Federal Politics

Vladimir Putin is no role model, says Malcolm Turnbull

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Malcolm Turnbull has dismissed growing praise for Russian president Vladimir Putin from Donald Trump and Pauline Hanson, saying the strongman leader is no role model for the world.

The new US President has turned American foreign policy on its head by expressing admiration for the former KGB agent, even downplaying his role in extra-judicial killings this week, while Senator Hanson said voters respected strong leaders like Mr Putin who stand up for their nations.  

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I don't admire Putin: Turnbull

Despite some MPs heaping praise on Vladimir Putin, Malcolm Turnbull says the Russian President is not someone to be admired. Courtesy 3AW.

Mr Trump held his first call with Mr Putin overnight Australian time, criticising a treaty signed by the Obama administration to cap US and Russian deployment of nuclear warheads as bad for the United States. 

Asked on radio 3AW what he thought of the Russian leader Mr Turnbull sounded more like his predecessor Tony Abbott, citing Russia's role in the death of 38 Australians on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 and the invasion of Ukraine.

"No, I don't admire Vladimir Putin," he said on Friday.

"Vladimir Putin has invaded, or taken over, the Crimea from the Ukraine. His forces, backed by him or his government, downed MH17 and Australians were killed in that act of terrorism.


"The reality is Russia is a major power, we deal with Russia. There are sanctions against Russia because of their unlawful conduct in terms of the Ukraine.

"Russia is a reality and we have to deal with all the great powers but I would not regard Vladimir Putin as a role model at all." 

The comments come a day after the One Nation leader said her admiration remained undiminished, shrugging off criticism of Russia's role in the MH17 downing and suggesting "everyone has done something".

"I am not saying I support him for what he has done there, but overall, as a person, who is strong and stands up for his country [I do support him]," she said on Thursday. 

Queensland LNP MP George Christensen this week walked back comments disputing Russia's role in the July 2014 downing of the passenger jet, killing 283 passengers and 15 crew en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

The outspoken backbencher said Russia was demonised unfairly over the deaths. Mr Abbott famously pledged to "shirt-front" Mr Putin at an international summit in 2014.

Asked in a Fox News interview on Sunday if Mr Putin was "a killer", Mr Trump responded "there are a lot of killers … what, do you think our country's so innocent?"

He reportedly paused the call with Mr Putin to ask aides what the New START treaty was, before saying it was one of several bad deals negotiated during Mr Obama presidency. 

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