Under Armour under fire: Celebrity endorsers Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Misty Copeland back Steph Curry in disavowing CEO's pro-Trump stance

  • Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank told CNBC on Tuesday that he thought President Donald Trump was 'a real asset' for US companies
  • NBA superstar Steph Curry, a pitchman for Under Armour, disagreed, saying that Plank should have removed the 'et' from 'asset' in describing Trump
  • Two more celebrity endorsers - Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and ballerina Misty Copeland - echoed Curry's criticism
  • Johnson and Copeland wrote posts on their Instagram account in which they distanced themselves from Plank's comments

Under Armour’s CEO is once again coming under fire from two of his company’s top celebrity endorsers for saying that President Donald Trump was good for American business.

Hollywood movie star Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and world class ballet dancer Misty Copeland have joined fellow Under Armour pitchman Steph Curry in distancing themselves from CEO Kevin Plank.

Plank caused a stir on Tuesday when he told CNBC that Trump was a ‘real asset’ for US companies.

When asked his reaction to Plank’s comments, NBA superstar Curry told The Mercury News: 'I agree with that description - if you remove the "et" from asset.'

Misty Copeland
Dwayne Johnson

Under Armour celebrity endorsers Misty Copeland (left) and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson (right) disavowed statements by the company's CEO in support of President Donald Trump

Both Copeland and Johnson released statements on their Instagram accounts in which they disavowed Plank’s comments and stressed their belief in ‘diversity and inclusion.’ 

‘I have always appreciated the great support and platform that Under Armour has given me to represent my community, gender, and career on the world stage,’ Copeland wrote on her Instagram page. 

‘However, I strongly disagree with Kevin Plank's recent comments in support of Trump as recently reported.’ 

‘Those of you who have supported and followed my career know that the one topic I've never backed away from speaking openly about is the importance of diversity and inclusion.’ 

Steph Curry
Kevin Plank

Johnson and Copeland echoed remarks made by NBA superstar and Under Armour pitchman Steph Curry (left), who also criticized the comments made by CEO Kevin Plank (right)

'I appreciate and welcome the feedback from people who disagree (and agree) with Kevin Plank's words on CNBC, but these are neither my words, nor my beliefs,¿ Johnson, the former wrestler-turned-actor, wrote on his Instagram page (above)

'I appreciate and welcome the feedback from people who disagree (and agree) with Kevin Plank's words on CNBC, but these are neither my words, nor my beliefs,’ Johnson, the former wrestler-turned-actor, wrote on his Instagram page (above)

¿Those of you who have supported and followed my career know that the one topic I've never backed away from speaking openly about is the importance of diversity and inclusion,¿ Copeland, a professional ballerina, wrote

‘Those of you who have supported and followed my career know that the one topic I've never backed away from speaking openly about is the importance of diversity and inclusion,’ Copeland, a professional ballerina, wrote

‘It is imperative to me that my partners and sponsors share this belief,’ she wrote. 

‘I have spoken at length with Kevin privately about the matter, but as someone who takes my responsibility as a role model very seriously, it is important to me that he, and UA, take public action to clearly communicate and reflect our common values in order for us to effectively continue to work towards our shared goal of trying to motivate ALL people to be their best selves.’ 

Johnson echoed similar sentiments. 

'I appreciate and welcome the feedback from people who disagree (and agree) with Kevin Plank's words on CNBC, but these are neither my words, nor my beliefs,’ the former wrestler-turned-actor wrote. 

Copeland was under pressure from her fans to speak out against the company after Plank's interview on Tuesday. She is seen above in an advert for Under Armour which she posted on her Instagram page

Copeland was under pressure from her fans to speak out against the company after Plank's interview on Tuesday. She is seen above in an advert for Under Armour which she posted on her Instagram page

‘His words were divisive and lacking in perspective. Inadvertently creating a situation where the personal political opinions of UA’s partners and its employees were overshadowed by the comments of its CEO.’ 

‘A good company is not solely defined by its CEO. A good company is not defined by the athlete or celebrity who partners with them.’ 

‘A good company is not a single person. A good company is a team, a group of brothers and sisters committed to working together each and every day to provide for their families and one another and the clients they serve.’ 

‘We don’t partner with a brand casually. I partner with brands I trust and with people who share my same values. That means a commitment to diversity, inclusion, community, open-mindedness and some serious hard work.’ 

‘But it doesn't mean that I or my team will always agree with the opinion of everyone who works there, including its executives. Great leaders inspire and galvanize the masses during turbulent times, they don't cause people to divide and disband.’ 

‘My responsibility here is not only to the global audience we serve, but also to the thousands of workers who pour blood, sweat, and tears into making Under Armour strong.’ 

‘A diverse group of hardworking men and women who possess integrity, respect and compassion for one another and the world they live in. Debate is healthy.’ 

Trump is seen above walking into the Roosevelt Room for a meeting with Plank (second from right), SpaceX CEO Elon Musk (far right), and other business leaders on January 23 at the White House. Top aide Steve Bannon is seen sitting third from left

Trump is seen above walking into the Roosevelt Room for a meeting with Plank (second from right), SpaceX CEO Elon Musk (far right), and other business leaders on January 23 at the White House. Top aide Steve Bannon is seen sitting third from left

‘But in a time of widespread disagreement, so is loyalty. I feel an obligation to stand with this diverse team, the American and global workers, who are the beating heart and soul of Under Armour and the reason I chose to partner with them. My commitment is as real as my sweat and callouses that thicken daily.’ 

Johnson ended the message with the hashtag ‘#CommittedToThePeople.’ 

The messages were met with approval from Johson’s and Copeland’s legions of fans.

Copeland’s post generated nearly 30,000 likes in just the first three hours, while Johnson’s post received nearly 450,000 likes. 

Curry has traditionally been cagey about voicing his opinions on political matters, so for him to be so forthright is a real surprise. 

But Wednesday's sharp retort didn't come completely out of the blue. 

Curry has spoken before about his faith demanding that he treat everyone with respect. 

So it's not surprising to discover that Trump's rhetoric, which has upset women, Muslims, Mexicans and other groups in the US, doesn't well with him. 

But he did some due diligence with Plank before he made any moves. 

'I spent all day [Tuesday] on the phone,' Curry said, 'with countless people at Under Armour, countless people in Kevin Plank's camp, my team, trying to understand what was going on and where everybody stood on the issue.' 

Plank - who has contributed to a Trump-led business think-tank - told Curry that he was only commending the President's passion for business, and that he doesn't support any of his more controversial policies. 

And Under Armour put out a statement in which it engages 'in policy, not politics' and supports 'fair trade,' 'an inclusive immigration policy,' and 'tax reform' that drives job growth. 

'We have teammates from different religions, races, nationalities, genders and sexual orientations; different ages, life experiences and opinions,' it said, adding that it would advocate polities that protect 'our business, our team, and our community.'

'Based off the release that KP sent out this morning, and what he told me last night, that's the Under Armour that I know,' Curry said. 

'That's the brand I know he's built and one that, as of Wednesday afternoon, is something that I'm standing on.' 

Curry reportedly receives $4million annually from Under Armour. He also has an equity stake in the company. Above is an Under Armour advertisement featuring Curry

Curry reportedly receives $4million annually from Under Armour. He also has an equity stake in the company. Above is an Under Armour advertisement featuring Curry

Curry reportedly receives $4million annually from Under Armour. He also has an equity stake in the company, according to Yahoo!

Copeland also signed a lucrative deal with the sporting goods brand, but the terms of the contract were not disclosed, Yahoo! reported. 

Copeland has said that she receives more money from Under Armour than she does as a professional ballerina, which means that her contract is in the six-figure range.

Terms of Johnson’s endorsement deal with Under Armour have also not been disclosed. 

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