Over 1.5M businesses worldwide tell their stories at the center of visual discovery. What will you tell?

Spread Awareness

Drive awareness of your business, product, app or service.

Pique Interest

Have potential customers learn more about your products or services.

Get Customers

Increase product sales, mobile app downloads, even visitors to your store.

600 Million+

people worldwide use Instagram every single month.1

300 Million+

people worldwide use Instagram every day.2

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60 Percent

of people learn about products and services on Instagram.3

75 Percent

of people take action after being inspired by an Instagram post.4

Why businesses love Instagram.

From major brands to mom-and-pop shops, businesses around the world are driving proven results with Instagram.

Reaching Snackers with a Flavor Swap.

Lay’s wanted to leverage people’s appetite for unique chip flavors so it launched a video series on Instagram and Facebook that encouraged people to vote for their favorite flavor—driving in-store sales and a great return on ad spend.

View Success Story
Business blog.

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