Before you donate to a refugee nonprofit agency, you need to consider the following items to check whether they are ethical or not:

1. Is the organisation run by the affected people?
2. Does the cause directly support the affected people?
3. Does the organisation support or have they supported or worked/invested in detention centres?
4. What is their position on mandatory detention policy in Australia? Note: if they say they support detention centres doesn’t matter even 1 day or 1 month, do not support that organisation
5. Whether the affected people are in-charge of the organisation?
6. What proportion of people hired by the organisation are of refugee background?
7. Are refugees being used as a token gesture to promote the organisation?
8. History of the organisation and individuals in charge, such as, how long they have been working with refugees & what impact they have had on the refugee self determination process.
9. Is the organisation affiliated with any political parties or driven by political agendas that run counter to the interests of refugees?
10. How does the organisation support the refugee self determination process in the long term & short term?
11. Whether the organisation receives funding from the Department of immigration in any capacity-thereby creating a conflict of interest.

Written by ex-detainee and RISE member, Hisam