Associate Professor and Head of Department of Political and Conflict Studies, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Lyn Snodgrass has an Honours (Psychology), MA (Conflict Resolution) and DPhil (Conflict Transformation and Management). Her research, transdisciplinary at the interstices of Politics, Psychology and Conflict Resolution, interrogates deep-rooted, intractable conflict. Her current focus is the role of collective emotion (hate and humiliation) and communal memory in the manifestations of violence. As scholar-practitioner she specialises in conflict management interventions, training in conciliation, mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution systems design with an emphasis on Africa.


  • –present
    Associate Professor Politics and Conflict Studies , Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University


  • 2005 
    Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University , DPhil Conflict Transformation and Management

Grants and Contracts

  • 2014
    Associate Professor and Head of Department: Politics and Conflict Studies
    Funding Source:
    National Research Foundation
  • Port Elizabeth, South Africa
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