
From 'quite awful' to liveable: Urban design guru helps transform Melbourne city

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Danish architect Jan Gehl has an acute memory of his first visit to Melbourne's city centre in 1976, and it's not flattering.

"The city was quite awful," says Professor Gehl, an internationally renowned urban designer.

"They had just put in the Bourke Street mall at the time, but it wasn't to do something for the people – it was for commerce."

He was here as a visiting professor at Melbourne University and remembers going into the CBD with students. "Just to find there was nothing there in the evenings. Dead, completely. I've seen how bad it was."

Today, says Gehl, far from being dead, the city deserves its reputation as one of the world's most liveable cities.

The 80-year-old is back in town this week, promoting a new book about his life and work, People Cities. Gehl has advised cities from New York to Moscow to London, on how to improve things at street level for the people using them.


On Friday, he will also be in conversation at MPavilion with Rob Adams, Melbourne City Council's design director, and Sydney City Council chief executive Monica Barone, about how Sydney, Melbourne and Gehl's home town of Copenhagen have addressed the challenges of growth in different ways.

Sydney, says Professor Gehl, has got much wrong. "They have completely screwed up their city – they have completely allowed all of the city to be filled with high-rises," he says, and to get sunshine, people "have to go to the edge of the city".

He points to Melbourne's long-standing policy of keeping skyscrapers largely clear of "the valley of Swanston Street".

Gehl says directing high-rise to other areas of the CBD and to Southbank has succeeded to some extent. 

The proliferation of skyscrapers in sensitive areas has not been missed by Professor Adams – who in 2013 warned the city risked becoming "Hong Kong but without the spectacular setting".

Adams hired Gehl in the early 1990s, a decade after the council started work on a strategy designed to bring people back into the CBD and create a 24-hour city.

That initial strategy, Adams recalls, "had no grand schemes".

"There were no underground trams. It was about how do you take the essence of the city – its boulevards, its lanes, its built form – and incrementally [improve] them ... with every intervention?"

By the 1990s, a number of big projects like the closure of Swanston Street to traffic, bringing residents back to the CBD, and Southbank, were taking shape, but the council was not measuring how it might be changing the city.

Gehl was chosen to complete a 1994 study that aimed to continue the city's rejuvenation, and another 10 years later.

"Usually you get international consultants in for a one-off competition," says Adams. "Like, 'Come and design Federation Square' or something like that. Jan was the first person we said we wanted as a coach: in your own city it helps to come from the outside and tell you what they had done in other cities."