Mother, 37, is accused of smoking pot with teenage boys and sending them topless photos through Instagram

  •  Virginia Olson is the mother of a teenage boy in Lehi, Utah
  • She is accused of smoking pot and giving pot brownies to at least two teens
  • She also sent pictures of naked breasts to a group of eight teens, police said
  • One mother looked through her son's phone and claimed Olson sent him inappropriate group messages including nude pictures of other teenage girls
  • She would also flirt with them and call them 'hot', the mother said
  • The 37-year-old is charged with eight felonies including child endangerment 

Virginia Olson, 37, is accused of smoking marijuana with teenagers

Virginia Olson, 37, is accused of smoking marijuana with teenagers

A mother is accused of giving teenagers pot brownies and sending them flirtatious messages and topless photos, police said.

Virginia Olson, 37, the mother of a teenage boy herself, was 'living vicariously through these 15 and 16-year-old children,' according to one mother who spoke to KJZZ.

Olson, who lives in Lehi, Utah, was charged on Tuesday with six counts of dealing in harmful materials to a minor and two counts of child endangerment.  

Olson smoked marijuana and gave edibles like pot brownies to at least two teens between November and February, police said.

She also sent two pictures of naked breasts to a group of eight teens, police said. It is unclear whether the photographs were of her own body.   

One mother said she looked through her son's phone and discovered he had been receiving inappropriate messages from Olson, she told KJZZ. 

The 37-year-old communicated with a group of teens through Instagram, and flirted with them in messages that said they were 'hot' or 'good looking', the mother told the local news channel.

Among the messages Olson sent were also nude pictures of teen girls, the woman alleged.

The woman also claimed Olson had hosting a number of sleepovers at her home, and tried to match the boys up with other girls.

She also sent pictures of naked breasts to teens, police said. She also flirted with them in messages that said they were 'hot' or 'good looking', one mother said. Pictured, Olson's home

She also sent pictures of naked breasts to teens, police said. She also flirted with them in messages that said they were 'hot' or 'good looking', one mother said. Pictured, Olson's home

One of the mothers marveled at how nice Olson was, and parents now believe it was a way for her to get close to the teenage boys, KJZZ reported. 

Another woman called her a 'creep' and said: 'She deserves everything that's coming her way.'

In 2013, Olson was convicted of prescription fraud after she obtained Hydrocodone while working at a dentist's office, Deseret News reported. 

She is due back in court on March 8.  


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