
Marco Salustro Living in limbo in Libya

A piece by award-winning filmmaker Marco Salustro, published in Index on Censorship's latest issue, describes the journalistic challenges of covering the plight of the thousands of migrants who have fled sub-Saharan Africa and are now being held in Libya

An extract from Anna Politkovskaya, a decade after her assassination

An extract from an interview with Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, published in Index on Censorship magazine in 2005, the year before she was murdered for her work. On the 10th anniversary of death, it has been included within a special report on her legacy in Index on Censorship's latest issue 

Oliver Poole Giants Club fights back

Countries in Africa where the illegal ivory trade is rampant are coming together to retaliate. In this special collection of images, celebrated photographer Johnnie Shand Kydd chronicles the inaugural events of this initiative