Gilles Dauvé

Everything must go!: The abolition of value - Bruno Astarian and Gilles Dauvé

This book is about a revolution (i.e. a historical break, not gradual peaceful evolution) that creates communism – not its preconditions.

Capitalism and communism - Gilles Dauvé

Communism in action: striking Renault workers in 1968

Excellent text from Gilles Dauvé outlining the development of capitalism, and communism as the real movement in everyday life which tends towards the abolition of wage labour.

The Question of the State – La Guerre Sociale

This article from La Guerre Sociale No.2, March '78, was based on one written by Dauvé, who did not wish to become directly involved with LGS, but offered two texts for possible inclusion and said they could do as they wished with the texts. It was rewritten without Dauvé's participation – "completed, drastically cut and profoundly corrected and revised" according to LGS, but they also stated about 70% of the result was from Dauvé's original article. Dauvé declined to be cited on the article and also reportedly stated that his views about the state were better expressed in an introduction he wrote to a collection of articles from the '30s left communist journal 'Bilan'.

Brouillards de guerre - Gilles Dauvé

June 2016 article by G.D. on IS, Syria, war, the state and rhetoric, first published on the DDT21 blog.

Du féminisme illustré - éditions Blast & Meor

This 2015 pamphlet, 'Feminism Illustrated', combines the translations of a 1974 article written for 'Le Fléau Social' ['The Social Plague'], and a 2015 interview, both signed 'Constance Chatterley', an alias Gilles Dauvé used for that French magazine in 1974. Nearly all 'Fléau Social' articles were signed under fanciful aliases.

Love of Labour? Love of Labour Lost… - Gilles Dauvé and Karl Nesic

Dauvé and Nesic’s historical account challenges the thesis that the self-identification of the proletarian as producer has been the decisive cause of its defeats. When, they ask, did the workers actually try to shoulder economic growth? When did they ever compete with bourgeois owners or modern directors for the management of the companies? Workers’ movements don’t boil down to an affirmation of labour. And if the “being” of the proletariat theorised by Marx is not just a metaphysics, its content is independent of the forms taken by capitalist domination.

Crime as representation and reality - Gilles Dauvé

An introduction to the Castilian translation of 'For a World Without Moral Order' and 'Alice in Monsterland', published by XXX Editions in Spain.

Hamburgers vs value - Kämpa Tillsammans

Article by 'Marcel' of Swedish communist group 'Kämpa Tillsammans', examining the relationship between informal workplace activity in a hamburger restaurant, and the broader communist movement, with a section at the end co-authored by Marcel and Gillés Dauve.

Capital and state - Jean Barrot

A section from 'Le mouvement communiste', Editions Champ Libre, 1972, Troisième partie : Révolution et contre-révolution., pp 166-176. Gilles Dauvé, who wrote 'Le mouvement communiste' (under the name Jean Barrot) was also involved with a group called 'Le mouvement communiste', which produced six issues of a journal of the same name between 1972 and 1974.

On the "woman question" - Gilles Dauvé

"Too Marxist for a feminist? Too feminist for a Marxist? Or not enough…? Best see for yourself."
Gilles Dauvé examines woman/sex/gender question, and what it has become in the capitalist mode of production.