Our Charter and Aims

Our Charter

  • All our work must be guided by the aspirations and needs of refugees and asylum seekers and their empowerment
  • We believe that successful resettlement is best achieved by engaging refugee and asylum seeker communities
  • We seek to advance refugee and asylum seeker rights through innovation, leadership and through delivering high quality service and evaluation
  • We enjoy the diversity of our staff and stakeholders, and promote a culture in which everyone can express their potential
  • In carrying out our work we seek to facilitate partnerships between refugees and asylum seekers with the wider community in a creative and non-competitive way

Our Aims

  • To promote the development of refugee and asylum seeker communities enabling them to be active participants in wider society
  • To raise awareness of refugee and asylum seeker issues, influence policy and campaign for refugee and asylum seeker rights
  • To ensure that refugees and asylum seekers know their rights, their responsibilities, opportunities and choices available to them