Interest rate rise may be needed soon to curb inflation, says outgoing Bank of England economist Kristin Forbes

  • Inflation predicted to surge close to 3% year, above official 2% target from Bank 
  • Forbes says she did not support most pessimistic forecasts of impact of Brexit 

Kristin Forbes, one of the nine economists who decide when rates should be increased, said she did not support the most pessimistic forecasts of the impact of a Brexit vote

Kristin Forbes, one of the nine economists who decide when rates should be increased, said she did not support the most pessimistic forecasts of the impact of a Brexit vote

The Bank of England may need to hike interest rates soon to stop inflation soaring too high, a top policymaker has warned.

Outgoing Kristin Forbes signaled she was inching closer to voting for a rate hike after becoming increasingly 'uncomfortable' with surging inflation given the economy's resilience since the Brexit vote. 

Moving interest rates is typically seen as one of the best ways of controlling inflation.  

Forbes - who leaves the Bank this summer - said the UK's impressive performance since last June has made it difficult to justify keeping rates at the record low of 0.25 per cent for much longer given inflation is predicted to surge close to 3 per cent next year.

She said: 'If the real economy remains solid and the pick-up in the nominal data continues, this could soon suggest an increase in bank rate.

'I believe that the MPC [monetary policy committee] should be nimble and willing to quickly adjust the appropriate path for monetary policy in either direction as needed throughout this period - even if it means reversing recent adjustments to bank rate.'

Forbes, one of the nine rate-setters on the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee, expressed confidence in the state of the UK economy.

In her speech in Leeds she said: 'The forecasted sharp deterioration in unemployment and growth in the immediate aftermath of the referendum has not transpired.

'Moreover, other timely data releases do not indicate a sharp deterioration in growth or unemployment is likely to start in the next couple of months.' 

Governor Carney controversially warned a Brexit vote could tip the UK into recession, but has since admitted the Bank's forecasts were wide of the mark.

Grim faced: Governor Mark Carney has revised his predictions on the UK economy

Grim faced: Governor Mark Carney has revised his predictions on the UK economy

Last week Carney warned that there would be 'twists and turns' as Britain leaves the EU, but Forbes believes policymakers need to act soon to ward off the threat of runaway inflation.

The Bank voted to keep rates on hold last week at 0.25 per cent, having halved rates in August amid a mammoth economy-boosting package following the Brexit vote.

But the economy has performed far better than forecast, with the Bank last week upgrading its forecasts for 2017 and the next two years.

Gross domestic product grew by 0.6 per cent in the final three months of 2016, meaning expansion has held firm for each of the last three quarters.

What recession?: Stock markets have soared globally, while the UK economy has been solid since Brexit

What recession?: Stock markets have soared globally, while the UK economy has been solid since Brexit

In its quarterly inflation report last Thursday, the Bank upped its growth forecast to 2 per cent this year, 1.6 per cent in 2018 and 1.7 per cent in 2019.

This is up from its November predictions for 1.4 per cent growth in 2017, 1.5 per cent in 2018 and 1.6 per cent in 2019. 

The comments from Kristin Forbes highlight the prospect of a growing split among MPC members, with minutes of last week's rates meeting revealing some policymakers were reaching the limit for tolerating above-target inflation.  

But she did leave some room for doubt: 'Growth may still slow as higher inflation reduces real incomes, or if negative supply effects related to the UK's departure from the EU build over time.

'Signs of such a slowdown starting soon, however, are as yet few and far between.' 

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