OSRS Dust Devil Slayer Guide 2007 - Melee/Range/Magic + Cannon and Safe Spots (NOV 2019)
Introduction: 0:00
1. Monster Info / Recommendations: 0:28
2. Armour Selection:
- Melee Prayer - 3:09
- Melee Magic Defence - 3:30
- Ranged Chinchompa - 3:52
- Ranged Safe Spot - 4:14
- Magic Bursting / Barraging - 4:34
- Magic Safe Spot - 4:57
3. Location Info + Inventory & Quick Prayers + Example Kill:
- Catacombs of Kourend - 5:30
- Smoke Dungeon - 9:44
Useful Links:
Unlock all Entrances to Catacombs Of Kourend: https://youtu.be/JRl211sXMYg
Dust Devil WIKI: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dust_devil
Choke Devil (Superior) WIKI: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Choke_devil
Recommended Items:
Rune Pouch - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Rune_pouch
Explorer's Ring - https://oldschool.runescap...
published: 27 Nov 2019
[Little Devil's Skill]Hell of Tornado
[Description is borrowed from ElWiki]
Ara materialize a belt of large spirit orbs and jumps up. All targets touching the spirit orbs will receive damage. She then drops down, blowing targets away with the impact.
I'm able to get this skill because I focus on Wolf path Secret Art only, and drop Prison Spear.
published: 16 Aug 2013
Fat Joe, Dre - Lord Above (Audio) ft. Eminem & Mary J. Blige
Listen to the album “Family Ties”. Out now!
Stream: https://Empire.lnk.to/FamilyTies
#FatJoe #Dre #FamilyTies
Official Audio by Fat Joe, Dre from the album “Family Ties” © 2019 RNG / EMPIRE
published: 06 Dec 2019
Machine Gun Kelly "Rap Devil" (Eminem Diss) (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video)
Watch the official music video for "Rap Devil" by Machine Gun Kelly.
Follow Machine Gun Kelly
SUBSCRIBE for more: http://bit.ly/subWSHH
Follow WorldstarHipHop:
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Watch more WorldstarHipHop:
Rapper Relationship Advice: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcK0neBMyFxQ6doeFSHbkI5LIQ9Fv_jdZ&playnext;=1
Official Music Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcK0neBMyFxSpYgDfKCsHRwgxlN-Tnt9D&playnext;=1
Official Audio Tracks: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcK0neBMyFxSLGtARgI2OzwpGvw2tz...
published: 03 Sep 2018
Stronger than Better Devils? Raid Hand Cannon Review | Destiny 2 PC
The ever elusive raid hand cannon is finally mine, and I'm in love. While some may disagree, I think this hand cannon might steal Better Devil's throne in my permanent loadout.
Vote on the next game to be featured on the channel! http://bit.ly/2zsNyPh
Music: http://www.purple-planet.com
Music: https://www.bensound.com
*Connect with me*
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/A-Girl-A-Geek-1649758741709328/?ref=bookmarks
Website: https://www.agirlandageek.com/a-girl-and-a-geek-blog/
My other channel:
published: 22 Nov 2017
THE RETURN OF THORN!! | Exotic Hand Cannon | Destiny (Rise of Iron)
THORN RETURNS in Year 3 & is the reward from the new Exotic Quest from Shiro. In Year 1, this Hand Cannon was THE weapon to use, but let's see how it is in Rise of Iron.
■ New? Become BLESSED today! Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/Blessious
■ Twitter ► http://twitter.com/BlessiousPlays
■ Facebook ► http://facebook.com/BlessiousPlays
■ Twitch ► http://twitch.tv/Blessious
■ Instagram ► http://instagram/BlessioutYT
✪ Support me on Patreon ► http://bit.ly/242VDoV
■ The Official Blessious Discord Server ► https://discord.gg/Blessious
Hungover Playing Destiny: https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=U_Oh5HS2ilE
NEW MONARCHY's Auto Rifle, Assembly II: https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=dc3TFzYh36A
published: 18 Oct 2016
Smith & Wesson 500 Magnum hand cannon
The S&W; .500 magnum is the most powerful production revolver in the world. See what it does to some melons!
* Music by Devil You Know
For the entire video and more from the Legally Armed America guys on the Outdoor Channel's MOTV, go to www.MOTV.com and use promo code GUNZ.
published: 04 Sep 2016
Hand cannon Void Rushing Video 1/ 99 Ranged/ 500+ Hits - Holy Ghutix
This is a short hand cannon rushing video.This is my first rushing video. Hope you enjoy! Subscribe for more!
People who hate rushing - Gtfo
Dont read : range of ish ishybadboy
runescape bs bh pking bounty hunter pking bountyhunter bs bh rs runescape jagex ltd upload videos p hat purple hat clan purple hats bh clans runescape di rs elvemage Lord Makup kids ranqe
soz owned defil3d elf mage pka i ayzee i joshinator48 eazy e369 runescape rs rs i ayzee i wildy owns1 spanjol 91
rs elvewatford
runescape pking p2p f2p member bh bounty hunter team cape rs jagex range of ish pk vid 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 20 18 19 jagex rs 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 85 70 magic mage str strength ranging range magic hp hitpoints josh rs max andrew goner rune wildyow...
published: 04 Oct 2010
Lil Dicky - Too High (Official Video)
Last video off of LD's debut mixtape, "So Hard".
Download the free mixtape at: http://lildicky.com
Directed By - Mickey Finnegan
Produced By - Jenn Khoe
Cinematography By - Robert Lam
Edited By - Kane Richardson
Animation By - Simon Chan
Lyrics -
Verse 1
Blowin something sticky word to pre-cum dicks
Im wit ma team in this bitch, and we all getting lit
I mean the weed hella loud, like a teenage chick
And we been smoking for a minute, yeah we blowin on that ganja
And now I'm huffin and puffin, I'm choking on that bong
And the dope im on i...
published: 11 Sep 2013
OSRS Dust Devil Slayer Guide 2007 - Melee/Range/Magic + Cannon and Safe Spots (NOV 2019)
Introduction: 0:00
1. Monster Info / Recommendations: 0:28
2. Armour Selection:
- Melee Prayer - 3:09
- Melee Magic Defence - 3:30
- Range...
Introduction: 0:00
1. Monster Info / Recommendations: 0:28
2. Armour Selection:
- Melee Prayer - 3:09
- Melee Magic Defence - 3:30
- Ranged Chinchompa - 3:52
- Ranged Safe Spot - 4:14
- Magic Bursting / Barraging - 4:34
- Magic Safe Spot - 4:57
3. Location Info + Inventory & Quick Prayers + Example Kill:
- Catacombs of Kourend - 5:30
- Smoke Dungeon - 9:44
Useful Links:
Unlock all Entrances to Catacombs Of Kourend: https://youtu.be/JRl211sXMYg
Dust Devil WIKI: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dust_devil
Choke Devil (Superior) WIKI: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Choke_devil
Recommended Items:
Rune Pouch - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Rune_pouch
Explorer's Ring - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Explorer%27s_ring
Herb Sack - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Herb_sack
Imbued Heart - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Imbued_heart
Bonecrusher - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bonecrusher
Holy Wrench - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Holy_wrench
Dwarf Cannon - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dwarf_multicannon
Gem Bag - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Gem_bag
In this video, I show you how to kill Dust Devils in the Catacombs of Kourend and the Smoke Dungeon. I show you how to kill Dust Devils using six different setups including a melee prayer, melee magic defence, chinchompa ranged, ranged, bursting / barraging, and a magic setup. I also provide example armour setups, location, information (including superior versions), quick prayers, and example kills. I hope you enjoy!
Want to buy me a coffee: https://www.paypal.me/nobsosrs
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/nobs_osrs
----- List of Slayer Guides -----
Aberrant Spectres: https://youtu.be/Qy_dBt_4vEQ
Abyssal Demons: https://youtu.be/oGBO44wsOo4
Adamant Dragons: https://youtu.be/BCBBuy6vNZo
Ankous: https://youtu.be/qd60aNUBioI
Aviansies: https://youtu.be/BnVWa13rB0E
Banshees: https://youtu.be/uO4OonhBP98
Basilisk Knight: https://youtu.be/r6sqpopTuAQ
Black Demons: https://youtu.be/IyQgWNS_3NU
Black Dragons: https://youtu.be/b8jLY-vc4f4
Bloodvelds: https://youtu.be/MK7ogh2FQbM
Blue Dragons: https://youtu.be/joos_ygVxMk
Bronze Dragons: https://youtu.be/gHoaCdksYnQ
Brutal Black Dragons: https://youtu.be/NQtRpdCjw0o
Brutal Red and Brutal Blue Dragons: https://youtu.be/8Dhyt3DuAKo
Cave Horrors: https://youtu.be/wbusj4uKEME
Dagannoths: https://youtu.be/52vt7h1e0w4
Dark Beasts: https://youtu.be/g-wfOrsxrRc
Drakes: https://youtu.be/uL1wwxqEe2M
Dust Devils: https://youtu.be/dAy0dw6Dv9I
Elves: https://youtu.be/0B5YIDpuDDA
Fire Giants: https://youtu.be/HD4jYWR6-L4
Fossil Island Wyverns: https://youtu.be/3EM1dPcGGac
Gargoyles: https://youtu.be/iuyDITb73RA
Greater Demons: https://youtu.be/T-nZrR8Aw_o
Hellhounds: https://youtu.be/qAKKIoStAw0
Iron Dragons: https://youtu.be/9fkj_NaPt9k
Kalphites: https://youtu.be/2DTtD7FGC5Q
Kraken: https://youtu.be/88FQSi0BoRE
Kurasks: https://youtu.be/D7InoYg4W4o
Lizardman: https://youtu.be/URE_IKCpD_c
Lizardman Shaman: https://youtu.be/qwc0mEVxuok
Mithril Dragons: https://youtu.be/rUJA9JTo1aA
Mutated Zygomites: https://youtu.be/wKXk0p_sG4k
Nechryaels: https://youtu.be/FDzf0YtWP8Y
Rune Dragons: https://youtu.be/ZvDtfsgRx-4
Skeletal Wyverns: https://youtu.be/xmCV3cuEVTo
Smoke Devils: https://youtu.be/AqAV_p9MsWQ
Spiritual Creatures: https://youtu.be/CDtYeca0gF0
Steel Dragons: https://youtu.be/gmATe_vL-ZM
Sulphur Lizards: https://youtu.be/2GsS2xpoQog
Suqahs: https://youtu.be/tRl6ddEN06U
Trolls: https://youtu.be/83DAd87rFTY
Wyrms: https://youtu.be/wieMt6Y8Rb0
Introduction: 0:00
1. Monster Info / Recommendations: 0:28
2. Armour Selection:
- Melee Prayer - 3:09
- Melee Magic Defence - 3:30
- Ranged Chinchompa - 3:52
- Ranged Safe Spot - 4:14
- Magic Bursting / Barraging - 4:34
- Magic Safe Spot - 4:57
3. Location Info + Inventory & Quick Prayers + Example Kill:
- Catacombs of Kourend - 5:30
- Smoke Dungeon - 9:44
Useful Links:
Unlock all Entrances to Catacombs Of Kourend: https://youtu.be/JRl211sXMYg
Dust Devil WIKI: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dust_devil
Choke Devil (Superior) WIKI: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Choke_devil
Recommended Items:
Rune Pouch - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Rune_pouch
Explorer's Ring - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Explorer%27s_ring
Herb Sack - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Herb_sack
Imbued Heart - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Imbued_heart
Bonecrusher - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bonecrusher
Holy Wrench - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Holy_wrench
Dwarf Cannon - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dwarf_multicannon
Gem Bag - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Gem_bag
In this video, I show you how to kill Dust Devils in the Catacombs of Kourend and the Smoke Dungeon. I show you how to kill Dust Devils using six different setups including a melee prayer, melee magic defence, chinchompa ranged, ranged, bursting / barraging, and a magic setup. I also provide example armour setups, location, information (including superior versions), quick prayers, and example kills. I hope you enjoy!
Want to buy me a coffee: https://www.paypal.me/nobsosrs
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/nobs_osrs
----- List of Slayer Guides -----
Aberrant Spectres: https://youtu.be/Qy_dBt_4vEQ
Abyssal Demons: https://youtu.be/oGBO44wsOo4
Adamant Dragons: https://youtu.be/BCBBuy6vNZo
Ankous: https://youtu.be/qd60aNUBioI
Aviansies: https://youtu.be/BnVWa13rB0E
Banshees: https://youtu.be/uO4OonhBP98
Basilisk Knight: https://youtu.be/r6sqpopTuAQ
Black Demons: https://youtu.be/IyQgWNS_3NU
Black Dragons: https://youtu.be/b8jLY-vc4f4
Bloodvelds: https://youtu.be/MK7ogh2FQbM
Blue Dragons: https://youtu.be/joos_ygVxMk
Bronze Dragons: https://youtu.be/gHoaCdksYnQ
Brutal Black Dragons: https://youtu.be/NQtRpdCjw0o
Brutal Red and Brutal Blue Dragons: https://youtu.be/8Dhyt3DuAKo
Cave Horrors: https://youtu.be/wbusj4uKEME
Dagannoths: https://youtu.be/52vt7h1e0w4
Dark Beasts: https://youtu.be/g-wfOrsxrRc
Drakes: https://youtu.be/uL1wwxqEe2M
Dust Devils: https://youtu.be/dAy0dw6Dv9I
Elves: https://youtu.be/0B5YIDpuDDA
Fire Giants: https://youtu.be/HD4jYWR6-L4
Fossil Island Wyverns: https://youtu.be/3EM1dPcGGac
Gargoyles: https://youtu.be/iuyDITb73RA
Greater Demons: https://youtu.be/T-nZrR8Aw_o
Hellhounds: https://youtu.be/qAKKIoStAw0
Iron Dragons: https://youtu.be/9fkj_NaPt9k
Kalphites: https://youtu.be/2DTtD7FGC5Q
Kraken: https://youtu.be/88FQSi0BoRE
Kurasks: https://youtu.be/D7InoYg4W4o
Lizardman: https://youtu.be/URE_IKCpD_c
Lizardman Shaman: https://youtu.be/qwc0mEVxuok
Mithril Dragons: https://youtu.be/rUJA9JTo1aA
Mutated Zygomites: https://youtu.be/wKXk0p_sG4k
Nechryaels: https://youtu.be/FDzf0YtWP8Y
Rune Dragons: https://youtu.be/ZvDtfsgRx-4
Skeletal Wyverns: https://youtu.be/xmCV3cuEVTo
Smoke Devils: https://youtu.be/AqAV_p9MsWQ
Spiritual Creatures: https://youtu.be/CDtYeca0gF0
Steel Dragons: https://youtu.be/gmATe_vL-ZM
Sulphur Lizards: https://youtu.be/2GsS2xpoQog
Suqahs: https://youtu.be/tRl6ddEN06U
Trolls: https://youtu.be/83DAd87rFTY
Wyrms: https://youtu.be/wieMt6Y8Rb0
- published: 27 Nov 2019
- views: 130975
[Little Devil's Skill]Hell of Tornado
[Description is borrowed from ElWiki]
Ara materialize a belt of large spirit orbs and jumps up. All targets touching the spirit orbs will receive damage. She t...
[Description is borrowed from ElWiki]
Ara materialize a belt of large spirit orbs and jumps up. All targets touching the spirit orbs will receive damage. She then drops down, blowing targets away with the impact.
I'm able to get this skill because I focus on Wolf path Secret Art only, and drop Prison Spear.
[Description is borrowed from ElWiki]
Ara materialize a belt of large spirit orbs and jumps up. All targets touching the spirit orbs will receive damage. She then drops down, blowing targets away with the impact.
I'm able to get this skill because I focus on Wolf path Secret Art only, and drop Prison Spear.
- published: 16 Aug 2013
- views: 54543
Fat Joe, Dre - Lord Above (Audio) ft. Eminem & Mary J. Blige
Listen to the album “Family Ties”. Out now!
Stream: https://Empire.lnk.to/FamilyTies
#FatJoe #Dre #FamilyTies
Official Audio by Fat Joe, Dre from the album “F...
Listen to the album “Family Ties”. Out now!
Stream: https://Empire.lnk.to/FamilyTies
#FatJoe #Dre #FamilyTies
Official Audio by Fat Joe, Dre from the album “Family Ties” © 2019 RNG / EMPIRE
Listen to the album “Family Ties”. Out now!
Stream: https://Empire.lnk.to/FamilyTies
#FatJoe #Dre #FamilyTies
Official Audio by Fat Joe, Dre from the album “Family Ties” © 2019 RNG / EMPIRE
- published: 06 Dec 2019
- views: 10233314
Machine Gun Kelly "Rap Devil" (Eminem Diss) (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video)
Watch the official music video for "Rap Devil" by Machine Gun Kelly.
Follow Machine Gun Kelly
Watch the official music video for "Rap Devil" by Machine Gun Kelly.
Follow Machine Gun Kelly
SUBSCRIBE for more: http://bit.ly/subWSHH
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Watch more WorldstarHipHop:
Rapper Relationship Advice: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcK0neBMyFxQ6doeFSHbkI5LIQ9Fv_jdZ&playnext;=1
Official Music Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcK0neBMyFxSpYgDfKCsHRwgxlN-Tnt9D&playnext;=1
Official Audio Tracks: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcK0neBMyFxSLGtARgI2OzwpGvw2tz9Ep&playnext;=1
Newest Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcK0neBMyFxTF85bfUSUXiKiDy_AlNsu2&playnext;=1
WorldstarHipHop is home to everything entertainment & hip hop. The #1 urban outlet responsible for breaking the latest premiere music videos, exclusive artist content, entertainment stories, celebrity rumors, sports highlights, interviews, comedy skits, rap freestyles, crazy fights, eye candy models, the best viral videos & more.
Since 2005, WorldstarHipHop has worked with some of our generation's most groundbreaking artists, athletes & musicians - all who have helped continue to define our unique identity and attitude.
We plan on continuing to work with only the best, so keep an eye out for all the exciting new projects / collaborations we plan on dropping in the very near future.
#MachineGunKelly #rapdevil #eminemdiss
Watch the official music video for "Rap Devil" by Machine Gun Kelly.
Follow Machine Gun Kelly
SUBSCRIBE for more: http://bit.ly/subWSHH
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Rapper Relationship Advice: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcK0neBMyFxQ6doeFSHbkI5LIQ9Fv_jdZ&playnext;=1
Official Music Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcK0neBMyFxSpYgDfKCsHRwgxlN-Tnt9D&playnext;=1
Official Audio Tracks: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcK0neBMyFxSLGtARgI2OzwpGvw2tz9Ep&playnext;=1
Newest Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcK0neBMyFxTF85bfUSUXiKiDy_AlNsu2&playnext;=1
WorldstarHipHop is home to everything entertainment & hip hop. The #1 urban outlet responsible for breaking the latest premiere music videos, exclusive artist content, entertainment stories, celebrity rumors, sports highlights, interviews, comedy skits, rap freestyles, crazy fights, eye candy models, the best viral videos & more.
Since 2005, WorldstarHipHop has worked with some of our generation's most groundbreaking artists, athletes & musicians - all who have helped continue to define our unique identity and attitude.
We plan on continuing to work with only the best, so keep an eye out for all the exciting new projects / collaborations we plan on dropping in the very near future.
#MachineGunKelly #rapdevil #eminemdiss
- published: 03 Sep 2018
- views: 337419719
Stronger than Better Devils? Raid Hand Cannon Review | Destiny 2 PC
The ever elusive raid hand cannon is finally mine, and I'm in love. While some may disagree, I think this hand cannon might steal Better Devil's throne in my pe...
The ever elusive raid hand cannon is finally mine, and I'm in love. While some may disagree, I think this hand cannon might steal Better Devil's throne in my permanent loadout.
Vote on the next game to be featured on the channel! http://bit.ly/2zsNyPh
Music: http://www.purple-planet.com
Music: https://www.bensound.com
*Connect with me*
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/A-Girl-A-Geek-1649758741709328/?ref=bookmarks
Website: https://www.agirlandageek.com/a-girl-and-a-geek-blog/
My other channel:
The ever elusive raid hand cannon is finally mine, and I'm in love. While some may disagree, I think this hand cannon might steal Better Devil's throne in my permanent loadout.
Vote on the next game to be featured on the channel! http://bit.ly/2zsNyPh
Music: http://www.purple-planet.com
Music: https://www.bensound.com
*Connect with me*
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/A-Girl-A-Geek-1649758741709328/?ref=bookmarks
Website: https://www.agirlandageek.com/a-girl-and-a-geek-blog/
My other channel:
- published: 22 Nov 2017
- views: 2278
THE RETURN OF THORN!! | Exotic Hand Cannon | Destiny (Rise of Iron)
THORN RETURNS in Year 3 & is the reward from the new Exotic Quest from Shiro. In Year 1, this Hand Cannon was THE weapon to use, but let's see how it is in Ris...
THORN RETURNS in Year 3 & is the reward from the new Exotic Quest from Shiro. In Year 1, this Hand Cannon was THE weapon to use, but let's see how it is in Rise of Iron.
■ New? Become BLESSED today! Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/Blessious
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■ The Official Blessious Discord Server ► https://discord.gg/Blessious
Hungover Playing Destiny: https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=U_Oh5HS2ilE
NEW MONARCHY's Auto Rifle, Assembly II: https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=dc3TFzYh36A
THE RETURN OF THORN!! | Exotic Hand Cannon | Destiny (Rise of Iron)
THORN RETURNS in Year 3 & is the reward from the new Exotic Quest from Shiro. In Year 1, this Hand Cannon was THE weapon to use, but let's see how it is in Rise of Iron.
■ New? Become BLESSED today! Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/Blessious
■ Twitter ► http://twitter.com/BlessiousPlays
■ Facebook ► http://facebook.com/BlessiousPlays
■ Twitch ► http://twitch.tv/Blessious
■ Instagram ► http://instagram/BlessioutYT
✪ Support me on Patreon ► http://bit.ly/242VDoV
■ The Official Blessious Discord Server ► https://discord.gg/Blessious
Hungover Playing Destiny: https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=U_Oh5HS2ilE
NEW MONARCHY's Auto Rifle, Assembly II: https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=dc3TFzYh36A
THE RETURN OF THORN!! | Exotic Hand Cannon | Destiny (Rise of Iron)
- published: 18 Oct 2016
- views: 28811
Smith & Wesson 500 Magnum hand cannon
The S&W; .500 magnum is the most powerful production revolver in the world. See what it does to some melons!
* Music by Devil You Know
For the entire video an...
The S&W; .500 magnum is the most powerful production revolver in the world. See what it does to some melons!
* Music by Devil You Know
For the entire video and more from the Legally Armed America guys on the Outdoor Channel's MOTV, go to www.MOTV.com and use promo code GUNZ.
The S&W; .500 magnum is the most powerful production revolver in the world. See what it does to some melons!
* Music by Devil You Know
For the entire video and more from the Legally Armed America guys on the Outdoor Channel's MOTV, go to www.MOTV.com and use promo code GUNZ.
- published: 04 Sep 2016
- views: 33007
Hand cannon Void Rushing Video 1/ 99 Ranged/ 500+ Hits - Holy Ghutix
This is a short hand cannon rushing video.This is my first rushing video. Hope you enjoy! Subscribe for more!
People who hate rushing - Gtfo
Dont read ...
This is a short hand cannon rushing video.This is my first rushing video. Hope you enjoy! Subscribe for more!
People who hate rushing - Gtfo
Dont read : range of ish ishybadboy
runescape bs bh pking bounty hunter pking bountyhunter bs bh rs runescape jagex ltd upload videos p hat purple hat clan purple hats bh clans runescape di rs elvemage Lord Makup kids ranqe
soz owned defil3d elf mage pka i ayzee i joshinator48 eazy e369 runescape rs rs i ayzee i wildy owns1 spanjol 91
rs elvewatford
runescape pking p2p f2p member bh bounty hunter team cape rs jagex range of ish pk vid 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 20 18 19 jagex rs 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 85 70 magic mage str strength ranging range magic hp hitpoints josh rs max andrew goner rune wildyowns1 tupac ignore this rs dis jagex songs music rock rap hiphop bs bh bounty hunter pking bh pking runescape wild gone wildy gone never coming back jagex dueling vid
range of ish dueling vid i vmser i i ayzee i defil3d kids ranqe elvemage i kasoy i fuzzy002005 zezima uloveme the old nite 45 46 passed away died runescape cancer jagex views comments subsribe coventry uk england msn jagex usa amercia pk vid bounty hunter range of ish pk vid 13 bounty hunter pking vid rs jagex p2p magic f2p p2p zezima kdis ranqe soz owned ishybadboy ishybadboy range of ish dark bow bh bs not bounty hunter rs 1 def defence 1 bloodhoun34 bloodhoun runescape party hat scam hacks runescape bounty hunter pk pked member dds spec armadyl godsword bandos godsword pk ice barrage ancient mage
pure medium low high crater ags bgs sgs zgs special vengeance pking with ags ags pked dchain dbow taste vengeance lunar ice
runescape bs bh pking bounty hunter pking bountyhunter bs bh rs runescape jagex ltd upload videos p hat purple hat clan purple hats bh clans runescape di rs elvemage kids ranqe
soz owned defil3d elf mage pka i ayzee i joshinator48 eazy e369 runescape rs rs i ayzee i wildy owns1 spanjol 91
rs elvewatford
runescape pking p2p f2p member bh bounty hunter team cape rs jagex range of ish pk vid 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 20 18 19 jagex rs 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 85 70 magic mage str strength ranging range magic hp hitpoints josh rs max andrew goner rune wildyowns1 tupac ignore this rs dis jagex songs music rock rap hiphop bs bh bounty hunter pking bh pking runescape wild gone wildy gone never coming back jagex dueling vid
range of ish dueling vid i vmser i i ayzee i defil3d kids ranqe elvemage i kasoy i fuzzy002005 zezima uloveme the old nite 45 46 passed away died runescape cancer jagex views comments subsribe coventry uk england msn jagex usa amercia pk vid bounty hunter range of ish pk vid 13 bounty hunter pking vid rs jagex p2p magic f2p p2p zezima kdis ranqe soz owned ishybadboy ishybadboy range of ish dark bow bh bs not bounty hunter rs 1 def defence 1 bloodhoun34 bloodhoun rif tiny pupet elvemage elvemage elvemage pk vid 1 Nercychlidae elvemage Elvewatford on youtube is elvemage and his runescape name Wolfex16!KIDS RANQE PURPLE 0WNZ ZEZIMA N0VALYFE PHAT LURE OWNAGE RUNESCAPE WILDY WILDERNESS ELVEMAGE ELVEMAGE RUNESCAPE PKING RUN3 4RR0WPK OWNAGE MAIKEL PRO I MAHATMA I EVO BLOODHOUN34 KIDS RANQE KRAZYFAKEN RUNESCAPE PKER RUNESCAPE PKING INTIATE PURE 99 STR MAGE RANGE OBBY MAUL WICKED MAUL FIRE CAPE P00NAGE I KASOY I ELF MAGE PKA OBBY MAUL MAULER EDGEVILLE POONAGEkids ranqe elvemage purple 0wnz bloodhoun34 runescape pking wild pker ownage zezima phat lure KIDS RANQE PURPLE 0WNZ ZEZIMA N0VALYFE PHAT LURE OWNAGE RUNESCAPE WILDY WILDERNESS ELVEMAGE ELVEMAGE RUNESCAPE PKING RUN3 4RR0WPK OWNAGE MAIKEL PRO I MAHATMA I EVO BLOODHOUN34 KIDS RANQE KRAZYFAKEN RUNESCAPE PKER RUNESCAPE PKING INTIATE PURE OWNAGE LURE PHAT 99 1337 PWNAGE PKING PKERS PK PARTYHAT ZEZIMA N0VALYFE RUNESCAPE WILDY BARRAGE ANCIENTS LURING FROSTYDAPKER JETCHIMP BLOOD SEASON BLOODHOUN34 I Mahatma I, Stonecoldpkr,P0ke N Die2, Sourpatchk1d, Krazyfaken, Kids Ranqe ,
1 Pure Devil, Evilsexc, Dizzy Mauler, I Shonomercy, E4t F0od Nub, Im Easy Xp, Iminsan3, Pure insan3, and Xoxofuryxoxo.
whipper whip elvemage sv3rige
bloodhoun34 hiei the pk lexmark78
6th outlaw i meleed i ultimate strength hybrid barrage blitz burst 99 range mage krazyfaken finnald party hat phat set rich staker best runescaper runescape 100m 100B 1b 99 magic party best drop party 99 range 99 str 99 def 99 atack TANKER pk vid purple p-hat yellow p-hat green blue p-hat white p-hat banned runescape acount permantly banned back last chans appeal declined 99 summoning steel titan obsidian golem titans lava titan war holy ghutix 500+ hits hand cannon handcannon skillcape pvp bh void full knight losing lose max maxing hunter 2010 october 4 5 august november december
This is a short hand cannon rushing video.This is my first rushing video. Hope you enjoy! Subscribe for more!
People who hate rushing - Gtfo
Dont read : range of ish ishybadboy
runescape bs bh pking bounty hunter pking bountyhunter bs bh rs runescape jagex ltd upload videos p hat purple hat clan purple hats bh clans runescape di rs elvemage Lord Makup kids ranqe
soz owned defil3d elf mage pka i ayzee i joshinator48 eazy e369 runescape rs rs i ayzee i wildy owns1 spanjol 91
rs elvewatford
runescape pking p2p f2p member bh bounty hunter team cape rs jagex range of ish pk vid 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 20 18 19 jagex rs 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 85 70 magic mage str strength ranging range magic hp hitpoints josh rs max andrew goner rune wildyowns1 tupac ignore this rs dis jagex songs music rock rap hiphop bs bh bounty hunter pking bh pking runescape wild gone wildy gone never coming back jagex dueling vid
range of ish dueling vid i vmser i i ayzee i defil3d kids ranqe elvemage i kasoy i fuzzy002005 zezima uloveme the old nite 45 46 passed away died runescape cancer jagex views comments subsribe coventry uk england msn jagex usa amercia pk vid bounty hunter range of ish pk vid 13 bounty hunter pking vid rs jagex p2p magic f2p p2p zezima kdis ranqe soz owned ishybadboy ishybadboy range of ish dark bow bh bs not bounty hunter rs 1 def defence 1 bloodhoun34 bloodhoun runescape party hat scam hacks runescape bounty hunter pk pked member dds spec armadyl godsword bandos godsword pk ice barrage ancient mage
pure medium low high crater ags bgs sgs zgs special vengeance pking with ags ags pked dchain dbow taste vengeance lunar ice
runescape bs bh pking bounty hunter pking bountyhunter bs bh rs runescape jagex ltd upload videos p hat purple hat clan purple hats bh clans runescape di rs elvemage kids ranqe
soz owned defil3d elf mage pka i ayzee i joshinator48 eazy e369 runescape rs rs i ayzee i wildy owns1 spanjol 91
rs elvewatford
runescape pking p2p f2p member bh bounty hunter team cape rs jagex range of ish pk vid 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 20 18 19 jagex rs 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 85 70 magic mage str strength ranging range magic hp hitpoints josh rs max andrew goner rune wildyowns1 tupac ignore this rs dis jagex songs music rock rap hiphop bs bh bounty hunter pking bh pking runescape wild gone wildy gone never coming back jagex dueling vid
range of ish dueling vid i vmser i i ayzee i defil3d kids ranqe elvemage i kasoy i fuzzy002005 zezima uloveme the old nite 45 46 passed away died runescape cancer jagex views comments subsribe coventry uk england msn jagex usa amercia pk vid bounty hunter range of ish pk vid 13 bounty hunter pking vid rs jagex p2p magic f2p p2p zezima kdis ranqe soz owned ishybadboy ishybadboy range of ish dark bow bh bs not bounty hunter rs 1 def defence 1 bloodhoun34 bloodhoun rif tiny pupet elvemage elvemage elvemage pk vid 1 Nercychlidae elvemage Elvewatford on youtube is elvemage and his runescape name Wolfex16!KIDS RANQE PURPLE 0WNZ ZEZIMA N0VALYFE PHAT LURE OWNAGE RUNESCAPE WILDY WILDERNESS ELVEMAGE ELVEMAGE RUNESCAPE PKING RUN3 4RR0WPK OWNAGE MAIKEL PRO I MAHATMA I EVO BLOODHOUN34 KIDS RANQE KRAZYFAKEN RUNESCAPE PKER RUNESCAPE PKING INTIATE PURE 99 STR MAGE RANGE OBBY MAUL WICKED MAUL FIRE CAPE P00NAGE I KASOY I ELF MAGE PKA OBBY MAUL MAULER EDGEVILLE POONAGEkids ranqe elvemage purple 0wnz bloodhoun34 runescape pking wild pker ownage zezima phat lure KIDS RANQE PURPLE 0WNZ ZEZIMA N0VALYFE PHAT LURE OWNAGE RUNESCAPE WILDY WILDERNESS ELVEMAGE ELVEMAGE RUNESCAPE PKING RUN3 4RR0WPK OWNAGE MAIKEL PRO I MAHATMA I EVO BLOODHOUN34 KIDS RANQE KRAZYFAKEN RUNESCAPE PKER RUNESCAPE PKING INTIATE PURE OWNAGE LURE PHAT 99 1337 PWNAGE PKING PKERS PK PARTYHAT ZEZIMA N0VALYFE RUNESCAPE WILDY BARRAGE ANCIENTS LURING FROSTYDAPKER JETCHIMP BLOOD SEASON BLOODHOUN34 I Mahatma I, Stonecoldpkr,P0ke N Die2, Sourpatchk1d, Krazyfaken, Kids Ranqe ,
1 Pure Devil, Evilsexc, Dizzy Mauler, I Shonomercy, E4t F0od Nub, Im Easy Xp, Iminsan3, Pure insan3, and Xoxofuryxoxo.
whipper whip elvemage sv3rige
bloodhoun34 hiei the pk lexmark78
6th outlaw i meleed i ultimate strength hybrid barrage blitz burst 99 range mage krazyfaken finnald party hat phat set rich staker best runescaper runescape 100m 100B 1b 99 magic party best drop party 99 range 99 str 99 def 99 atack TANKER pk vid purple p-hat yellow p-hat green blue p-hat white p-hat banned runescape acount permantly banned back last chans appeal declined 99 summoning steel titan obsidian golem titans lava titan war holy ghutix 500+ hits hand cannon handcannon skillcape pvp bh void full knight losing lose max maxing hunter 2010 october 4 5 august november december
- published: 04 Oct 2010
- views: 7058
Lil Dicky - Too High (Official Video)
Last video off of LD's debut mixtape, "So Hard".
Download the free mixtape at: http://lildicky.com
Last video off of LD's debut mixtape, "So Hard".
Download the free mixtape at: http://lildicky.com
Directed By - Mickey Finnegan
Produced By - Jenn Khoe
Cinematography By - Robert Lam
Edited By - Kane Richardson
Animation By - Simon Chan
Lyrics -
Verse 1
Blowin something sticky word to pre-cum dicks
Im wit ma team in this bitch, and we all getting lit
I mean the weed hella loud, like a teenage chick
And we been smoking for a minute, yeah we blowin on that ganja
And now I'm huffin and puffin, I'm choking on that bong
And the dope im on is bomb I'm smoking that Vietcong
Getting real high
Watching funny videos of bill nye
Tell me that this jam isn't still fly --
Bill nye theme song
now im getting hungry than a muthafucka
put some chicken nuggets in the oven at 400
whered I put that honey mustard
lookin all around the cupboard for that muthafucka
until I discovered a custard, I covered wit butter from last week.
How long do them thangs keep?
Guess I better ask jeeves
go get ma computer but im staring at the damn screen
Damn D, you forgetting what ya task be
The puff puff pass, gotcha gassed
Now ya man is fucked...
And i was tryna get a little buzz, so I took a little puff
but I think im way too high
and I aint wanna come off like a bitch, so I took another hit
but I think ma brains too fried
and yeah im fuckin faded but I hate it
im praying that I make it
afraid im goin to dieeeee
I'm too blazed, it's too late
to save Dicky from this fuckin place, cuz he too high
Verse 2
now im freakin out up in this bitch
cant control it and ma homies passin round another spliff
so I bolted to the BR
Consulted with the mirror
Lil Dicky please step up, you pathetic
Cuz the weed in you beating you
then all a sudden im on the toilet beating ma penis blue
but I aint cummin because as im imagining fucking something
that pretty girl im humping
becoming my fuckin cousin, or mother or brother
or some other fucking disgusting person
ma brain is bein strange, cuz im high as a plane
I aint deranged, im just saying it's a violent strain
So I go back to the back where they packing up cigars
Dipping snacks, kicking back, staring at some Avatars
Then I flipped, took a decade and a half to make that shit
Yet they couldn't put a second and a half up in that script
How the fuck a human being wanna fuck a
Blueish green 7' 3'' tail having ass thing
Man im high as fuckkkk
And i was tryna get a little buzz, so I took a little puff
but I think im way too high
and I aint wanna come off like a bitch, so I took another hit
but I think ma brains too fried
and yeah im fuckin faded but I hate it
im praying that I make it
afraid im goin to dieeeee
I'm too blazed, it's too late
to save Dicky from this fuckin place, cuz he too high
verse 3
rock hard cock, cuz im watching katy perry
in her video the whole world's made of candy
damn...I aint even got no candy
so now at the fucking c store
where ya man be torn than a mafucka
peanut eminems or a twix
cant commit, so I count the benefits on ma hands
goddamn now im weary of the man -- yeah the cashier
homeland, Nazir!
s-s-s-so damn tweaked I cant even cross the mothafuckin street
gotta wait until that muthafucka's green
now im back up at the crib, and im laughin at giraffes long necks
gotta shit, but the path to the bathroom is complex
crafted a long text, took about an hour
took a scary shower, now im sitting naked on the ground
man im fucked up. I'm bout to call ma mom up and tell her what's up.
This sucks im high as fuck.
And i was tryna get a little buzz, so I took a little puff
but I think im way too high
and I aint wanna come off like a bitch, so I took another hit
but I think ma brains too fried
and yeah im fuckin faded but I hate it
im praying that I make it
afraid im goin to dieeeee
I'm too blazed, it's too late
to save Dicky from this fuckin place, cuz he too high
Beat - Holy Water by The Game (check out the Game's stuff on itunes below)
He sampled Mala, changes
My mixtape is for promotional use only. Just a dude having some fun in his room.
Last video off of LD's debut mixtape, "So Hard".
Download the free mixtape at: http://lildicky.com
Directed By - Mickey Finnegan
Produced By - Jenn Khoe
Cinematography By - Robert Lam
Edited By - Kane Richardson
Animation By - Simon Chan
Lyrics -
Verse 1
Blowin something sticky word to pre-cum dicks
Im wit ma team in this bitch, and we all getting lit
I mean the weed hella loud, like a teenage chick
And we been smoking for a minute, yeah we blowin on that ganja
And now I'm huffin and puffin, I'm choking on that bong
And the dope im on is bomb I'm smoking that Vietcong
Getting real high
Watching funny videos of bill nye
Tell me that this jam isn't still fly --
Bill nye theme song
now im getting hungry than a muthafucka
put some chicken nuggets in the oven at 400
whered I put that honey mustard
lookin all around the cupboard for that muthafucka
until I discovered a custard, I covered wit butter from last week.
How long do them thangs keep?
Guess I better ask jeeves
go get ma computer but im staring at the damn screen
Damn D, you forgetting what ya task be
The puff puff pass, gotcha gassed
Now ya man is fucked...
And i was tryna get a little buzz, so I took a little puff
but I think im way too high
and I aint wanna come off like a bitch, so I took another hit
but I think ma brains too fried
and yeah im fuckin faded but I hate it
im praying that I make it
afraid im goin to dieeeee
I'm too blazed, it's too late
to save Dicky from this fuckin place, cuz he too high
Verse 2
now im freakin out up in this bitch
cant control it and ma homies passin round another spliff
so I bolted to the BR
Consulted with the mirror
Lil Dicky please step up, you pathetic
Cuz the weed in you beating you
then all a sudden im on the toilet beating ma penis blue
but I aint cummin because as im imagining fucking something
that pretty girl im humping
becoming my fuckin cousin, or mother or brother
or some other fucking disgusting person
ma brain is bein strange, cuz im high as a plane
I aint deranged, im just saying it's a violent strain
So I go back to the back where they packing up cigars
Dipping snacks, kicking back, staring at some Avatars
Then I flipped, took a decade and a half to make that shit
Yet they couldn't put a second and a half up in that script
How the fuck a human being wanna fuck a
Blueish green 7' 3'' tail having ass thing
Man im high as fuckkkk
And i was tryna get a little buzz, so I took a little puff
but I think im way too high
and I aint wanna come off like a bitch, so I took another hit
but I think ma brains too fried
and yeah im fuckin faded but I hate it
im praying that I make it
afraid im goin to dieeeee
I'm too blazed, it's too late
to save Dicky from this fuckin place, cuz he too high
verse 3
rock hard cock, cuz im watching katy perry
in her video the whole world's made of candy
damn...I aint even got no candy
so now at the fucking c store
where ya man be torn than a mafucka
peanut eminems or a twix
cant commit, so I count the benefits on ma hands
goddamn now im weary of the man -- yeah the cashier
homeland, Nazir!
s-s-s-so damn tweaked I cant even cross the mothafuckin street
gotta wait until that muthafucka's green
now im back up at the crib, and im laughin at giraffes long necks
gotta shit, but the path to the bathroom is complex
crafted a long text, took about an hour
took a scary shower, now im sitting naked on the ground
man im fucked up. I'm bout to call ma mom up and tell her what's up.
This sucks im high as fuck.
And i was tryna get a little buzz, so I took a little puff
but I think im way too high
and I aint wanna come off like a bitch, so I took another hit
but I think ma brains too fried
and yeah im fuckin faded but I hate it
im praying that I make it
afraid im goin to dieeeee
I'm too blazed, it's too late
to save Dicky from this fuckin place, cuz he too high
Beat - Holy Water by The Game (check out the Game's stuff on itunes below)
He sampled Mala, changes
My mixtape is for promotional use only. Just a dude having some fun in his room.
- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 58275720