Jennifer Stromer-Galley

Professor of Information Studies, Syracuse University

Jenny Stromer-Galley (PhD Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania) is an Associate Professor in the School of Information Studies and Director of the Center for Computational and Data Sciences. She is also an affiliated faculty member with the Department of Political Science in the Maxwell School at Syracuse University, and Vice President of the Association of Internet Researchers.

She has been studying "social media" since before it was called social media, studying online influence, political deliberation and participation via digital media, and multi-player online games. Jenny has published over 40 journal articles, proceedings, and book chapters. Her book, Presidential Campaigning in the Internet Age (Oxford University Press), provides a history of presidential campaigns as they have adopted and adapted to digital communication technologies. She is currently leading the Illuminating 2016 project analyzing the 2016 presidential campaign's social media messages using computational approaches. Results of their analyses can be found at


  • –present
    Associate Professor of Information Studies, Syracuse University