summer Series athletics meet at Woden Park on Saturday will be pushed back until later in the evening to avoid the afternoon heat. 

The first event will start at 5.30pm rather than 3.30pm, with all other events pushed back by two hours accordingly. 

Canberra's Showtime in the City was set to run on both Friday and Saturday but the ACT government cancelled Saturday's activities.

The show will only run from 4.20pm to 9.30pm on Friday.