Articles on Fake news

Displaying 21 - 37 of 37 articles

How can students think critically about information in today’s age? UBC Library Communications/flickr

The challenge facing libraries in an era of fake news

Since the 19th century academic librarians have helped students navigate the complex world of information. In today's unpredictable information environment, how might they rethink their role?
Traditional media gatekeepers are toast. 'Toaster' via

Why do we fall for fake news?

Researcher who has studied online news for 20 years says people fall for fake news because they don't value journalistic sources and consider themselves and their friends as credible news sources.
How can we make sense of information in today’s connected world? Mobile phone image via

How can we learn to reject fake news in the digital world?

Researchers have found that today's students, despite being 'digital natives,' have a hard time distinguishing what is real and what is fake online. Metaliteracy might provide the answers.
In the early stages of his campaign, Donald Trump eagerly made himself available to the press. As president, that’s likely to change. Joe Skipper/Reuters

Experts’ roundtable: The future of journalism in Trump’s America

How can journalists resist a master media manipulator, reach local communities and sift through fake news and propaganda? Media experts explore the challenges of covering the next administration.
Sharing election hashtags: Dots are Twitter accounts; lines show retweeting; larger dots are retweeted more. Red dots are likely bots; blue ones are likely humans. Clayton Davis

Misinformation on social media: Can technology save us?

If people can be conned into jeopardizing our children's lives, as they do when they opt out of immunizations, could they also be conned out of democracy?

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