
Updated: 20:06 EST

Trump says he'll appeal court ruling not to reinstate ban

Just minutes after a San Francisco appeals court ruled not to reinstate President Donald Trump's travel ban, the president (pictured main) lashed out on Twitter. 'SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!' Trump wrote (inset left). He also spoke to reporters in the West Wing and called the judges' ruling a 'political decision.' He reiterated that he would appeal. 'It's a very, very serious situation so we look forward to seeing them in court,' he said. A panel of three judges from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (Richard Clifton top left, William Canby bottom left, and Michelle Friedland top right) decided unanimously that they wouldn't issue the government a stay, which would have allowed the ban go back into effect. Hillary Clinton chimed in with a tweet trolling the president, simply writing '3-0' - referring to the judges' unanimous decision (inset right). Pictured bottom right: Protesters outside the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Shocking moment 18-year-old serial offender is shot dead a fraction of a second after pointing his gun at a cop

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT. This is the shocking moment a Baltimore teenager fleeing a police officer spins and points his gun at the cop - only to be shot dead. The bodycam footage, released by Baltimore Police Department, came at the end of a chase between Detective David Kincaid Jr and Curtis Deal, 18, in West Baltimore on Tuesday. Police say Deal, who was out on $250,000 bond, jumped out of a car Kincaid was following on Tuesday and ran. Kincaid cut the youth off as he exited an alley, resulting in the shocking scene. 

Border officers seized 3,947 pounds of weed disguised as limes at the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge along the Texas-Mexico border on January 30.

Daily Mail News Tips Daily Mail News Tips

Hillary Clinton had reportedly been set to cover the upcoming issue of Vogue starring Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner, and was replaced after her election loss back in November.

Most keep an Amazon Echo in their kitchen, but the CEO of Amazon has one in his bathroom. Jeff Bezos revealed he added the device when he couldn't ask it a question while on the toilet.

University of Western Australia scientists believe it's because amphetamines interfere with stem cell functioning - the ones involved in tissue repair and renewal.

Chesapeake Bay truck driver blown off bridge and dies

A truck driver has died after high winds blew his truck off the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel. The man was driving southbound on the 23-mile bridge and tunnel complex linking the Delmarva Peninsula with Virginia Beach when the horror wreck occurred. Gusts of wind up to 40mph are believed to have knocked the white tractor-trailer out of its lane and through the steel railing on the bridge. A Navy helicopter crew happened to be in the area and plucked the man from the waves, but he died on the way to the hospital.

Harvey Theodore Kneifl, a 70-year-old school bus assistant in Woodbury, Minnesota, was charged with sexually molesting at least six girls, ages three to five, according to a criminal complaint.

Jazmine Nichole Pacyga (pictured in a Facebook photo), 19, of Muskegon Township, Michigan, has been accused of sexually abusing her infant son and producing sexually abusive material.

Melissa Skelton, 36, of Oklahoma, has been charged with child sexual abuse for allegedly letting ex-Muskogee Fire Department clown Zackery Perry (pictured) molest a 6-year-old girl.

Married couple Anuj, 41, and Leslie, 42, Chopra were arrested in Ottawa County, Michigan on Wednesday accused of soliciting the two teenagers for paid sex.

Connecticut Christmas day fire dad Matthew Badger dies

Matthew Badger, the father who lost his three daughters in a tragic house fire in Connecticut on Christmas Day in 2011, has passed away aged 51. The news of his death was revealed on Thursday by the charity Badger set up to honor his little girls - nine-year-old Lily and seven-year-old twins Sarah and Grace. 'We are deeply saddened to share the news of the passing of Matthew Badger, LSG co-founder. When LSG first started, it was to honor the lives and memories of Matthew's daughters,' the charity said.

Camryn Zelinger, 32, was arrested at Encore High School for Arts in Riverside, California on Monday after allegedly molesting a 14-year-old female student for several months.

Virginia Olson, 37, is accused of smoking marijuana with teenagers at her Lehi, Utah, home in addition to sending flirtatious messages and topless photos to a group of boys, police said.

Pennsylvania State University has indefinitely halted fraternity and sorority parties where alcohol is available because of the death of Timothy Piazza, 19 (pictured).

Cynthia and Richard Kelly were arrested and charged with aggravated child abuse after their adopted son - referred to only as E.K. in police reports - was found at death's door.

It's official! George Clooney, 55, and wife Amal, 39, are expecting TWINS in June

George Clooney and wife Amal are expecting twins in June. The Talk's Julie Chen announced that the couple are expecting twins after confirming the news with the 55-year-old actor.  'What we did find out is that the twins are due this June,' Chen said on Thursday.

Miguel Gonzalez, 59, had just finished shoveling snow at 333 East 93rd Street when he hit an icy patch while going down the stairs - a misstep that sent him flying head first into the glass door.

Alexandrea 'Sissy' Thompson died after being shot in the chest as her father Alex grappled with the three men who broke into their Mount Auburn, Ohio, home.

Jonathan Gay, 51, was identified as the person who allegedly carjacked a cab in Philadelphia on Monday and drove it through a crowd of people at Rittenhouse Square before crashing it.

Can YOU spot all TWELVE members of the Household Cavalry?

An incredible image of twelve members of the Household Cavalry hiding in the jungle has had internet users the world over scratching their heads. The photograph shows a dozen soldiers from one of the British Army's most elite units camouflaged in the foliage of a forest in Brunei. The Household Cavalry serve as the Queen's official bodyguard and is part of the Houseshold Division. It is made up of the two most senior regiments of the British Army, namely the Blues and Royals and the Life Guards. Notable members include Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and his brother Prince Harry, who were both members of the Blues and Royals, and singer James Blunt, who served in the Life Guards. The Household Cavalry dates back to 1660 and consists of The Life Guards (inset) and The Blues and Royals. Can you spot all 12 servicemen in the photograph (main image)?

Mischa Barton repeatedly threatened to kill herself and said she wanted to die according to two neighbors who called 911 to seek help for the actress during her now infamous meltdown last month.

The socialite's body was discovered at her luxury west London apartment by her cleaner, as a close friend revealed that she had relapsed into 'a dark place' in the weeks before her death.

Jodi Ecklund, of Merrimack NH, barricaded herself in her apartment with two guns after assaulting her boyfriend Jason Martin for saying her spaghetti dinner was 'ok'.

Researchers at the University of Alberta have found that showing your romantic partner more love may be key in helping them fight depression.

Philadelphia pit bull named Russ snuggles new mom

I guess he prefers being the big spoon! A heartwarming photograph has gone viral after a newly adopted pit bull named Russ cuddled with Kayla Filoon as she did her homework on the couch. Filoon, who attends Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, fell in love with the dog even though he was underweight and had a bloody tail, a kennel cough, an eye infection and patchy fur.

We've all had a disastrous job interview, but spare a thought for the applicants behind this list of cringe-worthy confessions, who have revealed faux pas including vomiting in front of the panel.

Trafficked by her own family: Brave survivor of sexual abuse reveals how pedophiles made her 'star' in vile porn videos from the age of TEN and let police officers rape her

Jessa Dillow Crisp (right), who is now 29 and lives in Denver, Colorado, has bravely recounted how she overcame a childhood of being gang raped, sexually abused by family members and sex trafficked. Her abuse started aged 10 in her home country of Canada where she was sexually attacked by members of her own family. As a child, she was made to pose for pornographers, had to perform degrading sex acts and was raped in front of the cameras. She was then sold to different pimps and friends of her family who abused her. And after breaking free from the terrifying world of sex trafficking, Ms Dillow Crisp enjoys hiking Colorado's mountains with her husband John (top and bottom left).

How do Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan prepare for their steamy sex scenes in the Fifty Shades trilogy? Celebrity trainer Ramona Braganza reveals their secrets to keeping in top form.

Taking to the secret-sharing app Whisper, one woman admitted she hasn't broken up with her boyfriend yet because she loves his pet dog and another doesn't want to waste a plane ticket.

Ready to engage: Russian Air Force releases amazing pilot's-eye footage of its Top Guns in action as Putin tells his troops to 'prepare for war' 

The slick video shows the aircraft merging together in a tight formation as they fly in low over a snowy landscape. A close-up of a pilot is seen before the man fires missiles down to a target below. The war game saw the units shoot down 30 aircraft. The newly released footage follows the announcement on Tuesday that Russia is readying itself for war - the latest in a series of drills amid tensions with the West.

The leader of the Kremlin phoned Turkey's president Tayyip Erdogan to say sorry for the bombardment in Al-Bab that was meant for Islamic State terrorists, who control the Syrian town.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has claimed some of the 4.9million refugees who have fled the war-torn country since the civil war began in 2011 are 'definitely terrorists'.

The self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks sent a letter to Barack Obama during his last days in office to tell him September 11 was a direct result of American 'oppression and tyranny'.

During the attack, four projectiles were fired into southern Israel, where three were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system, according to the Israeli Defence Force.

The security measure is part of a multi-million euro plan to prevent jihadist attacks in the French capital, which have claimed 238 lives around France in the past two years.

A 14-year-old boy from Pittsburgh has admitted hacking Brussels airport's computer system hours after an ISIS terror cell, pictured, struck which claimed 32 lives, authorities in Brussels have revealed.

Adorable photos show K9 nuzzle with conservation officer

An Indiana conservation officer got some puppy love from his K9 while they posed for a portrait together. Heartwarming photographs show K9 Kenobi lick and nuzzle Indiana Conservation Officer Levi Knach. The Facebook page for Indiana State Parks posted the images on Thursday. Indiana State Parks wrote: ''Kenobi is cute, but make no mistake - he is a trained, working officer and can track people and locate a variety of objects ranging from venison to ginseng. We are grateful for the work that our ICOs do all over the state to protect and serve people and to conserve our fish and wildlife resources.'

If you are planning on taking an overseas holiday this year a host of things need checking and sorting out before you go away, from insurance to currency. Fred Mawer has all the advice you need.

Social media users have been debating if ketchup belongs in fridge or pantry. The answer has been settled: it belongs in the fridge, along with eggs, butter, mustard and jams.

A column in Komsomolskaya Pravda said that women should 'find solace' in the fact that women who suffer domestic violence are more likely to give birth to boys.

Kellyanne gets 'counseled' after plugging Ivanka clothing

White House advisor Kellyanne Conway urged Americans to 'buy Ivanka's stuff' during a televised interview from the White House, after Nordstrom discontinued Ivanka Trump's product line. Last week Nordstrom announced it would not be buying items from Ivanka Trump's collection for the next season. President Donald Trump tweeted this week about Nordstrom treating his daughter Ivanka Trump 'so unfairly.' Conway made her comments from inside the White House.

President Donald Trump said his administration would be announcing a 'big league' tax cut that would lower the burden on businesses within the next two or three weeks.

State election officials said Thursday that they're sending the voters' names to the attorney general's office for possible prosecution after an audit found people voted absentee and in person.

'Lipstick? Had no idea this is the key to female empowerment and leadership. Imagine if a @GOP had said this,' Conway tweeted in response to Barbara Mikulski's comment.

PIERS- Ivanka is a role model-Hillary losers are bitter

Six weeks ago, Ivanka Trump was bullied sitting with her husband and their children aboard a JetBlue flight departing from JFK airport. It's hard to imagine more snivelling, sickening and cowardly behavior towards a young mother as she sat quietly with her small children. Yet it perfectly typified the vile liberal assaults on Ivanka from the moment her father decided to run for president. And now the bullying continues - this time by Nordstrom.

U.S. Army commander General John Nicholson testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday saying more troops were needed in Afghanistan.

In his first call as president with Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump denounced a treaty that caps U.S. and Russian deployment of nuclear warheads as a bad deal for the United States

The White House's latest episode of linguistic imprecision follows Kellyanne Conway's mea culpa for mistakenly and repeatedly referring to a nonexistent 'massacre' in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said Thursday that White House press secretary Sean Spicer has the 'full confidence' of President Donald Trump.

Betsy DeVos was confirmed as education secretary on Tuesday in a historic vote and parents took to social media to voice their opposition, threatening to homeschool their children.

At least 75 percent of the people living illegally in the United States will be subject to deportation under President Donald Trump's new executive orders, an immigration expert said.

Trump said the three orders will usher in a 'new era of justice' and 'restore safety in America.' One aims to stop violence against police, another deals with cartels, a third creates a task force.

Chris Long announced his plans not to visit the White House and Donald Trump on Twitter on Thursday morning - joining with three of his Super Bowl champion teammates.

Undocumented mother deported from Arizona back to Mexico

Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed that Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, 35, was sent back to Mexico through the DeConcini Port of Entry in Nogales, Arizona, at 10am Thursday. The mother-of-two had been in the US illegally from age 14 and had a prior felony conviction in Arizona for criminal impersonation.

A witty Twitter account has been tweeting daily about what Clinton's first days as president would be like. She talks about assigning Bill Clinton menial tasks and getting lots of things done.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will accompany President Trump to his swanky Palm Beach, Florida resort club this weekend.Annual membership at the club is $200,000.

Steph Curry's Under Armour stance backed by The Rock

Under Armour's CEO is once again coming under fire from two of his company's top celebrity endorsers for saying that President Donald Trump was good for American business. Hollywood movie star Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson (left) and world class ballet dancer Misty Copeland (right) have joined fellow Under Armour pitchman Steph Curry (right inset) in distancing themselves from CEO Kevin Plank (left inset). Plank caused a stir on Tuesday when he told CNBC that Trump was a 'real asset' for US companies. Both Copeland and Johnson released statements on their Instagram accounts in which they disavowed Plank's comments and stressed their belief in 'diversity and inclusion.'

Pete Souza, who spent eight years with Obama as his official photographer, has been sharing pictures on Instagram that appear to be mocking Donald Trump over his most controversial moments.

Pennsylvania Senator Daylin Leach (D) took to social media to condemn Trump's joking comment about 'destroying' a Texas lawmaker's career, calling the President a 'fascist, loofa-faced s*** gibbon.'

President Donald Trump will host Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday, the White House said on Thursday. Trade and a major crude oil pipeline are likely to be on the agenda.

The past writings of Michael Anton, given the job senior director of strategic communications at the National Security Council, may come back and haunt the new White House official.

Are these the worst selfie fails EVER?

For the most part, people take selfies to share a fun moment with friends - or simply show off. Unfortunately for these snappers however, they've missed some extremely odd things going on in the background of the photos that ruin the vibe they were going for. BoredPanda have compiled a selfie gallery featuring these rogue additions - including pooping dogs and sex toys - and they're guaranteed to make you cringe...

FILE - In this Dec. 14, 2011, file photo, Eric Rego stitches boots in the facility where LL Bean boots are assembled in Brunswick, Maine. L.L. Bean will freeze its pensions and offer an early retirement program in 2018 as it seeks to control growing expenses. Steve Smith, the Maine-based retailer's CEO, is making the announcement in a memo and in meetings with workers on Thursday, Feb. 9, 2017. (AP Photo/Pat Wellenbach, File)

LL Bean is looking to freeze pensions and cut staff, but the company insists the plans were in place long before the founder's granddaughter, Linda Bean supported President Donald Trump.

If you like your yolk runny, cook eggs for four minutes. If you want the yolk and white fully set, cook for 10 minutes. The times only work if you take the pan off the heat after bringing eggs to the boil.

Tamara Ecclestone launches rant about 'breastfeeding'

Tamara Ecclestone has launched an impassioned rant at 'bitter people' who have tried to 'sexualised breastfeeding'. The heiress, 32, posted an artistic snap of her nursing her daughter Sophia - who turns three next month - on her Instagram page on Thursday afternoon while criticising those who reacted in a negative way to her choice. Posing in an elegant shoot for photographer Ivette Ivens, the socialite explained she wanted to speak out on the issue to stem the tide of 'hatred' she was experiencing on varying forms of social media.

A study by the University of Aberdeen has compared clinical trial data with user-generated online reviews. The results reveal a staggering difference between opinion and science.

From the microphone to the mailbox, FEMAIL cracks the X-rated code behind some of the most popular emojis to keep your messages free from unwanted raunchiness.

Lynch mob throw a woman onto a BONFIRE after breaking her out of a police station where she was held over the death of a two-year-old boy killed in a fire in Brazil 

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT The 30-year-old woman was dragged outside after the 500-strong mob broke down the doors to her cell. She was being held on suspicion of starting a fire which claimed the life of a toddler. A five-year-old child, named Marlon Buzaglo Campos, also suffered serious burns in the blaze she was alleged to have started.

The sister-in-law of the couple responsible for the San Bernardino terror attack changed her plea to guilty Thursday in a case involving a sham marriage, federal prosecutors said.

Bob Costas is stepping down from his role as prime-time host of NBC's Olympics coverage, where he will be replaced next winter in South Korea with former ESPN sportscaster Mike Tirico.

Somebody has taken to Reddit to ask users how you can tell the difference between being in love with somebody as opposed to just liking them a lot. Some have said that if you don't know then it isn't love.

Gloria Williams , 51, appeared in court in Jacksonville, Florida, on Thursday where she denied kidnapping Kamiyah Mobley as a baby in 1998 from the University Medical Center.

Ex-South Carolina officer punches man while arresting him

Former South Carolina police officer Leroy Hair (left), 29, faces up to 30 days in jail for allegedly punching James Terry III (right) while arresting him for speeding in a North Charleston parking lot. The November incident was caught on video. It shows Hair pulling Terry across the backseat of a patrol car to the edge of the frame. Terry's attorneys say that's when Hair punched their client repeatedly in the face. Hair said Terry spit on officers as they tried to arrest him. The North Charleston Police Department fired Hair in December for 'unnecessary or excessive use of force'.

Mothers who cuddled, bathed and dressed stillborn babies

Thanks to changing attitudes to child bereavement, as well as the CuddleCot - which contains an electric cooling system attached to a mat to keep the body temperature low - mothers are taking their babies home to care for them in the days before their funerals. Often concealed in bassinets to give the appearance of a living baby sleeping, CuddleCots enable parents to spend time with their child before their final parting. The baby can be held, dressed and taken for walks like a living child. The widespread use of the device came to light when 21-year-old Charlotte Szakacs and her husband Attila, 28, from York, told how they had used the equipment to care for their daughter Evelyn for two weeks after she died due to a chromosome disorder a month after birth (right, when she was gravely ill). And nursery nurse Lynsey Bell and her husband Mark spent 15 days saying goodbye to their son Rory (left).

Eating the right types of foods before and after a sweat session can help you perform at your prime level. Registered dietitian Adena Neglia offers her tips to best fuel and repair your body.

McDonald's is planning to launch a crab sandwich in the San Francisco Bay area. The sandwich consists of snow crab meat mixed with mayonnaise and served with tomato and lettuce.

John Smyth QC was removed as boss of the Church-on-Main in Cape Town after new allegations emerged about him and his 'discipleship' of young men, which it described as 'pastorally unwise'.


Femail Today

Beyonce has best seat at this Sunday's Grammy Awards

Unsurprisingly, Beyoncé and her husband Jay Z will be seated front and center for this Sunday's Grammy Awards where she's nominated for nine trophies. The 35-year-old pregnant pop diva - who's expecting twins - is also scheduled to perform one of her Lemonade tracks onstage LA's Staples Center.

Gordon Ramsay held a frank Reddit Q&A; session this week, opening up about balancing family life and his career and how he made sure his kids gained a work ethic before treating them.

Plenty of women yearn for a peachier rear end - but not so many are keen on squats. Nicola Addison, who has trained Elle MacPherson and Daisy Lowe shares her five best alternative moves.

An update to Cortana  -- Microsoft's digital assistant infused with artificial intelligence -- enables it to recognize and make note when people promise in messages to tend to tasks ©JUSTIN SULLIVAN (Getty/AFP/File)

Microsoft's virtual assistant Cortana can automatically remind people of promises they make in emails, thank to a new 'nagging' update.

Researchers from the University of Cambridge discuss how mind-reading technology could be used as lie detectors, which raises chilling questions about the possibility for a 'Big Brother' future.

To see what AI would do in a social dilemma, DeepMind researchers developed two games known as 'Gathering' and 'Wolfpack,' which build off the Prisoner's Dilemma from game theory.

The Orange Is The New Black star said television needs to 'expand the definition of what it is to be female'. The 27-year-old American actress said there should be more gender fluid characters.

Christie Brinkley's ex pictured cuddling up to student, 21

Cook was pictured resting his head on the shoulder of 21-year-old aspiring singer named Zoey Tess in since deleted Snapchat and Instagram pictures. The college sophomore is just three years older than his own daughter. Sources say Cook - whose marriage to supermodel Brinkley ended in divorce after he cheated on her with an 18-year-old - kept insisting that Tess should sleep over. 'He was being aggressive,' the source told Page Six after the pair's apparent date in in East Hampton on Tuesday. 'She kept shutting him down.'

Ditch flowers this February 14th. FEMAIL rounds up 15 awesome His and Her gifts that cost less than an average bouquet of roses and are so much more creative! Your boo will love you for it!

A group of singletons went speed-dating in a lift at London's The View from The Shard ahead of Valentine's Day. The experiment aimed to explore whether love at first sight exists.

Bell County court official Claudia Brown has imposed a staggering $4 billion bond on 25-year-old Antonio Marquis Willis after he was charged with first degree murder in Texas on Saturday.

Robert Marchand, 105, from France, broke the world record in cycling last month for ages 105 and up. According to a new study of his physiology, he's actually increasing his fitness levels as he ages.

The WICS anchor from Springfield, Illinois, said it is 'the question I dread the most'. The 36-year-old gave birth to Abigail, Parker and Peyton three-and-a-half years ago but only one triplet survived.

Jackie Kennedy wrote to David Ormsby Gore - the 5th Lord Harlech and one of JFK's most intimate confidantes - explaining how marrying him would stop her finding 'healing' after her husband's death.

'It is for sure?!' Pregnant mother of two boys screams and collapses to the floor in brilliant video of her over-the-top reaction to surprise gender reveal of her baby 

Fashion blogger Egreis Gjergjani lives in Kansas with her husband Jeremy and two sons Gio and Charlie. When she became pregnant for a third time they decided to reveal the gender at a party by cutting a cake - with Egreis fully expecting to be having another boy. In a video taken of the moment, the mom is so shocked that she is pregnant with a girl that she screams and sinks to the ground.

Fran Suarez works in a hospital in Madrid, Spain. And while he is no doubt excellent at his job, it is his social media photos that have made him an internet sensation.

New York-based pediatric dermatologist Dr Jody Levine helps us explain a baby's particular skin needs during winter - especially in the snow or a winter blizzard.

Shemika Charles, 23, is so agile that she can go under cars, airport seats and can even limbo just eight and a half inches from the floor - which is about the height of a beer bottle.

Many passengers on the plane, believed to be a flight from Gatwick, UK to Malaga in Spain, can he heard laughing as the feud escalates (pictured), with one lawyer threatening to sue the airline.

Madonna arrives home with newly adopted Malawi twins

Madonna is back in New York City with her new daughters, twins Estere and Stelle. The pop star, 58, adopted the four-year-old girls from Mchinji, Malawi, announcing the news on Instagram Wednesday. The group then flew back to the United States in a private jet overnight, touching down in New York City on Thursday morning. From there, the girls headed to Madonna's Upper East Side townhouse, and got the chance see their first blizzard. This just 24 hours after they left Malawi, where the temperature was approximately 80 degrees on Wednesday.

Diets high in protein from any sources help to keep muscles big and strong, new research from the University of Massachusetts suggests.

The youngster, who had been roller-skating with a friend nearby, lit the single banger before putting it in the manhole in Nanchong City, China. He was thrown to the ground by the force of the explosion.

NEW Shocking statistics found that 11 per cent of 10-year-olds had been exposed to porn on a device in their homes, either a mobile phone, tablet or home computer.

Greg Negron, 37, filmed parrot Honey repeatedly squawking the phrase as his girlfriend Sabrina Behrike, 30, watched the 1980 classic at home in East Valley in Arizona.

Footage shows the terrifying moment a fearless snake catcher grabs a massive venomous KING COBRA with his bare hands

The venomous snake had been spotted by villagers outside the central Thai province of Saraburi and called upon the local snake catcher to remove the reptile. The video shows the man employing a variety of tactics to subdue the cobra, as he wields a long metal hook. He grabs the reptile's tail, drags it along the dusty ground and pushes its head down with his hand. Eventually he manages to pick it up entirely and place it into a large white bag.

The complete works of William Henry Fox Talbot - hailed as the British father of photography - have been brought together on a new website launched by the Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford.

A tourist site in China has created a full scale copy of one of the Terracotta Warrior pits. The copy site is in Anhui province, some one thousand kilometers from the original in Xi'an.

Larry Rostchild, 43, and Laderrick Rostchild, 24, were both sentenced after appearing in a Moss Point, Mississippi, court on Tuesday, for torturing a cat that was later found dead under a nearby house.

The incredible images were captured by Andreas Mogensen, an astronaut from the European Space Agency (ESA), during his mission on the International Space Station in 2015.

The French stereoviews of hell from the 1800's on auction

Queen guitarist Brian May collected the nineteenth century French 3D prints of an imaginary satanic underworld - and you can buy them at auction if you've got $600 to spare. The stereocard photographs, named 'diableries' (French for Devilments), depict skeletons at war, a boudoir run by Madame Satan and even skeleton boat races. The images made in a special way so that they could be viewed in 3-D with a device called a stereoscope.

Researchers from Murdoch University, Perth, have caught dolphins using the toxins found in blowfish as a recreational drug, causing them to hang around at the surface in a trance-like state.

A judge said the ads were deceptive after Living Essentials LLC and Innovation Ventures LLC claimed the energy shots were superior to coffee and said doctors recommend them.

Researchers from Northumbria University found that women who move their hips a lot and shift their arms and thighs asymmetrically when dancing have the highest rated moves.

Can you tell how many zebras are in this photograph?

Prepare to go cross-eyed over one photographer's mind-boggling optical illusion snap - as no one is sure how many zebras this image taken by South African Robert Holmwood actually contains. The retired mechanical engineer captured the gaggle of Burchell's zebra at the Kruger National Park in his native country. And the 64-year-old, who retired two years ago, said everyone who views the confusing image has a different opinion on just how many zebras there are in the frame.

The unidentified student was spotted at the Nebraska Wesleyan University basketball game against Coe College on Wednesday night sporting the unique hair style.

Researchers from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, examined volatile elements in glass formed from the 1945 bomb explosion.

Women are uploading their best attempts at 'ugly selfies' on social media, showing off their very best goofy teeth, squashed lips and double chins in a bid to prove that looks can be deceiving.

Preston Kelley of Florence, Alabama was arrested Monday on extortion charges. Investigators say Kelley staged his own kidnapping in an attempt to squeeze his grandmother for ransom.

A conflict in styles: Jewish and Arab models chart the evolution of female beauty trends in Israel and Palestine over the last 100 years in stunning time-lapse videos

The latest clip by Cut.com tackles the two places both before and after the Second World War. Using one Jewish and one Arab model, the looks include everything from headscarves and military caps to glamorous waves and red lips. The group looked at how both Jewish and Arab Palestinian women have been frequently been photographed in military garb and holding guns - making fashion take on a 'militaristic dimension'.

FEMAIL unveils the stars who changed the most after their awkward phase, from the child actor who became a Hollywood heartthrob to the reality TV star who emerged from her older sisters' shadows.

Researchers based at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and Duke-NUS Medical School have found that we have an unconscious tendency to match specific sounds with specific shapes.

Keith Crowley, 56, from Hudson, Wisconsin in the US travelled to the Ndutu plains in Tanzania last month with the hope of photographing the endangered carnivore.

Chancellor Angela Merkel, who hopes to be re-elected in September, is set to discuss a series of measures with leaders of Germany's 16 state governments.

Girl fight! Messy brawl with four women breaks out inside a crowded fast food restaurant while onlookers jeer

A group of women was caught on video during a messy brawl at Smoke's Poutinerie in Toronto. Two women wrestled around on the floor as another two were caught fighting behind them. One of the women, dressed in a black parka and boots had her dress pulled up during the fight, exposing her thong.

A Queensland resident has captured the bizarre moment a 1.5 metre goanna managed to escape her pet dog by hitching an unwitting piggyback on the pooch's back.

This is the moment a reckless driver barely avoids killing a policewoman. The officer in Mexico City was trying to issue a parking fine, but the driver just knocks her flat and speeds off.

Experts from the University of California, San Francisco, claim dense tissue makes tumours harder to spot on mammograms - and that women should seek other screening alternatives.

The footage shows a number of cars drifting sideways across the road in the Saudi Arabian capital, but it is not clear what is causing this to happen. It has led to several crashes.

Most US illegal immigrants live in NYC and LA

A report by Pew Research Center shows that 11.1 immigrants live illegally in the country, and 65 per cent of those live in large metropolitan cities like New York or Los Angeles. The study provides a glimpse of where immigrants in the country illegally reside, and regions that could be most affected by Trump's crackdown on illegal immigrants.

Wonderfully witty and mischievous, these are just some of the thousands of greeting cards created by British artist Cath Tate. Her latest collection is called Love Makes The World Stand Still

Gigi (pictured inset with her family), 24, came out as transgender in 2013 and has gone through hormone therapy, several surgeries, and a legal name change, with her father David by her side.

A study led by UCLA scientists found a white dwarf star in the constellation Boötes that has an atmosphere rich in carbon and nitrogen, and even the makings for water.

Apple's new patent transforms your iPhone into an iPad. It describes a system for a flexible display made of a mesh-shaped stretchy material equip with sensors and haptic feedback.

Research conducted by University of Exeter suggests climate change is leading to the demise of African penguins. Young birds are being forced to fish in waters with scarce stocks.

The abandoned practice pool in the Aquatics Stadium has turned colour from rot, mud and dead insects. Six months after the games, the Maracanã stadium has been abandoned and looted.

22-year-old NJ man has Bob Ross-themed birthday party

Painter and TV personality Bob Ross died in 1995, but his legend lives on - especially among millennials, who remember his calm, blissful TV show from their youth. The memory had such a sway on Chris Nervegna from South River, New Jersey that the 22-year-old decided to make 'Bob Ross' the theme of his last birthday party. Chris fired up one of Ross' old instructional episodes, set up party-goers with paint and canvases, and watched the nostalgic fun unfold.

A daredevil mountain-biker has reached the amazing speed of 104mph while cycling down a hill in the Chilean desert. Markus Stöckl (pictured), 42, broke his own world record in the speedy stunt.

In this image released by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), a remote-controlled "cleaning" robot, bottom, enters the reactor containment chamber of Unit 2 for inspection and cleaning a passage for another robot as melted materials are seen at Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okuma town, Fukushima prefecture, northeastern Japan, Thursday, Feb. 9, 2017. The "cleaning" robot that entered one of three tsunami-wrecked Fukushima reactor containment chambers was withdrawn before completing its mission due to glitches most likely caused by high radiation. (TEPCO via AP)

A remote-controlled cleaning robot sent into a damaged reactor at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant had to be removed because of camera problems caused by radiation.

According to one UK aviation safety expert, 87.7% of aircraft accidents are survivable and result in zero fatalities, so the brace position is far from a futile act.

Invisible malware has been detected in the systems of more than 140 banks and other firms in 40 countries. The attack is stealing passwords to control systems that operate ATM networks.

Dreaming of a five-stay getaway but put off but the price tag? There are ways you can stay in luxury accommodation without breaking the bank. Here Femail shares tips for budget five-star stays

Ta'Qualliyia Patterson, 16, who goes by TQ, took apart the display at the restaurant in Indianapolis, Indiana, to give seven-year-old autistic boy Leif Kandel the Teen Titans toy he wanted.

Tragedy as 400 whales strand themselves on a remote New Zealand beach and rescuers fight to save 100 still alive

Over 300 whales stranded on a remote beach in New Zealand's South Island have died (main), while rescuers are frantically working to refloat more than hundred more (inset). Whale rescue organisation Project Jonah said in a Facebook post that there were 416 pilot whales stranded on Farewell Spit, and that 75 per cent had died overnight. Together with the Department of Conservation, Project Jonah was calling helpers to the northern end of Golden Bay on the island's west coast to help refloat the surviving whales.

Today's hottestfashion finds



Time to un-wine-d! Adorable little girl helps her thirsty toys 'drink' from mommy's glass

A clever two-year-old was filmed during playtime as her mother Karen, and her father, watched TV while sipping on wine.The footage shows the girl bringing her toys to drink out of mommy's glass and imitating slurping sounds as they 'take a sip.' The mother, from Cook County, Illinois posted the video saying: 'Barbie's horse and Holly the Singing Christmas Tree had a choice between milk, water or wine. They chose wine.'

David Collet captured the tornado sweeping past the Starlight Studios warehouse he was working at in New Orleans East. The roof of a nearby building was ripped off by the powerful winds.

Galco's Soda Pop Stop in Los Angeles, CA, is a store of wonder and its jovial owner John Nese, 73, has an easy laugh that draws visitors from across the globe to try more than 700 unique sodas.

Amazing footage has captured the magical movements of the tiny birds as they soar and swoop to avoid the hungry peregrine falcon.as the sun sets above a Spanish wetland.

Great vibes! Boy, 10, becomes a viral sensation after crowd at high school basketball game goes wild for his show-stopping dance moves

A 10-year-old boy has become an internet sensation after he conquered his fears and bust out his dance moves during a high school basketball game. Seth Vangeldren, 10, of Port Orange, Florida, (pictured) usually dances in the privacy of his own room, using videos online to perfect the choreography for weeks on end. But when his mom's favorite song came on during a Spruce Creek High School game, he jumped up and prompted a dance party with his show-stopping routine.



Story behind America's pyramid mausoleums Nicolas Cage

From an unfinished fire temple to the resting place of secret society members, pyramid mausoleums were once a popular place to be buried in the US. Freemasons like Fred Adolphus Dorn (inset top right) and George W.P. Hunt (inset bottom left) had pyramids built to honor their loved ones. Dorn's wife Cora (inset top right) was buried in a 25ft Masonic pyramid in California and Hunt and his wife were buried in a 20 ft white-tile pyramid (bottom left) on a hilltop in Arizona. Charles D. Poston (inset bottom right) converted to Zoroastrianism and attempted to build a fire temple (bottom right), which later became his resting place. More than 150 years later, Nicolas Cage (inset top left) followed the trend and had a pyramid mausoleum (top left) built in a famous New Orleans cemetery. DailyMail.com looks at these four along with two others of the most interesting pyramid mausoleums in the US.

A hilarious photo of Jamielee Mitchell, 21, from Edinburgh has gone viral after her friend noticed that her right knee bears a striking resemblance to US president Donald Trump.

Parents Lalitamma, 23, and Chennabasava, 26, initially didn't want the baby to have surgery. He was transferred to a neonatal unit in Bellari, India. The boy now has two legs.

Bizarre bright orange alligator spotted in South Carolina

The bright orange gator was spotted climbing out of a pond in Hanahan, South Carolina on Tuesday - the alarm and amusement of the locals. 'It's a Trumpagator,' one local resident commented on the private Tanner Plantation and Foster Creek Community Facebook page, in reference to President Donald Trump's apparent love of orange fake tan. On Twitter, other joked that the Trumpgator was from the 'freshly drained swamp' in reference to claims from President Trump that he would 'drain the swamp' of self-serving politicians in Washington.