Articles on Economic inequality

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People around the world woke up to a new U.S. president-elect. Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuters

What Donald Trump’s surprise victory means for the economy and business

Four of our economic scholars weigh in on Trump's legislative agenda, healing the divide, uncertainty and something known as the 'presidential puzzle.'
Warren Buffett’s voice has been one of the loudest arguing it’s time to raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires like him. Rick Wilking/Reuters

Are we ready to raise taxes on the rich? History says no

Two centuries of tax policy show efforts to raise taxes on the rich hinge on questions of fairness. The history also suggests proponents have a tough road ahead.
Is this a vision of the future? Robot worker image via

Are robots taking our jobs?

In the past, technology both destroyed and created jobs. Is that trend ending?
A look at spending inequality suggests America is a bit more equal than we thought. Economic inequality via

We’ve been measuring inequality wrong – here’s the real story

A new study on inequality analyzes the impact of fiscal policy, dramatically altering the standard view of rich and poor in America. It may also change how voters and candidates think about the issue.
Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey must ensure this year’s budget escapes the echo chamber. Lukas Coch/AAP

Three tests the 2015 federal budget must pass

Pro-reformists may view 2014 as a wasted year, but the lessons from the federal budget could make it a watershed one instead.

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