
'Thunder snow' hits US northeast

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Boston and New York: The fiercest storm of the winter slammed the northeastern United States on Thursday, bringing snowfalls expected to be 30 cm deep, forcing cancellation of thousands of flights and closing schools.

The storm, which came a day after temperatures had been a spring-like 10 to 16 degrees celsius, had wind gusts up to 80 kilometres per hour and left roads and footpaths dangerously slick in densely populated cities such as New York, Boston and Philadelphia.

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Some areas saw periods of "thunder snow," a violent burst of weather featuring both snow and lightning, which could drop as much as 10 cm of snow per hour. Some coastal roads around Boston were closed as wind-driven waves washed over them.

All flights at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport were halted on Thursday morning due to the storm's intensity. More than half of the flights into or out of the three major New York-area airports as well as Boston Logan International airport were cancelled.

Nationwide, close to 3200 flights were cancelled, according to

"This is an unusually fast, intense storm," New York Mayor Bill de Blasio told reporters. "Don't drive your car today ... It's very tough conditions out there. Very hard to get around."


New York was due to see 25-36 cm of snow, with Boston braced for even more.

Many schools systems were closed in the area, including Boston, Philadelphia and New York City, the nation's largest with more than 1 million students.

Many government offices also were shuttered with the governors of Massachusetts and Connecticut ordering non-emergency workers to stay home. Maine's state legislature suspended operations for the day.

Blizzard warnings were in effect for the New York's Long Island suburbs, Cape Cod, Massachusetts and the island of Nantucket.

Temperatures were expected to fall to below -12.8 C overnight in the Boston area.
