Director Institute of Cultural Capital, University of Liverpool

Simeon is Director of the Institute of Cultural Capital. His research on the social, political and cultural impacts of digital media includes a long-standing focus on digital media and interpersonal interaction. More recently, he has worked on projects that address issues of digital inclusion and exclusion and projects that address the use of digital technologies in the context of security and crises — with this work funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), EU and industry. Simeon’s work has often been interdisciplinary and has predominantly involved creative and digital industry partners. He was one of the leads on a major Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded interdisciplinary programme (Engineering for Life) while at Sheffield Hallam.

Simeon has been researching the impacts of the internet and new / digital media on language and culture since 1990. His PhD thesis (1993) is a large-scale linguistic comparison of speech, writing and online interaction. Subsequent published work has covered analyses of gender differences in computer-mediated communication (CMC), gender and computer gaming, email and letter writing, science in the mass media and text books on social research methods — in particular, linguistic and discourse analytic methods.

He was previously the Director of the Cultural, Communication and Computing Research Institute (C3RI) at Sheffield Hallam University, and has previously worked at the Open University and at the University of Leeds. As well as a background in social science, Simeon has an interest and training in science (geology).


  • –present
    Director Institute of Cultural Capital, University of Liverpool
  • 2006–2013
    Director Cultural, Communication and Computing Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University
  • 2000–2006
    Senior lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University
  • 1997–2000
    Lecturer, Open University
  • 1993–1997
    Lecturer, University of Leeds


  • 2002 
    University of Liverpool, BSc Geology
  • 2000 
    Open University, Dip Nat Sci
  • 1993 
    Open University, PhD Communication Studies
  • 1989 
    University of Leeds, BA Sociology