Is Obama's photographer TAUNTING Trump? Pete Souza is posting pictures of the former President in situations that contradict the Donald's most controversial moments 

Barack Obama may have left politics behind for the time being - but his social media-famous photographer is not staying silent.

Pete Souza, who spent eight years following the former President as his official photographer, has been sharing pictures on Instagram that appear to be mocking Donald Trump over his more controversial moments so far in the Oval Office. 

One of the first signs of Souza's feed skewing political was him sharing a 2015 photograph of Obama talking to a young refugee girl wearing a head-scarf at a Dignity for Children Foundation classroom event. He posted it on January 29 - two days after Trump signed his controversial travel ban executive order.

Another post that followers could easily read between the lines of was shared last Thursday, showing Obama laughing it up with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and New Zealand's then-leader John Key at last September's ASEAN Summit.  

Barack Obama's White House photographer has been highlighting moments from the 44th President's time in office to mock Donald Trump. This picture shows Obama with a young refugee, and it was posted online just two days after Trump signed his travel ban

Barack Obama's White House photographer has been highlighting moments from the 44th President's time in office to mock Donald Trump. This picture shows Obama with a young refugee, and it was posted online just two days after Trump signed his travel ban

Pete Souza shared this picture of Obama with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (middle) and New Zealand's ex-PM, John Key (left), just hours after it was reported Trump hung up on Turnbull

Pete Souza shared this picture of Obama with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (middle) and New Zealand's ex-PM, John Key (left), just hours after it was reported Trump hung up on Turnbull

This picture shows Obama meeting with his 'top advisors' in the Oval Office, and all three people with the President are women. Trump's inner-circle - including Steve Bannon - has been heavily criticized

This picture shows Obama meeting with his 'top advisors' in the Oval Office, and all three people with the President are women. Trump's inner-circle - including Steve Bannon - has been heavily criticized

Just hours earlier, news of Trump's confrontation call with Turnbull spread - which reportedly ended with the former reality television host hanging up on the Australian PM. 

Souza poked fun at Trump quite clearly with another picture, showing Obama happily chatting with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto over glasses over tequila in 2013. 

And in one of the more blatant examples of trolling, Souza shared a picture of Obama sat in the Oval Office, along with the caption: 'I like these drapes better than the new ones. Don't you think?' The red drapes behind Obama in the picture have since been replaced by gold ones - a staple of Trump's gaudy style.

Souza was able to give an incredible, inside look into Obama's administration and family life during his presidency.

He frequently shared intimate pictures of the First Family, as well as the President during some of the signature moments from his time in power.

The veteran photographer had White House experience before signing on with Obama, having previously worked with Ronald Reagan.

Obama is seen in this picture from 2013 having a chat with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto over a glass of tequila. Nieto and Trump have clashed over the president's plan to build a wall along the border between the two countries

Obama is seen in this picture from 2013 having a chat with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto over a glass of tequila. Nieto and Trump have clashed over the president's plan to build a wall along the border between the two countries

In a not-so-subtle troll, Souza posted this picture on January 31 of Obama and Joe Biden with their Supreme Court pick who went unconfirmed, Merrick Garland. Trump announced Neil Gorsuch as his pick to fill the spot many Democrats believe Garland should have received on the same day

In a not-so-subtle troll, Souza posted this picture on January 31 of Obama and Joe Biden with their Supreme Court pick who went unconfirmed, Merrick Garland. Trump announced Neil Gorsuch as his pick to fill the spot many Democrats believe Garland should have received on the same day

The day after Trump's inauguration, Souza posted this picture of Obama in the Oval Office. Trump has since taken the red drapes down, and in his signature gaudy style, replaced them with golden ones

The day after Trump's inauguration, Souza posted this picture of Obama in the Oval Office. Trump has since taken the red drapes down, and in his signature gaudy style, replaced them with golden ones

Barack Obama talks about American energy while his official photographer Pete Souza stands in front the podium at Prince George's Community College in Largo, Maryland, March 15, 2012

Barack Obama talks about American energy while his official photographer Pete Souza stands in front the podium at Prince George's Community College in Largo, Maryland, March 15, 2012

Souza posted this picture of the former President at a Baltimore City public school on Tuesday - the same day Trump's controversial pick for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, was confirmed. Critics of DeVos have said she could be bad for public schools across the country. DeVos is planning a massive shake-up of schools, which could have a huge impact on Obama's push for universal pre-k schooling 

Souza posted this picture of the former President at a Baltimore City public school on Tuesday - the same day Trump's controversial pick for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, was confirmed. Critics of DeVos have said she could be bad for public schools across the country. DeVos is planning a massive shake-up of schools, which could have a huge impact on Obama's push for universal pre-k schooling 

Souza was able to give an incredible, inside look into Obama's administration and family life during his presidency. The Blair House referenced in the caption is the president's guest house and where presidents usually stay before the inauguration. Trump will likely spend less time there than any other president 

Souza was able to give an incredible, inside look into Obama's administration and family life during his presidency. The Blair House referenced in the caption is the president's guest house and where presidents usually stay before the inauguration. Trump will likely spend less time there than any other president 

The veteran photographer had White House experience before signing on with Obama, having previously worked with Ronald Reagan. Obama is seen in this picture meeting with military experts. Souza's comment 'those damn lights' could refer to jokes about Trump having staff meetings in the dark because he can't find the switches 

The veteran photographer had White House experience before signing on with Obama, having previously worked with Ronald Reagan. Obama is seen in this picture meeting with military experts. Souza's comment 'those damn lights' could refer to jokes about Trump having staff meetings in the dark because he can't find the switches 

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