The final weeks of an It Girl: Tragic Tara toured Net A Porter and spent her New Year on holiday in Thailand before returning home to the Earls Court flat where she was found dead 

  • Tara Palmer-Tomkinson had not been seen by her regular shopkeeper for a week before her death
  • She had been relatively quiet in social media, not tweeting since early January
  • She had also been invited to tour Net A Porter and sent kind messages to fans
  • Saw in the New Year on holiday in Thailand before being caught up in the flooding

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson had not been seen for a week prior to her death, a shop owner whose store she frequented has revealed.

She was last pictured two weeks before her death on January 17, outside her West London home. 

But a corner shop worker where the socialite regularly bought fruit and vegetables who wanted to be named as Mr Patel said he hadn't seen her for a week.

He said: 'She was quite nice, she came in here quite regularly.

'She was happy and very polite, she would buy fruit and vegetables.

Tara was last pictured two weeks ago going back into her flat in Earls Court having spent time earlier in the year in Thailand

Tara was last pictured two weeks ago going back into her flat in Earls Court having spent time earlier in the year in Thailand

Having been caught up in the flooding in Thailand, she tweeted about the disruption she saw, which was one of her last messages on the platform

Having been caught up in the flooding in Thailand, she tweeted about the disruption she saw, which was one of her last messages on the platform

'On special occasions she would buy alcohol, her favourite was Sambuca - Fernet Branca.

'Sometimes she would come in with friends, men and women she was always very nice.'

She spent the last weeks of her life in Thailand, where she saw in the New Year, and touring Net A Porter.

Her body was stretchered out of her flat after it was discovered. Police remain at the flat this evening 

Her body was stretchered out of her flat after it was discovered. Police remain at the flat this evening 

Tara had been interacting on social media with a few fans and was keen to tell people she considered herself lucky even as she faced brain tumour treatment

Tara had been interacting on social media with a few fans and was keen to tell people she considered herself lucky even as she faced brain tumour treatment

She thanked a fan who had found her twitter account barely a month ago and commented that she 'still looks stunning'

She thanked a fan who had found her twitter account barely a month ago and commented that she 'still looks stunning'

The last picture Tara Palmer-Tomkinson tweeted, from Net-a-Porter's offices

The last picture Tara Palmer-Tomkinson tweeted, from Net-a-Porter's offices

The tragic It Girl was seen less frequently on social media in the last days of her life but had tweeted to encourage people to vote in the National TV Awards on January 11.  

Three days earlier she had posted about witnessing the flooding devastation that had hit the Thai island Koh Samui.

She tweeted on January 8: 'I'm home! The floods, disruptions in Koh Samui, beyond horrendous. What I witnessed, experienced at the airport, disruption, chaos, trauma.

'However, it was SO emotionally overwhelming, the kindness of everyone helping everyone, and my prayers are with those still stuck.'

Hundreds of families on the holiday island were left homeless, bridges were down and many roads became impassable beneath the floodwater.

She had also recently thanked a fan for their 'divine' tweet expressing their shock at finding her on social media and commenting how good she looked. 

And the last picture she posted of herself was at the Net-a-Porter offices in London on November 29.

She captioned it by saying: 'Honoured to be the first person to experience backstage tour! Thank you to all at Net-a-Porter, aka 'The eighth wonder of the world'!' 

The light inside Tara's flat was still as police remained at the property.

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