WA News

No surplus in sight in WA budget forecast

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Western Australia's financial outlook has worsened considerably in less than two months, with no return to surplus in sight and debt ballooning, pre-election projections show.

In late December, the Barnett government forecast a surplus of $521 million in 2019/20 but that had turned into a $535 million deficit in updated figures released on Thursday.

The downwards revenue revision was attributed mainly to lower GST grant forecasts.

"What we got from an increase in iron ore royalties, the GST more than took back," Treasurer Mike Nahan said.

For the current financial year, the projected deficit has narrowed from $3.38 billion to $3.02 billion, due mainly to better-than-expected iron ore prices.

Treasury had been counting on a price of $US64.30 a tonne but now expects an average of $US70.30 for 2016/17.


The update also shows net debt for 2019/20, which was projected in the mid-year review to reach $39.7 billion, is now expected to hit $41.1 billion.

An estimated $533 million of that eye-watering figure is attributed to the national disability insurance scheme, which the state is running itself.

WA had its own version of the NDIS called My Way before the national plan was conceived, so the state government convinced the commonwealth to let it administer the scheme locally.

"We are committed to focusing on providing in the community services to the most vulnerable people in our land and we're not going to run away from that," Dr Nahan said.

Cabinet decisions taken after the November 28 cut-off date also added $202 million in net debt at the end of the out-years.

Opposition treasury spokesman Ben Wyatt said the Barnett government had an erratic spending addiction and had wrecked the state's finances during eight years in power.

This document is all the evidence WA needs to show why the Liberals cannot be trusted with the state's finances.

"This document is all the evidence Western Australians need to show why the Liberals' cannot be trusted with the state's finances," Mr Wyatt said.

Dr Nahan returned fire, attacking the opposition's backdown on a 50 per cent renewable energy target, which emerged on Thursday.

He also took a swipe at Labor's key election promise, the Metronet train project, the first stage of which will cost almost $3 billion.

"Labor has no strategy. Just like in renewables, they're in cloud cuckoo land promising huge increase in expenditure, fake offsets and buckets of money in the budget that do not exist," Dr Nahan said.

"He promises $1 billion from consolidated revenue for Metronet and said it won't increase debt. Yeah, pigs are flying."

The treasurer could not say when the budget would get back into the black.

"Western Australia has a real fiscal challenge," he said.

"You have to deal with it honestly and objectively."

WA's Chamber of Commerce and Industry said the state government must continue to rein in spending and sell key assets to achieve long-term budget repair.