Echanges et Mouvement

A few clarifications on anti-work - Bruno Astarian

A historical perspective by Bruno Astarian on anti-work and its current expression in proletarian struggles. Translated by 'Ediciones Inéditos'.

Echanges: bulletin of the network Echanges et Mouvement, (1975–1996)

This is a collection of the issues of the review Echanges from 1975-1996.

A democracia direta é realmente possível? - Echanges et Mouvement

Texto que analisa a democracia (direta e indireta), criticando-a sob o aspecto concreto, prático. Procura mostrar que rituais democráticos de qualquer tipo se baseiam numa ficção que superestima a teoria e a consciência. Imagina-se que a suspensão da práxis durante cerimônias de debate e votação permitiria transformar a sociedade, enquanto na prática elas são condenadas, não a transformar, mas a reproduzir as relações sociais de exploração e desigualdade, sendo verdadeiras técnicas de mediação/integração capitalista.

Solidarity motor bulletin #07: Struggles at Strasbourg and Ste-Therese, Canada

Solidarity bulletin containing edited versions of two texts by Walter Johnson and Echanges et Mouvement about struggles of General Motors workers in France and Canada in 1977.

Myths of Dispersed Fordism - Echanges et Mouvement

Still-relevant debate from the early 1990s between Echanges et Mouvement and the Spanish journal Etcetera on the effects of post-Fordism on class composition/recomposition and class struggle.

The summer strikes in Poland, 1980 - Echanges et Mouvement

A brief article by Echanges et Mouvement on the 1980 strikes in Poland which was sparked when the price of meat was raised by the Communist government.

1911-2007: Chinese immigration in France

Échanges et Mouvement describe and analyse immigration from China, and Chinese migrant workers in France from before World War I until today.

Travailler pour la paie: les racines de la revolte - Martin Glaberman

Article in French by Martin Glaberman from Echanges et Mouvement.

1914-1946: Third camp internationalists in France during World War II

An anarchist festival in Paris, 1936

An outstanding article by Pierre Lannert, describing the activities of internationalists during World War II. Published by Échanges et mouvement.