First trailer for Netflix series Dear White People is unveiled... and attracts 17 TIMES more dislikes than likes on YouTube 

  • New satirical series is a sequel to the 2014 film of the same name 
  • The 30-second clip was attacked online by furious commentors 
  • Netflix have aggressively backed original talent to huge success
  • Director Justin Simien said that his film is about identity and not race relations

The first trailer for Dear White People has been unveiled — and not everyone is pleased.

The Netflix series - which satirizes race relation in an Ivy League college - is a sequel to the 2014 film of the same name.

And within minutes of the 30-second clip debuting on YouTube on Wednesday, the comments section was jam-packed with angry views... even more than usual.

Scroll down for video 

It's satire people! The First trailer for Netflix's new series Dear White People was unveiled on Wednesday... and attracted 17 TIMES more dislikes than likes on YouTube

It's satire people! The First trailer for Netflix's new series Dear White People was unveiled on Wednesday... and attracted 17 TIMES more dislikes than likes on YouTube

In the teaser, Samantha White - played by Logan Browning - can be heard behind the mic of her eponymous radio show.

'Dear white people,' she opens as Strauss's Blue Danube Waltz plays to shots of preppy-looking Caucasians cheesily grinning at the camera.

'Here's a list of acceptable Halloween costumes: pirate, slutty nurse, any of our first 43 Presidents,' she advises, stopping short of Barack Obama.

'Top of the list of unacceptable costumes: me.' 

DJ: In the teaser, Samantha White - played by Logan Browning - can be heard behind the mic of her eponymous radio show

DJ: In the teaser, Samantha White - played by Logan Browning - can be heard behind the mic of her eponymous radio show

Adressees: 'Dear white people,' she opens as Strauss's Blue Danube Waltz plays to shots of preppy-looking Caucasians cheesily grinning at the camera

Adressees: 'Dear white people,' she opens as Strauss's Blue Danube Waltz plays to shots of preppy-looking Caucasians cheesily grinning at the camera

Take notes: 'Here's a list of acceptable Halloween costumes: pirate, slutty nurse, any of our first 43 Presidents,' she advises, stopping short of Barack Obama

Take notes: 'Here's a list of acceptable Halloween costumes: pirate, slutty nurse, any of our first 43 Presidents,' she advises, stopping short of Barack Obama

She is referring to the 'African American themed party' that takes place in the fictional Winchester University, which culminates in a riot in the preceding film.

Indeed, the montage then quickly shifts to partying pictures of white people in blackface, drinking and posing with guns.

Despite being a satire, the comments section was quickly flooded with furious outbursts, accusing Netflix of anti-white racism, with many claiming they were going to cancel their subscriptions.

Within hours of going live, the video had just 2,000 likes, and more than 35,000 dislikes.

Nope: 'Top of the list of unacceptable costumes: me.' She is referring to the 'African American themed party' that takes place in the fictional Winchester University, which culminates in a riot in the preceding film

Nope: 'Top of the list of unacceptable costumes: me.' She is referring to the 'African American themed party' that takes place in the fictional Winchester University, which culminates in a riot in the preceding film

Not very PC: Indeed, the montage then quickly shifts to partying pictures of white people in blackface, drinking and posing with guns

Not very PC: Indeed, the montage then quickly shifts to partying pictures of white people in blackface, drinking and posing with guns

Uh-oh: Within hours of going live, the video had just 2,000 likes, and more than 35,000 dislikes

Uh-oh: Within hours of going live, the video had just 2,000 likes, and more than 35,000 dislikes

'I am utterly repulsed that a company that would air a program that judges me simply based on my skin color. I have never judged anyone in such a way and I hoped no one would judge me in this way either,' one wrote. 'A truly sad day in America. I hope that Netflix will come to it's senses.'

'I have cancelled my Netflix account and will continue until this racist bullsh** is taken down,' wrote a second. 

'So you want to best racism...with more racism? Have fun with your tanking numbers Netflix,' commented a third.

Angry: Despite being a satire, the comments section was quickly flooded with furious outbursts

Angry: Despite being a satire, the comments section was quickly flooded with furious outbursts

Pot: There were mainly two types of comment, one being attacks on Netflix for being racist

Pot: There were mainly two types of comment, one being attacks on Netflix for being racist

Director Justin Simien faced the same knee-jerk reaction to the film's title when it was first released.

'The truth is, my film isn't about "white racism" or racism at all,' he said at the time. 'My film is about identity. 

'It's about the difference between how the mass culture responds to a person because of their race and who that person understands themselves to truly be. All explored through the microcosm of a success oriented Ivy League college.'

The first ten episodes, which are written by Simien, will debut on Netflix on April 28

'My film isn't about "white racism': Director Justin Simien faced the same knee-jerk reaction to the film's title when it was first released

'My film isn't about "white racism': Director Justin Simien faced the same knee-jerk reaction to the film's title when it was first released

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