#BlockTheBill Campaign

What is the ‘lifetime ban’ on refugees?

The Coalition is proposing a bill amendment that would prevent asylum seekers arriving by boat after 19 July 2013 from ever entering Australia. On 19 July 2013, then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced that from this day forward, all refugees arriving by boat would be blocked from gaining long-term protection and settlement in Australia. This proposed ban would add further discrimination against refugees as it is a lifetime ban that would apply to all who were adults when they arrived to Australia after July 19, 2013 and sent to a regional processing centre such as Manus and Nauru, for the rest of their ‘natural lives’. That is, until their death, they are not allowed to enter Australia unless the minister of immigration, who is a politician, and the only person in the whole of Australia with the power to do so, decides to allow them to enter.

Information that can be referred to (name of bill: Regional processing cohort)
Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing Cohort) Bill 2016
Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing Cohort) Bill 2016
Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing Cohort) Bill 2016 [Provisions]
Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing Cohort) Bill 2016

Why do we need to #BlockTheBill?

1. People who have fled war, trauma and torture need long term security in order to restore their lives. The proposed legislation adds major uncertainty to the lives of asylum seekers who have fled persecution and in turn exacerbates the trauma they have endured and continue to live through.
2. It is an extreme form of xenophobia and racial discrimination. Seeking asylum is not a crime and it is a right that is upheld by International law and the Refugee Convention, of which Australia is a signatory.
3. This bill impacts the reunion of families. Some of our members still have families in offshore detention centres. If this bill goes through, they will not be able to ever see their families again.
4. There is no evidence to suggest that this proposal will eventuate in saving lives. It will instead result in returning people who’ve fled from dangerous circumstances back to the extreme situations they have fled from.
5. Australia as one of the wealthiest countries in the world, with one of the smallest numbers of asylum seekers. It should not hand its responsibilities to other nations.
6. Australia has a history of racism and genocide. Far right-wing sentiments are reappearing fast. It is up to us to not repeat the abhorrent acts that Australia was built on.

What can you do?

This proposal is going to be discussed at the Senate before being passed as law. We need to ‘Say No To The Life Ban Of Refugees’ and #BlockTheBill. You can help stop this by informing the Senators that you are against this proposal. Call or email the Senators and tell them you stand with refugees and do not support the lifetime ban on refugees bill.

Details of Undecided Senators:

Senator Derryn Hinch
(02) 6277 3168
1300 498 035

Senator David Leyonhjelm
(02) 6277 3054
1300 884 092

Senator Jacqui Lambie
(02) 6277 3063
(03) 6431 2233

Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore
(02) 6277 3178
(08) 8232 0440

Senator Stirling Griff
(02) 6277 3713
1300 556 115

Senator Nick Xenophon
(02) 6277 3713
1300 556 115

A script suggestion to help you when you call:
“Hi my name is …(name, if comfortable disclosing).. and I am calling from …(location)… I would like to express my concern and discontent with the proposal of imposing a lifetime ban on refugees. This goes against the Refugee Convention and International Law. It also goes against our humanity and morality as we should be assisting those in need of protection. Please vote NO to this proposal or you will lose my vote”

2. You can show your solidarity by changing your social media profile images : Facebook , Twitter , Poster , Facebook Banner

3. Get informed and read more about the #BlockTheBill campaign http://riserefugee.org/blockthebill/

4. Support RISE:
RISE does not accept any funding from the government; or money from anyone who invests in the upkeep of detention centres, prisons, land grabbing or any unethical conduct.RISE advocacy portfolio has not been funded since 2010 and we encourage you to make a tax-deductible donation so that we continue our work. We rely on your donations. http://givenow.com.au/riserefugee