Tourist Slapped With A Massive Fine After Trying To Take A Selfie With A Shark

The video was taken in Brazil.

08/02/2017 11:40 AM AEDT | Updated 09/02/2017 9:00 AM AEDT
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A tourist who attempted to grab a shark from the ocean to take a selfie with it in Brazil, has reportedly been handed an R$20,000 ($8380) fine.

The woman was filmed wrestling a shark pup that appears to have latched on to her while she allegedly tried to take a photo with it on Brazil's Fernando de Noronha.

The video was shared yeserday by Reddit user Prais3th3Sun, who's said that the person in the video not only earned four stitches but a big fine by the authorities after the incident.

"To give a little deeper context, she was at Fernando de Noronha, an archipelago of 21 islands and islets in the Atlantic Ocean, 354 km (220 mi) offshore from the Brazilian coast," the post said.

"The place is considered an animal sanctuary with all it's nature protected and strictly watched over. All that she earned were four stitches in her right hand and a big fine from the authorities for the environmental crime," the user explained.

They claimed the fine equated to R$20,000, which equals to approximately $8340 in AUD. Naturally people have expressed their disbelief over the confronting video online.

"Seems we've become so removed from nature and it's primal harshness that grabbing casually grabbing a shark for a selfie seems like a good idea," one user wrote.

"What an idiot! The place is a nature sanctuary and she grabs a baby shark to take a selfie," another said.

According to Nomadic Matt, Fernando De Nornha is an archipelago of volcanic islands and it's located 220 miles off the Brazilian coast.

"Fernando de Noronha was Brazil's first Marine Park (70% of the island is protected) and has also been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site," the website said.


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