Professor of Media and Communications, Goldsmiths, University of London

Des Freedman is interested in the relationship between media and power together with the political and economic contexts of media policymaking and regulation. He is an editor of the Sage journal 'Global Media and Communication' and was previously on the management committee of the COST programme A20, 'The Impact of the Internet on the Mass Media in Europe'. He was awarded an ESRC grant in 2005 to examine the dynamics of media policy-making in the UK and US. Des received an AHRC research leave award in 2006 to complete The Politics of Media Policy for Polity Press. He was a participant in the 'Spaces of the News' project in the Goldsmiths Leverhulme Media Research Centre, co-editor of the 'Unversities and Capitalism' section of openDemocracy, a member of the National Council of the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom and is the current chair of the Media Reform Coalition. He is currently writing a book on The Contradictions of Media Power for Bloomsbury (due 2014).


  • –present
    Reader in Communications and Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London